BKK Banger
There is also the question of externalities. Obviously you pay for the beer you drink and the hotel you stay in but what about the social cost the Thai government and society has to pick up? An increase in prostitution, illegitimate children with absent fathers, corruption of Thai morals and youth, environmental harm, pressure on housing that Thais coudl live in, increased crime etc. etc. etc. These are all areas that a Thai politician could exploit to justify only wanting "quality" tourists who are rich.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:55 am on July 12, 2004
Has anyone tried to get a visa from outside the UK, my Dutch working partners have jsut got one year visa,s no problem from the Hauge.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:43 am on July 12, 2004
What type of visa.. what type of papers did they have... In theory if your papers are in order you should always be able to get them from your home country.. The whole issue is we cant do a border run and get them any more.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:48 am on July 12, 2004
BKK Banger
The focus of Thai visas is inward to Thailand. Have you got a job here? Have you got enough money? Have you got a Thai sponsor? Are you investing? The focus of other countries is on your home country and your background. Do you have a reason to go back? What land do you own at home? Who is your cousin? What schools did you go to? Have you ever served in a terrorist organisation or militia? Do you have a criminal record in your home country? Hence it is not important for the Thai embassy which country you apply in.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:42 pm on July 12, 2004
Sorry BKK Banger thats simply incorrect... All the local SEA offices are instructed to deal with local visitors and visitors applying not in thier home country (eg a Brit oin Oz or a Brit in Singapore) differently than a Brit in London etc. What you state is simply not true.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:34 pm on July 12, 2004
i work for a company based in england, and I work via internet from thailand on a triple entry tourist visa (my job has no connection to thailand at all apart from me being here). im earning about 50000baht per month which is payed into my british bank acc. do you think thai officaldom would have a problem with that? sorry if this has been covered before, not had a chance to read the full thread as im off on a bender.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:58 am on July 14, 2004
No, should be no problem at all. Just show them your Thai ATM receipts. Proof that you earn outside, but spend inside LOS. That's what they love !
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:02 am on July 14, 2004
BKK Banger
Sorry LLOS, This was a comparison between Thai embassies and other national embassies. I have never been to the Thai embassy in my home country, no problem. My lady visits a British embassy outside her home country and is told to go back to her own country to apply for a tourist visa. So I stand by my statement that it is not "important" to the Thai embassy which country you apply in as their criteria are different.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:28 am on July 14, 2004
BKK Banger
Just to clarify that last point. From BKK Brit Embassy Website: “Generally, you should apply for an entry clearance at the UK Mission in the country where you are normally and legally resident.” The Thai embassies though do not have any such requirement. All they need to know is which nation’s passport you hold and where you are going. It is also quite striking that the application form at a Thai embassy does not require details of criminal record, military service etc. I have always taken this to mean that they are more concerned about what you will do in Thailand than what you have done in your home country. Hence it is not "important" to them where you apply as they will not be carying out local checks. I quite happily accept LLos's point that they look differently at non-local passports.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:45 pm on July 15, 2004
Theres a few diffreent things in play here all at once (none of which are in out favor surprise surprise) so I will just sum up whats being witnessed and what is said to happen. 1) As of July 10th money required for retirement and marrige O visa's doubled (400k marriage 800k retirement or equivalent income)... 2) As of the same date minimum wages required for WP's also shot up (depends on your nationality) which restricts prople on non B's in getting the 1 year extension rather than 90 day runs. 3) As of June (sometime between the 10th and 13th) local SEA office were instructed not to give multiple entry visa's any more. This seems to have been recinded (certainly I can vouch for Penang) on the O's. The B's should not be issued without FULL paperwork (4 regsistered Thais per farang, 2 mil paid up capital, minimum wage payment proof, etc) however there does seem to be some flexibility at Penang but only a little. 4) As of 'later this year' all land border crossings will be linked to a new computer system and can detect how many back to back 30 day stamps have been used.. on the 3rd (or 4th, after 3rd some confusion on this) it is said that people will need to provide proof that they are not working illegally in Thailand eg prove that you are bringing money into the country. This can be done with ATM reciepts or bank books etc as long as you prove funds are coming from external sources there should be no problem 'living' on 30 day visa's if you should decide to. Many people seem to be confused thinking that this was coming into place on July 10th (the dates for the new money amonths etc) but this has never been stated as the case from ThaiImmigration.com. It seems that when the computer system is operational it will start. Lastly 3 million baht investment visa's (just show 3 mil in thai bank) are being issued again. This has been an on again off again system but certainly Patong immigration will issue me a 1 year extendable 0 visa as long as I show him 3 mil in the bank in baht. This seems like the best route if you have some money that you may bring into Thailand and invest.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:20 pm on July 15, 2004