You're also a bad reader... 20 years of IT experience. Sorry, I can't concentrate while working.. think too much about getting pussy.... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hypocrite yes. But I am also the boss of my firm so I get to make my own rules. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Probably says it all..... I am done with CPG....
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:53 am on July 5, 2004
Oh come on, dont get all 'moronic, surly and pussified' on me. Was only responding to swipes at me DrLove. Shheesh...Why do people get so defensive about nothing?
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:00 am on July 5, 2004
Bok Hah
Quote: from chickengeorge on 9:00 am on July 5, 2004 Oh come on, dont get all 'moronic, surly and pussified' on me. Was only responding to swipes at me DrLove. Shheesh...Why do people get so defensive about nothing?
Perhaps it could be called sh1tting on your doorstep? I am a qualified "Derogatory comments analyst" and can, for free, explain the situation to you? There will be tax to pay though..... Let me know amigo...
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:05 am on July 5, 2004
yes yes. Derogatory comments are throughout this thread but that is part of the game isnt it. The fact that most of them were aimed at me doesnt make me wanna cry about it. I have merely passed observational comment, if people have taken offense I am sorry. Now....anyone for a pint?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:16 am on July 5, 2004
Manuel bkk
That's two pints.... I say yes!! Thanks!
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:21 am on July 5, 2004
Now GeorgieBoybe, steady with that mouse.... And remember... an old BTF pussy saying... garbage in, garbage out....
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:25 am on July 5, 2004
I know I know I know. I guess I didnt have all that.NET experience to equip me with the skills to post properly....<SLAP WRIST> bad George ...mental note...must not be derogatory but must take abuse willingly c'mon....eeeez funny no?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:34 am on July 5, 2004
You guys lighten up. George has a sense of humor, don't kill it. Read his FR. Though incomplete (Notice George?), it is a good read.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:25 am on July 5, 2004
yeah, I remember those. I guess he quit drinking after setting up all those BOI companies. rtb
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:50 am on July 5, 2004
Quote: from chickengeorge on 11:48 am on July 5, 2004 just cos I choose not to recruit from this site has got people's knickers in a twist.
Not so! The rub is in your comments on Forum members as a whole (yourself excluded of course). So who really cares about your recruiting. I couldn't imagine finding better/sharper business asociates than many many here and I'm sure some good business hookups started here. Good luck in your new business.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:34 pm on July 5, 2004