dirty guru
we outlayed 210,000 in 60 days Got back 289,000 But we are new. profit 79,000 in 60 days This next 60 days outlay 50% less profit will increase It takes time But hey its beautiful Chucky have a shower If you can Seems Pattaya needs what we have alot of. Rain! : : She supplied the land mate its too easy!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:52 am on June 26, 2005
Dr Coolbreeze XIX, you could raise Chinchillas on the Gentleman Farm.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:20 pm on July 14, 2005
Dr Coolbreeze
Yeah, chinchillas. I'm on it... The fur will keep me warm during those cold Thai winters, too. Actually, I've been doing a little research. First off, I'm not raising animals. Too high maintenance: you can't take a break from feeding, vet care, etc. Para Rubber is the highest cash yield crop going in SEA. It takes from 5 to 7 years to get it going, because trees have to be of a certain size before you can begin tapping; however, you can 'double-crop' during those early years before the rubber trees shade out your other crops; so I can grow sweet potatoes and pineapple between the young rubber trees to bring in cash each season. Further, local farmers tend to bring in one harvest per year because they rely on the wet season rather than irrigate. If you irrigate, you can bring in two crops per year. In following years, after rubber trees shade out other cash crops, you can grow specific 'weeds' that grow well in shade and out compete more annoying weeds, which can be sold as cattle feed. So, no need to wait for 7 years to bring in cash. Typically subsistance farmers rely on 5 to 15 rai to support a family, and they are poor to moderate. When you are running 500 to 1000 rai of rubber, plus double-cropping, and fertilizing and irrigating, serious profits can be made, with minimal hands on. Sure you have to have a skilled workforce to actually do the harvesting and daily rubber tapping, plus basic processing of the rubber, i.e. drying and pressing the latex. I am not saying it will be free money with no work. Nevertheless, it is a way to finance a pretty good life style while living in LOS. With 1000 rai, I can reasonably expect to bring in 1 million to 1.5 million baht per month in a typical year, obviously barring major floods or droughts. By holding several plots of land, 50 to 100 km apart, I can minimize the effects of local disasters. Simultaneously, I am seriously looking at starting up a motorbike rental, repair, supply, used sales, & custom shop in the Pattaya area. In addition, I'm looking at opening a noodle/soup franchise. Note: none of these businesses are farang-oriented, and are not subject to the ups and downs of high season/low season, or the whims and fads of international tourism. But, maybe ftumch and daffy duck are right and I'm an idiot. Maybe it's impossible and stupid to try to make a living here. But, the way I see it, people have been making a living here for the last few thousand years, and some of them do rather well. We'll see. If it doesn't work, I can always fall back on my other properties, and stocks, etc. At the very worst, I will have contributed a few million baht to the local economy.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:55 pm on July 22, 2005
Only joking mate. Go for it. But do your homework. Dont trust any of them (and I'm sorry to say that includes your GF and her family) and dont invest more than you are prepared to lose or walk away from. I lived there for 9 years and still go back regularly and I have more horror stories to tell (including one of my own) than I can list. Personally I would invest it in your own country in whatever you feel comfortable with and live in Thailand off the income. Best of both worlds.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:58 pm on July 22, 2005
A noodle shop now that's a novel idea! Why haven't the locals tried it? Oh, well before Starbucks who would have paid $5 for cup of coffee!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:00 am on July 23, 2005
You need to do alot more homework, and I mean alot. First you assume there will be water available for you to irrigate with....lolol. Next you seem to forget rubber is a world commodity, and profit, or loss is determined by world demand, your cost of production only goes up. big rubber farms do lose money on a bumper crop year. Supply at present more than meets demand. You are making a big assumption that there is a market for low grade cattle feed. Beef isn't real big in LOS, most is imported from NZ, and Japan, for the tourists. Locals eat chicken, and pork for the most part. A farang running a noodle shop franchize in LOS.........lolol. Maybe you can work a deal with mama instant noodles. At least that name might give you a slight chance to break into the market. Don't ever underestimate the whims, and fads of the locals. They can make, and break you over night, just on a whim. Every possible way you can think of, that you assume hasn't been utilized by the current farming operations, to optimize production on a large scale has been either tried, or researched. If something isn't being done in the way of farming, it's usually not because it hasn't been thought of, there are usually other factors making it less cost effective. Thailand is the #1 pineapple exporter in the world, and one of the top rubber producers. I doubt if you, as a new farmer, could even make a profit given the efficiency of your competitor farmers. remember, you sell your commodity on the same market they do. Yours isn't worth any more, but will have a higher production cost. You will not be able to produce cheaper. Why don't you come up with a new idea. At least then you might have a chance. Stolen motorbikes aren't that hard to sell. But I do wish you the best of luck on what ever venture you come up with. Good Luck, and have plenty of baht to fall back on.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:24 am on July 23, 2005
There is an acronym here in LOS regarding doing business with Thais (or Asians in general). It is D.T.A., "Don't trust anyone." Not even joking about this... take that rule to heart when ramping up any business. If you start to make good money here, you will be on someones radar, and they will want to take it away from you. And I don't mean just by competing with you in the market. - Balls
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:55 am on July 23, 2005
dirty guru
Noodle shop....Lol Sure like shit and flies go together. Makes me grand total of 6000 a month profit. But more importantly in the north it cost me 120,000 to set up. And feeds and employees some relations. At least this way the money slowly returns. By the way its easy to compete with established stores. Just make the seating comfortable and play soap opera replays of the last week, and let hungry relations of girlfriend do the rest....Make or break. Put it central to shop workers and you tick along ok. Trucks in the north work well. Hookers (for escorts in the south) in pattaya. Laundry as well. Rent condo out. And farm with limits on a bit by bit mariginal development stage plan, and you do ok. Thats what I did, and I am not struggling but not making that much either. : :
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:57 pm on July 23, 2005