Broken Leg
Dafty, Sometimes is very hard to believe you're not 14 years old.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:27 am on Feb. 3, 2008
Thailife, I find quite the opposite. Being an expat working in a company here I have much greater access to people of higher positions that I would never have access to by staying in the USA. I make it a point to personally pick up, drive these people to my office, and use the horrible traffic time to build personal relationships with these people. I think you are getting your slanted view by staying in the places that rely on the sex tourist. BTW, the two hotels named here are at ground Zero for mongers. So you should not extrapolate that the clientele that you meet around the bar areas are a barometer for all expats living here as the same you should not extrapolate that the typical country bumpkin working in the bars are a good sample of Thai girls or Thai culture.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:08 pm on Feb. 3, 2008
China Sailor
Duck, I think what EPC was saying was 'birds of a feather flock together' (or words to that effect). I travel to LOS on a regular basis and the only *loser* Farang I have seen is the dude by Asoke Station who has spent the last two years asking for 1000bt to fly home on. Not to say there are no *losers* and *dickheads* out there, it is just that the Farang I associate with are not in that class. However I do find it interesting that you seem to meet a majority of them; have you considered keeping different company Duck? As for me, I chose to move to Singapore because after having to choose between two evils (Bush and Gore) I decided instead to 'vote with my feet' and take my business (and its associated jobs, revenue, and tax payments) to a more welcoming country. Is that being a *loser* in your book Duck...
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:17 am on Feb. 4, 2008
Quote: from China Sailor on 11:32 pm on Feb. 4, 2008 I travel to LOS on a regular basis and the only *loser* Farang I have seen is the dude by Asoke Station who has spent the last two years asking for 1000bt to fly home on.
Actually, I have seen a few more Farang beggars on my last trip - really bothersome how some people seem to have no dignity left.
Quote: from China Sailor on 11:32 pm on Feb. 4, 2008 Not to say there are no *losers* and *dickheads* out there, it is just that the Farang I associate with are not in that class. However I do find it interesting that you seem to meet a majority of them; have you considered keeping different company Duck?
Wow, did I say I meet the majority of them? I pointed out, agreeing with thailife, that there do seem to be a heck of a lot of them around. Certainly, I have also met, and prefer the company of nicer and better company - which still leaves my original question unanswered, as to what people may think the estimated percentages of losers (for lack of a better term), versus regular people are.
Quote: from China Sailor on 11:32 pm on Feb. 4, 2008 As for me, I chose to move to Singapore because after having to choose between two evils (Bush and Gore) I decided instead to 'vote with my feet' and take my business (and its associated jobs, revenue, and tax payments) to a more welcoming country. Is that being a *loser* in your book Duck...
No idea why you feel the need to justify your decisions - your situation never came up, and certainly Singapore was not even being mentioned. The point is that certain locales have the perception and reputation (maybe deservedly, maybe not so), for attracting a certain part of the fluff of humanity (as described by thailife, earlier). I agreed, as I noted similar flotsam drifting about (though, oddly, most of it seems to be of British or Australian origin - almost comically so, in fact). Hence, the original question if the perception and stereotype are accurate, or inaccurate.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:23 pm on Feb. 4, 2008
I ahve worked for a large Thai company in the past ans the farangs working for the firm were nbot highest quality in terms of ability nor pay nor class as I have worked with in other firms, Yes, a generalization, but it was firsthand.... I think if you take the permanent settlers in Pattaya the vast majority of them are 'on the last round' type of people. Certainly in you look at AMCHAM or similar organizations you see the higher end of people that live here, but bar stool drunks outnumber those by a wide margin. Yes there are losers everywhere and you can choose to hang out on a bar stool or actually live a good life...... My own observations are made from trips dating back to 1983, but my most recent time is 1999 to present where I spend over 30% of my time in LOS.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:14 am on Feb. 5, 2008
China Sailor
Duck, The perception of your answer was that Asian Expats in general were being painted with the same 'brush'. So lets delve into the question being asked using a different tack by determining how Farang situation in BKK different from the situation in Farangland. It has been my perception that the same 'flotsam' can be found in any major city of the world. For example both in Birmingham and London I have found similar folks of all races and creeds drifting the streets. LA is not much different, if you take a walk down Broadway or Hollywood Blvd you will find the same thing. Even in Singapore I have come across the occasional Farang beggar. IMHO it is simply a sign of the 'human condition'. As for barstool drunks working in local firms I just need to take a run down to the local pub during lunch to find them. The refreshing thing about BKK is that they are trying to get laid instead of picking fights with the other customers. I believe that some of the long-term expats have either forgotten or have not experienced the degradation that exists in current Western society, hence their willingness to brand the punters as *losers* and 'flotsam'. As for the question of the percentage of *losers* in BKK, I suspect that it is probably the same as the percentage of *losers* in the rest of the world. The problem is (as I referred to in my last post) most of the BKK members of this Forum do not associate with the average tourists and/or businessmen because of the circles they travel in. This leads to the false perception that most tourists and/or businessmen in BKK are here for the nightlife which creates the stereotype being discussed...
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:36 am on Feb. 5, 2008
I think people are getting too worked up over nothing. I mean things are subjective, you are entitled to your opinions. I do not believe anyone of us will be so persuasive as to change anyone else's opinion. In fact, most arguments I have seen presented seem to have the opposite effect. i.e., pissing off the other people and making them more adamantly opposed to your point of view. If you want to think that BKK is full of people hiding out and everyone is a loser except YOU. Then I have no issues with that. You are entitled to your opinions, however delusional they may be. That being said, I think some people should be a little more introspective. For someone to say that other farangs in their company is not of high quality(and they are!) is pretty funny, considering you all work for the SAME company and that they might think the same of you. Maybe they also think you are not "highest quality" farang also. When all is said and done, civility and courtesy is what demonstrate the make up of a person. IMHO This forum is to provide "USEFUL INFORMATION" for people living in LOS or visiting LOS. Remember 'S' stands for Smiles. In that, I believe we have a lot to learn from the Thais.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:35 am on Feb. 5, 2008
Well Said bitpump Well Said! Funny how the duck seems to most always Put down the Aussies! Me thinks duck should take up Golf and hit a Ball ! It feels GOOD NAR! To many mircowaves affect the Brain You Know that! Suppose theres more Aussie's in Thailand as it's in our Backyard so to speak. In my experience around the traps I have found the Poms to be the stand out ones that get the most plastered (skinhead tatt crew) Nothing wrong a Pom Mind you Funny People! Most always Easy to get along with, which our duck should try and give a go once in a while. What EPC Meant as I read it If You Lay with Dogs You end Up with Fleas. To Easy to walk on.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:24 pm on Feb. 5, 2008
jack attack
I have been here for quite a while and I haven't been able to meet many of these dregs. Is there a specific place they hangout? Do they have their own forum? What are membership rules? The only barstools I have been able to successfully fall off of were in Glow. Class and money are mutually exclusive IMO. Sadly many have too much of one and will never have enough of the other. It ain't what you make; its what ya keep that counts!
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:12 am on Feb. 11, 2008