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BKK Banger
I find it amusing that legal services are touted as a low cost item, a bit like who has the cheapest tins of beans this week. You can fill in the forms yourself if you want to and save all of that but would you want to?

Imagine you screw your competent Thai lawyer down to 4,000 Baht. He has an income expectation of maybe 50,000/mth plus overheads of 30,000/mth so he will need to earn 80,000/mth from legal services. Flat out he maybe bills 5 days a week 8 hours per day (billable hours only) and needs to earn 500 Baht per hour. You now have 8 hours of his time including the interview.

If you use a large law firm such as Tillekke and Gibbens or Chandler Tongek you will get experienced international lawyers overseeing junior Thai lawyers and a much higher hourly rate. That they charge 40,000+ reflects that they are putting in more time and effort and have a higher cost base.

Of course you could use young Thai lawyers from less well known universities who will work for 15,000/mth to get established. If you are brave.

Sorry Greg but your service is TOO CHEAP. I could not be confident that corners would not be cut. Not saying they would and doubtless they are all good lawyers but.........

Competing on price on legal services is dangerous, especially when the customers are not savvy enough to spot errors which will haunt them later on.

And you are also in breach of Cl 12 of the New Forum Rules.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:15 pm on June 30, 2004
BKK Banger

Do you really charge 10% of the sales price of these businesses?

Just interested.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:19 pm on June 30, 2004

Thanks for your comments.

The whole reason we started the legal division is because of the misinformation in Thailand. Ask 10 experts and get 10 different answers. I was discussing this around 18 months ago, over dinner with one of the big International Lawyers. He was talking about the tons of inaccurate information and suggested this was a big niche service to help the little investor and was needed. He charges $450.00 an hour and many small investors could not afford or use his company service. He was frustrated that many local lawyers quite frankly were using outdated and illegal methods such as nominees with no safeguards. Not sure if it was being lazy or just didn’t know. This international lawyer uses different legal strategies when forming companies but once you know the system, its not rocket science. It’s simply doing it the correct legal way.

As for company formations, there is a difference. Let’s just put it, our messengers are not the most liked people in the World. They can cause waiting lines of an hour behind them. Most companies use standard By-laws. We use By-laws only for that particular business which requires the officer to read every word of a 12 page document. Our lawyers do it so the foreigner can never be thrown out of his company even though he’s a minor shareholder. This is one of the different strategies we use.

Work permits are work permits. The end result is the same, as long as you get one. Our legal staff has a 100% success rate. If you don’t have all the documents you will get turned down or if the job description does not clearly show why the foreigners skills are needed.

We streamline the process by using messengers instead of lawyers waiting in line. Legal secretaries type the standard forms and are reviewed by the senior licensed lawyers. The senior lawyers are the ones involved with the strategies. Most important our lawyers take pride in knowing business law and doing everything legal.

As for our advice, some of it totally against the grain. Such as you don’t need 4 Thais employed to get a work permit. Which you don’t, you need it for the extension of the non-immigrant visa to obtain one year visa. You can have a multi entry visa and still be legal. (If this wasn’t the case, the applicant would not be able to extend his work permit at the Labor Department.)

Or the advice you don’t need 2 million registered capital for every work permit. (Only if all foreign employees are Directors as well) We in fact have clients that have 7 foreign employees with work permits but only registered capital of 2 million in the company. If this was not the law, the work permit would have never been approved on applicant 2 -7

Many other areas, that you'll hear different answers from most sources. You'll find we post on 30,000 members or 60,000 eyes and don't know of one post, we were not correct. If we weren’t, certainly we would be called on the carpet.

On cost, yes our fees are very low. However this department generates a profit. The staff themselves have revenue sharing per month along with their base salary. We knew when you have low fees it would cost us some business but knew in the long term our reputation would take over. It’s far easier to charge 40-70K for one case than 10 or 17 cases at 3,900 baht per pop but the legal department is happy with this decision. I'm happy as well, because I know more owners are now protected legally in Thailand.

As for businesses brokerage, we accept all expenses and only collect a fee if we find a buyer who actually acquires the sellers business. We work on a success fee basis of 10% of the selling price which has our fee included. Both buyer and seller have to be happy with the selling price. Our role, most important is to be the business transfer specialist it in a confidential matter so no one will knows the business was for sale, until after it was acquired, especially the sellers employees.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:18 am on July 1, 2004
Another violation of the form rules....

Self promotion / links should go in signatures

Well, let's give Greg some slack, he gives useful info now and then and his Subways serve decent food....

I don't see why Krypto for example gets all the space to promote his driving talents and refuse other members to sprinkle some spam into their posts.

When we don't see bad reviews, let's be considered with our critical views....

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:49 am on July 1, 2004
can you explain why your business supports a seller that offers their business for sale at 120,000,000b one day and then the next week it is offered at 75,000,000, also one for 6,000,000 and then for 2,000,000b several days later.
It is clear to a seeing eye dogs master, that these businesses were never really worth this amount in the first place, just more pie in the sky wishful thinking from thai business owners trying to scam, hoodwink another, be it thai or falang.
You as touting yourself as a specialist in smooth business transitions, especially to the foreigner in a strange country with strange rules, surely are also responsible for taking on board such listings.
What would you do if I paid 120,000,000b or 6,000,000b for such a business and then found it to be worth jack crap afterwards. You have pocketed your 10% no doubt and will be high on happy pills.
You share the responsibility of recommending these businesses, I know buyer beware and all that yadda yadda, but why do you continue to list overpriced and ridiculous return businesses. Even your properties for sale in the middle of god knows where are extreme.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:39 am on July 1, 2004
BKK Banger
NM, I think you are missing the point here.

Sunbelt do not give any advice / assistance / input into sales, they take 10% for having advertised it.

I know a lot of the "businesses" there appear to be bullsh_t but someone bought them and needs to sell them. Greg provides a service to bring them together.

How would you value a business, advertise it and find a buyer? It is not that easy.

My God, I was going to slag SA off and here I am reasoning that it is reasonable!!!!!!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:04 am on July 1, 2004
it might be reasonable, but is it responsible, he does not obviously give a cahoot to toot, that is the point you are missing.
I guess 10% for f_ck all then is a good business, hmm lets value that one, 10,000,000,000b

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:13 am on July 1, 2004
He doesn't have to give a cahoot to toot. Sunbelt is only a broker, just like a real estate agent. Probably the values come from the seller.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:20 am on July 1, 2004
Maybe there is a niche for some real investment bankers to come from Olympus down to earth and help in M&A transactions involving SMEs.

Problem is that the work involved is not exactly proportional to the transaction size. Thus, fees may be high in % terms. The other problem is that SMEs (and Thais) are not used (and do not understand the rationale and benefits) to pay large amounts for buy/sell help from pedantic bankers or consultants.

But still, an idea worth considering.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:24 am on July 1, 2004
Perhaps my view on this "one stop shop" is a bit skewed as I am an attorney from the states but.........

Conflict of interest????

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:55 am on July 1, 2004

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