Broken Leg
Yes, nice try war sucker chuck but there is no way i'm replying to any of you, you're a bunch of mentalists.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:00 am on June 17, 2005
richie rev
Doc, the government is putting out tenders in the coming weeks for fish farming in the Bangkok Klongs. If you would like the details, let me know.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:16 am on June 17, 2005
Dr Coolbreeze
So far, sounds like Dirty Guru is the only one on this board who's tried farming. I will look into the situation up north. I'm still not decided whether to make the plunge, but it's worth examining further to see if it's possible to clear a reliable 2.5 to 3 million baht per year, and how much land that would require, at what price.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:57 pm on June 17, 2005
Dr.Cool - if you're looking for alternate means to throw your money out the window, I'll gladly take a check. Seriously, it's certainly possible to generate enough revenue with farming to make a comfortable living, but from what I read everywhere else, *not* with your fantasy of being a 'gentleman farmer' -- it comes down to the old bit of wisdom, that you actually (gasp!) have to put the work in, to get the money out -- This counts for almost any venture (though investing in an apt building as an absentee owner might seem to be less hassles, in the right areas)
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:20 pm on June 17, 2005
China Sailor
One also has to consider the fact that this part of SEA has been suffering a drought and the Mekong River is drying up do to diversion of water for other purposes. Without a reliable water supply I doubt that the profit level you are looking for is sustainable. I agree with DD, there are better ways to lose money...
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:54 pm on June 17, 2005
I own a farm in Isaan. At first I did nothing but los emoney, in fact the family was better off if they didn't own any land and I just bought them the rice every month to eat. So I got tired of growing only rice and then came up with this plan. Own almost 20 rai. 10 for only rice. The other 10 I hired a tractor and he dug out 2 large ponds, about 15 feet deep. Stocked them with these little fry called baleen (spelling wrong) popular in Isaan, they grow to about 10 inches long. Then I had to buy food to feed them. That was a year and a half ago, now those fish have had bay's and the cycle starts all over. Then the villagers started sneaking onto my land at night and taking the fish out to eat. So I put up barded wire fenceonthe 10 rai. I got so tired of losing money on rice I decided to start buying cows. Bought 7, already have one newborn, 2 more are pregnant. sold one that was acting crazy so I got my money back on that one. Planted veggies and fruit trees around the ponds. I have done nothing but lose money with my little farm in Isaan. The only thing that has worked is the cows. Not much to do but watch them eat. Oh yes, forgot, the cows when they get away from you go into other peoples farms and eat and then I have to pay for the damage. Not much money but still a hassle. Chickens? Did that too. Had a whole bunch of them. Neighbors stole them one at a time and ate them. Never caught them stealing them either. Now for a better story. My good friend planted a bunch of rubber trees and palm trees (the one where they get the sugar). He is doing fine but he makes regular trips to tend to his farm. I do not want to have anyhting to do with it. There is NO way you can make much money with a farm unless you are willing to put the time in to it. I figure I can make a hell of a lot more making mney the way I know how instead of farming in Isaan. Raising pigs? Forget it. If you are gong to buy some land and try farming, do it with a small amount of land (and money) and then tell the family "sho wme you canmake money with this and I will buy you more".... if they cant make money with what you give them, stop.... What you will find out is that most Isaan people do just enough to get by and there is no motivation to turn a profit.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:26 pm on June 17, 2005
Dr Coolbreeze
Great report ThaiLife. I have a plan B of buying a small-ish apartment building next to a manufacturing area in Rayong. Should be nearly guaranteed high-occupancy rate with the factory workers. The trouble with renting in Thailand is the rents are so darn low. I can't afford a huge building, so I can only have maybe 20 units at about 3,000 baht each, which means I gross only 1,500 dollars per month. I can't live on that. Even if I got a loan to buy a larger building, I'd have to have about 80 units to turn a decent living. Sounds like a big investment. I think rentals are a LONG term investment in Thailand, as it will take many years just to make back the initial investment, though it is more predictable income than farming is.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:50 pm on June 17, 2005
hey ftumch - are you the little red one or the big fat red one????? I cant remember. My twopennyworth on this one is to spout firth a simple rule of business. My figures are probably way out but you will get the drift 20,000 farang - 20 millions thais - 200 bn worldwide - so why the f*** does every one set up businesses selling to such a tiny minority here????
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:05 pm on June 17, 2005
Broken Leg
DR, My 2 cents, it's an unwritten rule but try to stay clear of low value housing rental, far more trouble than it's worth.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:09 pm on June 17, 2005
Quote: from whitespider on 5:17 am on June 18, 2005 hey ftumch - are you the little red one or the big fat red one????? I cant remember.
The Little One. The Big One is Orgo. That's how come he has so many souls. People are always saying Orgo. Like "Shall we go to the Cinema or go to the Pub?" But nobody ever says Ftumch. Apart from Neil when he's reading the Guardian. Dr Cool So now it's renting property to low income workers in Mapthaput because that's a winner whereas being a gentleman farmer isn't. What happened to the motorcycles and the parking lots? Alifco is right. You are an idiot.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:22 pm on June 17, 2005