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Hi Dr Coolbreeze.... Your idea is not bad and you can have success. I am doing it with fish and ducks. Its only a very small farm but enough money to live here. You don't have to invest millions of baht. Where I live, its in the north area, 1 rai of land is about 35000 baht if you buy it or about 1000 baht a year for rent.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:46 pm on June 19, 2005
Dr Coolbreeze
Except for his very latest post, everything DaffyDuck has said so far does nothing but piss me off; oh well, water off a duck's back.
I do thank those of you who have given me thoughtful answers, both good and bad, and even mr. Duck, because I believe he is sincere in his belief that I'm either an idiot or troll or both.
Mr. Duck - I think you have never run a business. You don't understand that the primary purpose is to make money (and it's always a plus to enjoy what you do, and to 'do the right thing' in any number of ways). It is not a crime against humanity to buy land cheap. Nor is it a crime to pay laborers to do work for you. I never said I didn't want to work, the work I choose to do is that of a manager, not a laborer, that's all.
A little about myself, as requested:
I am 39 years old, white male, in good shape, former military, of British descent, but born in the USA. I am educated at Rutgers (though not an MD). I am a medical professional, and I travel to many countries as part of my work, as well as for pleasure. You say I am a slacker, but I often work 80-hour weeks. In addition to having a regular job, I operate several small businesses, 'without getting my hands dirty'. Does that irritate you? Although I have never been a farmer, there are members of my family, as I've said, that have been 'gentlemen farmers' for at least 40 generations (My ancestors participated in the Norman invasion in 1066, and were granted a baronetcy and land around Irith, Kent. My cousin, Sir John XXXXXX, is still a gentleman farmer to this day) My grandfather came to the US in 1904 and became a gentleman farmer, and one of his sons, my uncle, is a gentleman farmer in Massachussetts. I am not a millionaire, but I have several hundred thousand dollars I can put into a new business, and if I lose it (which I doubt I will, or at least not completely), I still have my house in the States, an education, my health, and lots of ideas.
I do not need nor expect to 'get rich' farming in Thailand. I do expect that with intelligence, research, planning, and good management, I can make a decent living running 1,000 rai of good rich soil.
None of those who have replied that have tried farming have said it's impossible to make money. They have given me several insights. I should not raise anything that is easy to steal (fish, chickens, or other small portable items). I should consider avoiding Isan, and instead try up north around Chiang Mai or Chiang Rai, because the land is cheaper, and the soil is better. One person suggested being a middle man, which is one thing I've already said I might try my hand in, as well as farming - buying and selling crops. I don't recall any of the responders mentioning running more than 20 or 30 rai. No offence to the small farmer, but my intent is to run 1,000 rai, with about 80% of it being sugar cane (quick turn-around time), and the rest will be rubber and mango trees (5 to 7 years to mature).
I will learn Thai, and I will learn the local business culture, as well as applicable laws. I will meet people, and try to cultivate friendships and associations. I will spend about 1 year in my studies and, if I still think it's a workable plan, I will then make the plunge.
I still welcome responses from anyone who has tried an enterprise in SE Asia on this sort of scale. But i've had enough posts telling me I'm an idiot, thank you very much. I guess I'm a little thin-skinned, so personal attacks make me cranky. If you think my ideas are wrong, please tell me, and tell me why. Educate me, but don't just shoot insults at me.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:15 pm on June 20, 2005
Dr Coolbreeze IIX (Not MD), Have you considered that other cash crop Thailand used to be famous for? Or even the flower with the same name as your state flower.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:28 pm on June 20, 2005
Well, I think Dr Coolbreeze's last post eliminates any doubt in our minds as to whether he can make it as a gentleman farmer in Thailand.

Any member whose ancestors travelled with William the Conqueror in 1066 is more than adequately equipped to succeed growing pumpkins in Chonburi.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:11 pm on June 20, 2005

Quote: from scobie on 9:23 am on June 21, 2005
Well, I think Dr Coolbreeze's last post eliminates any doubt in our minds as to whether he can make it as a gentleman farmer in Thailand.

Any member whose ancestors travelled with William the Conqueror in 1066 is more than adequately equipped to succeed growing pumpkins in Chonburi.

Yes I understand that there was a lot of that in those days. That inherited knowledge will undoubtedly prove useful.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:04 pm on June 20, 2005
Doc Breeze,

Couple of things from my observations up north. My TGF's dad is pooyaiban of his village, so I have some insight into the mechanics of the local farming situation up there (been to regional hall where all the pooyaibans, kamnan, etc. meet to discuss the issues at hand for the growing season, and to do planning).

I agree with much of what has been said about quality of soil. It's better in north (west) than Isaan province. And you could argue that the mountains of Chiang Rai area are prettier, I suppose. You also have to be careful about land that has been planted with Eucalyptus trees, as they change the soil.

Because of the recent free trade agreement with China, the price of Thai rice and sugar cane may tank. The same is true of cash crops (onions, etc.) from some of the self-sufficiency programs that the King has been pushing for the last decade. Most of the smaller farmers upcountry lack the education or insight to know what to plant for any sort of sustained economy. They may be in for a rough ride in the next decade.

The government is encouraging the farmers to switch to higher yield crops, in my TGF's village, they are moving to rubber trees. The government is giving rubber trees to local villages upcountry in my TGF's area free. It is the responsibility of the pooyaiban (village headman), in this case, my TGF's dad, to disperse them to the villager's who have land, and to help with the planning of where they will go. In his case, he bought an additional 200 trees to plant. The biggest barrier (besides water) that any farmer has up there to making money with rubber is having the land to put it on.

I know of one farm up north that is making 50,000 baht per month from its rubber trees. I don't know how big that farm is and how many trees it has. But I am in the process of finding out. I will be upcountry next month at my TGF's village to see the new rubber tree fields, and to work on spreadsheets with my TGF about ROI on her dad's land. (My TGF went back to school, finished her G.E.D. this year, and has taken accounting and computer classes, lol, so she is now officially dangerous with money, yikes!).

Rubber trees require a 5 to 6 year growing period before they can be tapped, and then have rest cycles too, so rotation is necessary. My TGF's dad also has some small fish ponds, and still has rice and sugar cane under cultivation. I told her the key to succes is for him to diversify a bit. There is no way to know what the price of rubber will be when her Dad's trees become ready to harvest in 5 years.

Another thing to consider is what will grow in your chosen area. And how much you want to make.

And last, but not least, was the comment made by one contributor in this thread about the local mafia. I spent some "quality time" recently with the daughter of a Chiang Mai soldier whose previous husband had also been a policeman. She assured me that if I were ever up in Chiang Mai, to visit her family. She also assured me that if I have a problem up there, to call her, as they are "mafia" and can fix anything. I smiled but failed to leave her my phone number, lol! I do know of someone who may have been murdered here by his Thai business partners; it was officially a suicide, but it happened because the business was getting big enough to make good money. Asians often have a winner-take-all attitude about business, not the win-win thing you see in Western boardroom politics. "nuf said about that, but something to seriously keep in mind.

I'm in a somewhat unique position with my TGF because of her dad's current title, but things change here unexpectedly. If I were you, I'd keep your investment minimal (should always be "walk away" money), keep your profile very low, and expect money and things to dissappear all the time. But as dirty guru says, there are ways to enjoy it. In my case, the prospect of my TGF's family making real money on their land (as opposed to drought-driven subsistence) helps me by reducing the pressure on my TGF to send them money. So I have a vested interest in going upcountry next month to see what's really going on with this.

- Balls

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:24 am on June 21, 2005
coolbreeze is far from a troll. valid ideas. of course it helps if the land is already there (as in dgs case).

a guy I know bought land near chiang rai for 200K a rai. price has gone up already. I think I am gonna buy some, too. going up end of the month.

the place is in between CM and CR.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:36 am on June 21, 2005
dirty guru
5 rais sold for 275,000 baht last week

Ok sure my girl inherited the land

so my investment is cheaper

We have about twice the above.

And RtB is absolutely correct in his choice (between Chang mai and chang rai)
I flew home for a for days yesterday.
And you just have to see from air the sudden lush greens, mountain rangers, and the emense water supply floating about in the skies around them.

The soils good, anything we plant shoots up fast.

If your about 30 kilometers out of a bigger city like CM or CR watch the costs fall
I am no farmer
But learning.
Just go with it,
and dont depend on it completely
Ie we bought a truck (10 tonnes 400,000 baht)
and the sisters husband removes dredging silt at 750 baht a truck full.
about 35 trips a week 6 days.
Have small investments
Gradually work the land as you get more confidence.
Labour is cheap/ and its a sideline earner of 20,000 a month.
But we only use 2 rai
Realistically with 5 rai in use well, with a couple of fish farms.
60,000 to 90,000 is easily possible
But its the motor bike rides at sunset in this beautiful setting, and home to nice house that is our reward.
That by the way is alot up here. $$$$
You are looking at a cheaper life than bangkok.
There are farmers with mercs
One aussie two villagers away who has been there 15 years is doing very good.
But he owns alot of land.
Its really too hot to get involved much at present.
But afternoon rains come like clockwork here.
Pineapples, bannanas, watermelons, and mangoes, all produce fast.
As for thieving nil around here from crops.
or fish farms.
pigs yes.
Fattening cattle also fast can be done with supplement formulas.
2000 kilos of cattle beef will fetch you 175,000 baht at the slaughter houses. *5 or 6 head.
Bought at 25,000 to 35,000
But if you had 100 its a bigger gambel
But bigger profit ::

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:03 am on June 21, 2005

Quote: from Dr Coolbreeze on 8:27 am on June 21, 2005
But i've had enough posts telling me I'm an idiot, thank you very much.

Well, you won't be getting any from me any more - the addictional backgriound information has helped a lot to establish what it is you actually want to do.

Initially, the impression you gae was akin to "Hi, I want to be a gentleman farmer, and I want to have the little people work for me, while I sit comfortably in the a/c, and travel about".

Once you've established that you actually are serious about your intentions, and have some backgrounbd to back it up, more informative posts popped up -- good for you.

Go for it!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:08 am on June 21, 2005
Broken Leg

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 3:20 pm on June 21, 2005

Well, you won't be getting any from me any more

Ahhh, now that is a shame. It's back down to Nana I woiuld guess.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:24 am on June 21, 2005

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