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CPG? I assume that you are you referring to me.

Yes I have heard of the PM feature.

ps Are you really a Doctor of Love?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:16 am on July 6, 2004
You ought to be carefull, cos some old twat on here will soon be catching up with you and asking you to prove you have a company and that you are the ceo. You will have to drive up in your chaufer driven limo, pick him up and run him off to your office to see your corner desk with your name on the door. That will prove it, aint no foolin the likes of this switched on character.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:31 am on July 6, 2004
Now George I told you to keep your mouse steady to avoid all those double posts. The second time in two days.... been drinking again?

NM is right.... I probably will....

And no personal questions... you deliver first.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:06 am on July 6, 2004
Oh joy.

Another frustrated CEO wannabee <sigh>. Instead of being bitter about other people's achievements and efforts, why not try being supportive.

No personal questions? But you are are free to hurl personal insults and questions into my professional life?

And what was NM right about? The 'old twat' bit?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:20 am on July 6, 2004
doc, is it that time of the month again?? the only menustrating man I know...


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:11 am on July 6, 2004
Instead of being bitter about other people's achievements and efforts, why not try being supportive.
So, tell me where are your achievements? Which part do I have to be bitter about.... let's meet in a year or so....

No, actually, JodelBoy, it didn't come yet..... I told you to leave my ass alone

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:58 am on July 6, 2004
who the heck is jodelboy...



Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:57 am on July 6, 2004

I almost understood what you meant. I say almost because I think you lost it the moment you went (as FM said) dogmatic.

You had some very good points. One such point was trying to maximize the efficiency of your search. What is the likelihood of finding a good candidate here? Well, it could be a matter of statistics (just as in your bus example). Thus, it would make no sense to spend time (and have great hopes) trying to find your men (or girls, for real work that is) here.

However, the moment you turn around and start saying that there is now way on earth that you will consider anyone you meet through this forum.... well, sorry, but that speaks more about you than about the 6 thousand plus idiotic members of this forum.

As for efficiency, you could have said the moment the debate started that you were looking for people in the field of accounting, or finance, or for a beautician, or a dog trainer or a ballet instructor, or anything you may be looking for; you may have provided one recently just-made email account, like and voila! Who knows? Then this discussion could have either:

- been academic and you would have not got any cv by email; or
- you may have received many cvs from lots of idiots, and it may have been a total waste of your time; or
- surprise surprise, among a handful of ccvs, you may have got a couple from superb guys who just are not active in the market (searching that is) and you are delighted.

Now you will probably never know (well, you could still do it). But one thing I am certain is that doing so would have taken less of your time, than the time all this posting defending your dogma has taken you.

And I started thinking that you were the defender of the time-efficiency cause. How wrong I was.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:22 pm on July 6, 2004
I now suspect that Mr. chickengeorge, because of his aversion to free thinking,
is actually just the frontman, representative of some company.

That would explain the effort behind his postings, and his
adherance to the agency route. Why?

Because he can hardly tell his chiefs, "Well I found this great guy on a pussy forum!" And he is going to have to file a report on his job recruiting activities......just like any good HR officer.

Hell, Mr. Chickengeorge you just got demoted in my eyes.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:09 pm on July 6, 2004
Thanks for your thoughts. I wanted to close this off but still people are reading half a post and bashing out a tirade...

ActuallySmegma, your main thrust has been based on one false assumption....
That I would never consider anyone I meet through this forum. I said that when?

I said that I choose not to use this forum as a recruitment tool.

If somebody by chance wants to work for me and has the requisiste skills then they of course can apply and be dealt with just as any other applicant. If I meet them here or in Timbuktu it makes no odds.....but the recruitment process stands....I will direct them via that.

They will not, as some have wished get 'special best buddy' treatment cause they happen to spend a lot of time on here. And to me that is what at least two people's beef has been...that I dont give BTF members special membership of some secret society or something.

If you're good enough, I'll hire you.

And now...I go to the UK tonight......have fun amigos and hopefully this thread will be closed on my return.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:13 pm on July 6, 2004

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