Quote: from Mel Gibson on 1:43 pm on Sep. 4, 2007 If condo prices in BKK drop around 20%, I will be looking for one myself.
Ditto. a) be sure that whatever investment is one you can walk away from, if some weird shit truly hits the fan. That's always the number one rule. At this point, I can pretty much walk away from anything in the 0-5 mio Baht range (wouldn't want to, obviously, but it wouldn't devastate me... I'd just replace it by working a bit mo' hard for 5 or 6 months) b) whatever you're buying, be sure you do so with an extreme long-term view. Anything I am eyeing currently, I'm doing so with a view of holding it for 10 years, or so, during which point some reasonable appreciation should have happened, or you ought to have figured out some way to generate a profit with the property. c) be sure you don't *need* to rent it to make ends meet once you purchased it, i.e. don't depend on possible income from such a purchase, or you are asking for trouble. Personally, I'd look for 1-3 properties to rent out once I acquire them, but that could also be sitting empty (to be used for friends and family when in town), without hurting me - hence, why I might be interested if people are walking away from something.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:30 am on Sep. 4, 2007
Quote: from DaffyDuck on 5:24 pm on Sep. 4, 2007 c) be sure you don't *need* to rent it to make ends meet once you purchased it, i.e. don't depend on possible income from such a purchase, or you are asking for trouble.
you think? I was really thinking of buying a condo here and renting it out.... Not that I would *need* the rent money (I have a job that pays well) but it would certainly help the mortgage
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:51 am on Sep. 4, 2007
It is interesting to see how some sex tourists dream about living in LOS.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:48 am on Sep. 4, 2007
It is interesting how some illiterate hillbillies just have a desperate need to be noticed. NicFrenchy,
Quote: from NicFrenchy on 5:45 pm on Sep. 4, 2007 I was really thinking of buying a condo here and renting it out.... Not that I would *need* the rent money (I have a job that pays well) but it would certainly help the mortgage
Nothing wrong with that - I only said to make sure you will not DEPEND on that income. Far too many people over-extend themselves with mortgages for properties they intend to rent out, and when either no renter materializes, or they rent it out below what they need, they find themselves in a negative cash-flow situation, and a liability, instead of an asset. Get the condo, just make sure you can calmly let it sit for several years without hurting you or your bottom line - in that case, once you do rent it out, the extra income is just gravy.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:25 am on Sep. 4, 2007
Even some people claiming literacy will do anything to gain attention.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:07 am on Sep. 4, 2007
Quote: from Mel Gibson on 1:43 pm on Sep. 4, 2007 If condo prices in BKK drop around 20%, I will be looking for one myself. _________________________________________ The Thais have a saying similar to our “every cloud has a silver lining" - pardon the transliteration "fun dock mai tuar fah" - "it can't rain everywhere at once" During SARS there were cheap flights to Singapore, after the Tsunami and the Bali bombing, cheap holidays, the recent sub-prime chaos has provided opportunities in the stock market. Those of us with Thai partners can’t help but see the “silver lining” these terrible changes might create for us. We’ll just wait and see what happens next. Move over and make some space on the branch my fellow Vultures. Enjoy.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:53 pm on Sep. 4, 2007
For all of you budding Real Estate investors out there, don't let your penis head do the thinking for you big head. The second hand condo market in Thailand sucks just like an Lolita girl. Don't ever expect to make your money back. Most are just like a car and fall 40% as you you drive it off ofthe lot or in this case sign the papers and deposit the check. The main reason being is that Thai's do not like to own condo's especially high-ended ones. They would rather to own a house with some land. The main buyers of condos are people who get Thai fever and need to buy a place. Now you can rent them out, buy forget about selling them at a profit. At least in your lifetime. If you a buy a unit for you own use that is fine, but to buy one as an investment you are even crazier than thinking that your teeluk lubs you long time.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:32 pm on Sep. 4, 2007
Quote: from ThaidUp on 12:26 pm on Sep. 5, 2007
That's why when you buy - you should buy second hand. Then you don't suffer the dive, and can still get decent rent (asusming the place is in decent shape).
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:52 pm on Sep. 4, 2007
If I buy a condo, I will buy it Brand new and not second hand. I foresee my company will need me for another 3 to 5 years minimum, so I might stick with LOS a little longer than I expected. My company pays for my (expensive) flat, so why not buy myself a condo then? it makes no difference to them, they pay the same amount and I use it to pay for the mortgage. Problem I have is that the condo I like is at the 30mil thb mark.... unfortunately, my pockets aren't that deep : (
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:25 pm on Sep. 4, 2007