BKK Banger
You are quite right BSD. The ABLs and other laws are there to bother and confound any entrepreneur who is not a Thai national. With Thailand being a Least Developed Nation they escape the Most Favoured Nation bullsh_t in GATT. Hence they do not have to extend reciprocal facilities to foreigners that Thais enjoy in doing business in the West. No Thai politician will be brave enough to suggest these laws should be amended. Chuan relaxed the Condo ownership ratios in the last decent government Thailand had and I remember the outcry then. "Condos are only fit for mosquitos and farang" was the famous quote of one of the Ministers at the time. If the average Thai knew how many farangs "own" property in places like Phuket and Pattaya there would be a huge outcry. So you are right, you have to be cute to get on in this country.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:15 pm on June 23, 2004
It takes a lawyer who is well- versed in corporate law to properly set up a company to protect your interests, especially when you are a minority shareholder. We have eight licensed lawyers who can help you obtain that goal using different strategies such as different classes of shares, etc. We welcome the opportunity to set up such a corporation for you. If you are a Director and seek a work permit, the company registration capital must be 2 million. At this time, it does not have to be paid up, just on paper. You should however pay 25% of the shares after 30 days of company set up. If you are simply an employee and Not a director and not seeking a one year visa (Doing visa runs every 90 days with a one year multiple visa) the registered capital can be as low as one million baht. If you can be paid the salary for your nationality ( 60,000 for Americans) and 4 Thais are employed per work permit, 2 million Baht registered capital with one million baht working capital then you can apply for the one year visa to stay. If your company don't have 4 Thais per foreigner and if you're an American, not paid 60,000 Baht ( European 50,000 Baht) or 2 million Baht registered capital. You still can get a work permit but must do visa runs every 90 days. Our rates are the LOWEST in Thailand but more important we have the most accurate advice. This is a fact. Our rates to form a company with our licensed lawyers are 3,900 Baht plus VAT. Typical fee for this is 40,000 Baht. We are proud to have set a new standard. Looking forward to hearing from you. Regards, Greg Greg Lange Managing Director -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunbelt Asia Co.,Ltd. Fortune Town Floor 26, 1 Ratchadaphisek Road, Bangkok, Thailand Phone (+66 / 2) 642-0213 Fax (+66 / 2) 641-1995 Note: The above is intended to provide general information only. The contents do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of competent Thai professionals should be sought. Our firm employs eight such individuals and when you come to our office, If you like, you're able to meet a licensed lawyer for your legal needs. The first meeting is always a free consultation.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:01 am on June 30, 2004
Manuel bkk
Our rates are the LOWEST in Thailand but more important we have the most accurate advice. This is a fact. Our rates to form a company with our licensed lawyers are 3,900 Baht plus VAT.
Greg, do not forget to mention the government fees for incorporation and stamp fees etc...... Include this and the mentioned amount sound a bit out of wack. It actually sounds like a salestalk...... Edited in... Also: VAT registration for maniging director and VAT registration for new company. etc etc. Now it looks a lot more expensive than B3.900. Right!?
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:05 am on June 30, 2004
Yes you're correct that’s 3,900 legal fees. If you are talking government fees, its 5,500 per million Baht registered capital and 670 for Certification of docs and stamp duty. By the way, our legal fees for the work permit is 7,800. Government fees are from 750 ( up to 90 days) to 3,000 Baht ( up to one year) You'll find we are very open on our rates. I'm very happy that we at Sunbelt have expanded our legal department to eight lawyers.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:15 am on June 30, 2004
"VAT registration for maniging director and VAT registration for new company" We have seen a number of companies that don't register for VAT until they reach 1,200,000 in gross sales ( not neded for the initial work permit) so thats an option. If they choose that, its 3,000 Baht plus VAT. When I stated 40,000 for company registration on average. I'm just talking legal fees on the register of the company. Some firms are of course lower but a number of firms are much higher as well. On the 3,900 number to register the company or 3,000 for VAT and Social Fund or 7,800 on work permit. Never heard anyone that is lower including local Thai firms. More important you are not going to be told you need 2 million Baht registered capital per work permit, you can't get a work permit on a "O" visa, or you have to leave the country to get a "O" or "B" visa if you have a tourist visa.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:28 am on June 30, 2004
Manuel bkk
Quote: from Sunbelt on 11:28 pm on June 30, 2004[brMore important you are not going to be told you need 2 million Baht registered capital per work permit, you can't get a work permit on a "O" visa, or you have to leave the country to get a "O" or "B" visa if you have a tourist visa.
I have been told.... During my quest to find the right lawyer I checked several prices quoted. non was even close to 40.000B. Most are between 6.000 and 10.000. And I have been knowledgable advised about capital requirements, visa requirements etc..... OK, B 3.900 is a decent price but not as good as you would like us to belief. I prefer to work with a Thai company, which made me decide for my present lawyer. All respect for your company but please state all the facts and prices, not just a legal fee to attract customers. (BTW, I am in your database.... shows that it is not disliking you but merely to explain the other members)
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:39 am on June 30, 2004
Yes nine traditional massage and spas to be exact. Sorry to say none are the naughty type. In fact on Sunday I notice when I visited this one BKK11205YS - This Thai Traditional Massage Parlour is located in a prime Bangkok location, in central Sukhumvit. Annual receipts of 3,240,000 baht are producing profits of 1,200,000 baht, and the business sits close to a major shopping centre, with many exclusive condominiums and serviced apartments nearby. The owner has just spent 7,000,000 baht to make the project high class, and yet a new owner can avail his or herself of these marvellous surroundings in a top location, for a much smaller investment. Established four years ago, the enterprise has built up a large and loyal client base, and the name and logo will be passed on to the new owner, along with the customers. Measuring 500 square metres, the property has monthly rent of 100,000 baht, with a three year plus three year lease. Monthly payroll for the eight employees is 40,000 baht. The owner feels that there is enough space to add a spa, and increase profit margins, and is only moving on as he has no time to manage the business to his satisfaction. It had a sign that said “Oil for Ladies only” The owner just open a factory producing a nutrition drink and won’t have the time to run this spa. The business shows well.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:45 am on June 30, 2004
"I have been told.... During my quest to find the right lawyer I checked several prices quoted. non was even close to 40.000B. Most are between 6.000 and 10.000. And I have been knowledgable advised about capital requirements, visa requirements etc..... OK, B 3.900 is a decent price but not as good as you would like us to belief. I prefer to work with a Thai company, which made me decide for my present lawyer. " Point taken. I normally post our entire rate sheet which includes all charges such as on thaivisa.com or nanaplaza.com but were a sponsor of their forums. Simply did not want to be advertising without paying for it. bkkz really has been great letting us put up a banner and don't want to take advantage of his hospitality. Interesting on the rates. I know a number of firms that are even hitting 70,000+ That’s just legal on the register. One firm advertises 5,000 but never heard one lower than us. The Board of Investment web site estimates the typical cost for a law firm to process the company registration at 40,000 Baht http://www.boi.go.th/english/business/costs_company_estab.html
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:02 pm on June 30, 2004