It's Ok some of us still think you're an idiot. Despite the genealogical tree and life history.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:11 am on June 21, 2005
Broken Leg
Actually Dr if you really want something thats in your "Genetics" as a Norman, wouldn't you be better off starting a business in pillage, razing cities and bespoke castle building.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:16 am on June 21, 2005
Quote from Scobie. 'Any member whose ancestors travelled with William the Conqueror in 1066 is more than adequately equipped to succeed growing pumpkins in Chonburi.' That is an absolute ball tearer, ROTFLMHO, good one. Coolbreeze, You are sitting somewhere in the US and have an idea,'I want to live in Thailand and be a gentleman farmer'. What in the name are you on about. You say you have no farming experience, why dont you become a farmer in a country where the population speaks English, that would be a start. You are going to travel around LOS for a while to get acquainted with the locals and possibly one day purchase land, AND make money. That idea about money on a large scale, so you can put your feet up is about as cockawhammy as Ive heard. The locals will love you, as soon as your back is turned, they will be away with the crop while your holidaying with your feet up. Forget about ancestors, you are here, now they are not. They may have been good farmers, so where for a start are you going to get all that vital information on dirt. Is the soil sufficient enough to grow your crops, is the salinty right, is there enough lime, what about any amonia, sulphate etc etc that you have to work in with the dirt. And people have said about rain/water and drought, you do not have any experience to run a sustainable efficient farm, I do not think so. From my limited experience with mother nature, if you do not understand her, she will be your worse nightmare, baht after baht down the drain and your health will suffer, so where does that leave you. I do not think people on the forum are personally attacking you, they are trying maybe to shake a bit of sense into you about farming. Think very wisely, cautiously before making a statement that you wish to become a gentleman farmer in LOS, it is not going to work. I am only talking about farming here. Barrafish.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:06 am on June 21, 2005
richie rev
Which hill will you be building your castle on Doc, you might run into some problems there. Considering you are taking the piss Doc, you have managed to fool a couple of people so it seems, maybe you could get them to invest in your farm also !!!!!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:24 am on June 21, 2005
This very much reminds me of the show on TV made many years ago starring Eddie Albert and Zza Zaa Gabor. "Green Acres" Green acres is the place to be, Farm living is the life for me. That series was made for TV and what you are proposing Coolbreeze would be sequel to that faboulous series. Pull out the TV guide and have a look at it. I dont think it was on a hill though. If your sequel catches on, I will put some money in. Another g-up here. Barrafish.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:33 am on June 21, 2005
richie rev
I got a flyin pig farm, want to invest?
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:47 am on June 21, 2005
China Sailor
Dr Kool, Be very careful about using Thai partners though. I met a man in Singapore (Singapore Chinese) who has a Thai wife. He was convinced to invest in land in Thailand and once it became profitable the partner wound the business up and took the cash. When this gent went to court over this he found that he had no standing or rights in the business because he was a farang. I also thought that a farang cannot buy land directly anyway. Usually it has to be bought through your Thai wife or a partnership arrangement with 60% belonging to a Thai (this info may be dated). I understand that there was a program that for USD 20000/year you can buy "Executive Membership" in Thailand from the government and this will allow you to by a limited amount of land (though not enough for your purposes). My advice, Unless you are considering settling here and marrying a TG, be a gentleman farmer in the US, you will be much happier.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:05 am on June 21, 2005
Quote: from richie rev on 7:59 pm on June 21, 2005 I got a flyin pig farm, want to invest?
How do you stop them flying away?
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:11 pm on June 21, 2005
Quote: from ftumch on 8:23 am on June 22, 2005 How do you stop them flying away?
Trade secret.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:50 pm on June 21, 2005
dirty guru
Interesting and valid points. Firstly, I am not entirely convinced at his heritage. But wheather it is so or not shouldnt alter the facts on the topic. I am on a farm surrounded by farms, and far from cynical, wholehearted encourage others. Dreams are important. I was fortunate that my girl inherited prime farming land in a magifcent location at the foothills of beautiful mountain ranges of Far northern thailand south of chang rai. I built a nice big home on the land, and bought a condo in pattaya. We prefer it north. : : Farming isnt so much a science as an art. Sure soils need to be viewed in terms of suitability. But alot of land here has been worked for centuries, and is amoungst the best farm areas in asia. Buying around areas that have rich soil, and rainfall, ensures, what limited experiences you pocess, will be a case of observation, as it will grow. That is something I have learnt. Its so tropical, and damp, with great soil, and sun, everything and I have tried heaps, Has sprung up and thrived. This encourages me to say, that the warnings, should not be of too much concern, if you have good land. Flooding, not drought is the danger here. So growning trees for fruit is what we chose. Spawning farm for carp, and later two orange bass fish farms is what we opted. The land also can substain beef cattle, on a smaller scale. I am actually giving up my long butterfly life to just be a farmer. (with the odd visit to pattaya) : : As I lay in bed some mornings like this morning, with rain on the roof, I thought of the verse by an american poet. Tennesson "'least your heart be put to proof when the rain is on the roof"' There I was pre-dawn, birds and farm noises slowly emerging from the silence, The tender warmth of my girlfriends body, and her 4 year old that climbed in during the thunder frightened. All embraced loving The outside magificence of the mountains and plains, mist and clean country air. The motor ride in a couple of hours alone on a scenic daily ride morning and evening. A country breakfast prepared for me. The comfort of a big home and great farm land 80% not used yet. There is something more to life than all the hussle and Bussle. : : I encourage anyone to experience this. You really just get used to it. When bored take 2 days in sin city, but really farms are very good idea.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:54 pm on June 21, 2005