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Quote: from LastSurvivor on 1:15 am on Jan. 1, 2008
"It does not afford her any protection from the U. S. government if she were to get in trouble while abroad."


A couple of things about this statement.

It might better BY the U. S. government....rather FROM.

However, after reading this and considering my many years of dealing with the US government in somewhat tense situations, perhaps you are right.

Sometimes it seems the worst enemy in an unfavorable situation is our own government.

Happy new year, by the by.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:55 pm on Dec. 31, 2007
They have no time. Go with the preposition that they DO NOT GIVE A SH*T. I find that you have more protection with any other government than USA since they just do not have the resources to look after you. How the mighty have fallen

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:29 pm on Feb. 1, 2008
I find it amussing how many Americans hiding out in LOS find the time to bash being a U.S. citizen...... I would say that LOs attracts the 'misfits' from other country's.... those that cannot seem to get along in their home country, then come to what is in essence the 'wild west' so they can scrape by on little means.

The reason I don't live in LOS is I simply cannot make anywhere near the money I make in the U.S. Even the top expat packages do not compare to what many of us make in the U.S. So why bother? To become a barstool drunk?

Look around at your friends in LOs. Why are they there? IRS problems? Legal problems in their home country? Too ugly to get a decent looking white woman? Disfunctional.............

For all the good we find in young attractive women in a fairly laid back country, unless you can afford a nice villa on the beach you are better off in your own country. I can't tell you the number of people I know living in a 1 or 2 bedroom shit hole and tell me how good they have it..... Far better to go to LOS every 1 or 2 months and have a good time and keep your real life real.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:17 pm on Feb. 1, 2008
"Amen!", to every single thing thailife just said -- I couldn't have better summarized it myself, on every single point he made.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:16 pm on Feb. 1, 2008

Methinks you are running in the wrong circles when you come on your frequent sex tours. Your parrot may be making the same mistake.

Most of my friends are affluent, retired or semi-retired, own their own homes free and clear (I own two of them, also free and clear). We are not running from the tax man, police or, in my case any ex-wives. We came here many years ago, became enamoured with SEA and chose to settle here. I chose it because of the women and the golf. Now I am happily married with children to raise and life is good. My golf game sucks but that's for another thread.

I can only assume you have taken affront at the post of mine that begins this page. I can also only assume you have never had to try and use the services of any US Embassy or Consulate and come away frustrated with the results. I have been in close contact with them over the years in my work and I can assure you that what I say is true. You don't believe me? Go to the Embassy and ask them to certify a personal document for you. After you stand in line to pay the $65.00 required for this service, you will be met by a surly underling of the State Department who, from behind bullet proof glass, will oftentimes grudgingly stamp your document.

I have had some of my employees over the past 30 years get in some trouble with the local authorities. Calls to the Embassy for help are useless as the State Department is unable to interfere with local justice and will not even attempt to do so. The only thing they can and will do is to insure you are being treated the same as any local citizen is being treated. No special dispensation is ever requested.

My seeming disdain for any assistance you might receive at an Embassy in no way colors my patriotism for the US. I am a stout defender of the flag and the military. I have friends from the military and have been affiliated with defense work for years. Don't sell us short merely because we choose to live in LOS. I am doing my part and most of my friends have as well.

Do I work in LOS? Of course not! I work in the Middle East. While I might not make the salary you claim to make (more than the top expat salary as you claim), I still manage to scrape by.

I am sure there are some expats living in LOS that fit your description. I even know a few. I also know many more that fit my description. You might try getting to know a few from my side of the spectrum to see if you could, just perhaps, have wrongly accused many of us.

I have always enjoyed your posts and will probably continue doing so. I think you are well off base on this one, however. Your parrot just doesn't know any better, but I am surprised you have posted thusly.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:20 pm on Feb. 1, 2008

point well taken, I should have usedsomething that reffered to 'generally'..... there are many good people retired or living in LOS, but my comments were made toward what I see as the majority of people I see. Concerning income, everyone has there own level of comfort, it's just that my level is more easily attained and 'retained' in the U.S.

Some people need to make $50k to be ok, others need $500k (or at least the opportunity to make it).

Most people that have been inthe U.S. that have done well all live in $500k to $1 mill plus homes, many of them paid off or near paid off. But I have met far too many people living in what I consider 'shit' conditions in LOS. I for one simply don't want to give up my current standard of living to live in LOS, although I could afford a very good life there I would simply miss too many things here. Thats why I go every 1 or 2 months, have my fun (by the way, I am not a sex tourist, I am in a very stabel relatiobnship with a few extra girls thrown in for fun, this is los after all)......

Do I love LOS? You bet, for many reasons, but for what I see as the majority of the people being there, it is more the type I reffered to in my previous post.

with all due respct,


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:08 am on Feb. 2, 2008
I don't know about hiding out in LOS. Maybe that's what some people do. I am just stating the fact that the last thing U.S government wants to worry about is baby sitting/protecting a bunch of mongers. I am under no illusion of the status of USA and what the government will do and will not do for me. The last I checked the Canadian dollar is worth more than the U.S dollar, which actually pisses off some Canadians since they pay much more for any U.S magazines.

BTW, I do live in SF and have a beautiful waterfront condo with a million dollar view. Just want some people to know that most of MY FRIENDS are doing very well in the U.S and here in LOS. I guess if you are a loser then you probably have loser friends also(some might even really be hiding out in LOS

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:57 am on Feb. 2, 2008

Quote: from expatchuck on 1:35 pm on Feb. 2, 2008

Your parrot may be making the same mistake.
Well, if you feel that way, let's ask the question in a different way:

Out of the grand total of expats *living* in LOS, would you say that the majority of those fits what thailife describes, or what you describe? Reducing it further, when looking at the places of higher concentrations (i.e the places most people will notice the most), applying the same query to 'along Sukhumwit', and it's quite easy to see where thailife comes away with this impression (an impression I agree with, as you know).

These are serious questions, by the way.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:03 am on Feb. 2, 2008

Normally I ignore your posts as they seem to mostly revolve around Apple and how much money you are making from the stock. You are generally shilling their products so I normally don't take you seriously.

However, since you have clarified your questions are serious this time, I will give it a shot.

Since I am no longer a sex tourist such as yourself, I do not frequent Sukhumvit to any great extent. I did do some work in Bangkok in the late 80s but my friends and acquaintances were businessmen, military officers, arms dealers, a few bar owners and some oil field workers.

I did not associate with the dregs you seem to attract so I really can't say with any degree of certainty what percentage are upstanding citizens or are not upstanding citizens. I can only say with a degree of certainty that the vast majority of my friends and associates were NOT hiding from any government agency.

What you people that choose not to live in LOS seem to forget is there is a culture and society completely separate and apart from the bar scene. We actually have parties, meet people in our homes and do things like all you real people in the US. I honestly believe many of you think there is nothing to LOS except the bar scene and what or who you are going to spend the night with. Once you begin a life here, that tends to fade into the background and you establish yourself with a group of like minded people that you enjoy being with.

Are there scum living here? Of course there are!

Are there also good solid citizens living here? Yes, to that query as well!

Are there scum coming here as sex tourists? It goes without saying what my opinion on that question is.

There are also some very nice people coming here that I have had the pleasure of meeting. All of our members that I have met will be welcome at my fire anytime.

Now you can parse this answer and come up with some off the wall reason I have not responded to your liking. Do as you will, but it will likely not be felt important enough to beg a response from me.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:36 am on Feb. 2, 2008
Birds of a feather flock together, you get a different perspective depending on where you hang out. I spend most of my time in Sukhumvit, and usually at the JW or Sheraton and shop usually at the Emporium.

Last time I had dinner at Rossini in the Sheraton Hotel the Malaysian Ambassador was dining at a table next to me. I am sure there are eclectic mix of people anywhere, it just depends on you. I am sure people you meet dining at the Soi 5 Foodland counter is going to be quite different.

BTW, even back in SF for some reason I keep meeting CEOs of fortune 500 companies when I dine out. One of them was even wearing the exact outfit on their website photo

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:31 pm on Feb. 2, 2008

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