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BK is dead right - for most foreigners living in LOS, 'luck' had very little to do with it.

We decided we wanted to live here, made whatever preparations we thought were necessary, then came over and tried to make the best of whatever opportunities came our way.

Pretty much like changing domicile back home. It's not rocket science and you don't need a Fairy Godmother to wave her wand for you. All you really have to do is make up your mind whether you want to live in LOS or not.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:17 pm on May 18, 2004
nice jingo (your bottomline).

bar manager??
in pattaya??

maybe as a last resort...

however if in a decent bar, it may pay 2'000 USD

but otherwise you are just a rented pair of kidneys.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:56 pm on May 20, 2004
Bar manager... 80k Baht per month... f_ck I though Pattaya was cheap thats WAY more than farang bar 'managers' get down here on Phuket... Of course owners or investors running the risk of capital (and its grim low season here right now) are doing much better but as you say hired kidneys are cheap here !!!

As I have recieved a few contacts about my posts on offshore work I will explain in this thread and anyone that wants to can PM me for my email address...

The RoV work is highly paid work.. There are no degrees or higher education involved (in fact many of the guys I know are exactly the kind of roughnecks that did not go to much school let alone college / university) I have not spoken to either of the 2 RoV boys I know but will try to get to thier bars in the next day or so to discuss the course costs, where they happen, and more info... I know both of these guys were ex divers and saturation divers who moved into RoV work at a point (about 2 - 3 years back) when demand was really high...

The LST work is currently understaffed in the industry... its a Life Support Technician for the divers... its a simple course with no training back ground needed (of my 2 mates currently on the course one is an ex-bouncer and the other is a 'wide boy' ex-chancer ) you do however need a mathamatical mind and the will and ability to work long hours day in day out for long periods straight (30 days on etc)... LST courses are offered in many places (Oz Bombay UK I have been told of) with Bombay being one of the cheaper places. After that you need offshore first aid and heli drop training (pattaya on the cheap) and a serious medical...

With those 3 things you can start shopping for work.. this is where other offshore contacts would be vital.. some of the boys I know have a little black book of 10 or more companies / agencies while others have only one company that they work for exclusively.. One of my engineer friends works hard (probably 1 month on 2 weeks off but is saving big money at the same time as paying alimony and child support) other guys are much more lax doing 1 month or 6 weeks every 3 - 6 months and having a small bar or other 'joke' job here for free beer and pocket meney.

As mentioned LST's should get 175 - 200 per day min even as a total green horn... With 200 days experience this can increase by 50 - 100% but that will be down to market conditions etc... Remember right now Oil has come up to 40+ USD per barrel.. That means every oil producing comapny wants to get as much crude out of the ground as fast as they can.. in inflation adjusted terms oil 5 - 10 years ago was at low values so the inductry was not investing in new equip and refurb so much.. now they are rolling in cash and want to bring as much up as possible..

Also anyone with engineering backgrounds is very wanted in the middle east.. 2 guys I know who work for the US mil (as civs) were due to go to iraq and vehicle mechs.. 5K GBP (8k USD) per week !!! The agency they worked for failed to get the insurances required so they are now in Quait (sp??) working for around half that !!! Libya has just had sactioned dropped and is faced with an oil inductry that has been stagnant for 20 years... they whole country needs oil engineers and in turn leathernecks and hard workers of many descriptions.

Check leatherneck prices on the oil employment forums.. I think gulf coast leatherneck (labourer) rates are about 300 - 350 per day...

Oil and offshore work is not for everyone... It is gruelling hard work.. Done for days / weeks at a time in very tough conditions (the desert mechs were working >12 hours a day in 50 degree heat) with a lot of injury risk (thinking about it of my 8 - 10 mates... one has missing fingers... One has a very f_cked arm and only 50% use of a thumb.. etc)... But for the go anywhere, no qualifications, grafter its one of the few ways to make big bucks. Combining a little of that with a lot of Thailand makes for a bearable existance.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:29 am on May 21, 2004
BKK Banger
Yeah, it all looks so easy doesn't it? Work a little, earn a lot, take long breaks in Pattaya until it runs out.

But I have to agree it is indeed done and I have met a number of guys over the years in Pattaya who do just that and hats off to them it is what they want.

However if you want to work IN THAILAND it is not such a great option. You will be away a lot and not put down long term roots by and large. There are of course exceptions to this.

There are also the expats who work elsewhere in Asia and keep holiday homes here. A mate was telling me about a development in Phuket he is the architect for. A big piece of land near Kata Beach with one house per 2 rai, about 12 in all. Each house is individually designed and costs over US$1m. "Trophy whoring" is what he called it, rich blokes building trophy houses to do rampant shagging at weekends. Mine is bigger than yours.

The owners live mostly in Hong Kong earning mega bucks. There is a joke circulating that the rich Asian expats have homes in Phuket, the poor ones in Pattaya

If you want money, security, status etc. then work for a multi-national in a professional job in Thailand if you can.

These jobs do exist but the package is not as good as it used to be. The full monty ten years ago was reckoned to be worth about 500 to 800, 000/mth with schooling, car, house, driver, flights, bonus etc. for a middle manager.

Anecdotal evidence is that this has dropped to around 250,000/mth for newbies and people are accepting.

The best way is to get hired out of the country to fill a particular need or to get transferred to the Thai branch of your existing company. Do it in Thailand and most employers seem to think you will be happy with a Thai salary.

Alternatively buy a business. There are real businesses out there that expats can work in, with work permits, dealing mainly with foreigners and can work hard at and make successful with a little bit of dedication.

What pisses me off is seeing posts from people who believe they can live here long term and live off "investments" which require no work and little up front cash and spend most of their waking hours drinking and shagging. If these existed the Thais would NEVER sell them to you.

In my opinion there is no option if you want to really live herebut to work hard and build your life here.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:16 am on June 10, 2004
who needs work if he has trading??


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:19 am on June 10, 2004
BKK Banger
Is trading not work?

Please enlighten rtb.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:16 pm on June 10, 2004

I am from India and was in Bangkok some time back. I found Glassware and Crockery to be much cheaper (in retail outlets) and of better variety compared to what is available here. Can you let me know would there be any duties on these items for export and also some manufacturers addresses? Thx.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:16 pm on June 10, 2004
Hi msg4558
The duties you should be woirried about are on your end in India - getting the items out of BKK is no issue -getting them cleared in Customs is another story - I have 75 Dell Computors sitting in Hyderabad customs waiting for clearance - the official we need to pay off is currently on vacation - custom taxes are substantial - the "black " pay off can ease some of the burden.You may want to inquire at your airport what the custom taxes are then try to locate the man in charge and negotiate a fee.
Hope that helps somewhat.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:08 pm on July 1, 2004
well, to get back to original thread title, i'd have to agree with most of the others here

it was not luck that got us off our arses and within LOS.

it may have been luck that brought us here for the first bout, but from there the route forward was quite clear for most of us.

it can be an obsession like any other or a Love/Hate relationship like the one I have with BKK right now...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:19 pm on July 2, 2004
richie rev
to ukshagga
left birmingham to live in LOS..
you lucky thing.
i hope to do it in 7 years.
need to pay off mortgage,get a 2nd them both out to a housing association.and take a tefl course b4 I leave.are there any jobs in thailand that there is a shortage for.ive 7 years to learn a new trade at college.any thoughts?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:16 pm on Sep. 9, 2004

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