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My dilemma!

After visiting LOS for over 10 times the last 6 years and been there for about 15 months total I have a big question running in my head. For 4/5 years ago I met a very nice young lady and today we have a baby together. She lives in Isaan and I live in Europe. I wanted to bring her to live with me but I feel that she is so attached to her mother that she will not be happy here and when we talk about living together I think she wants me to move down to LOS. I have said that I don’t want to live in Isaan and not live in Pattaya. I would like to live somewhere like Bangkok, Rayong, Trat or somewhere else that is not to far from the sea.

I don’t mind moving to Thailand, in fact I always seem to adjust myself to the surroundings and make the best out of things. But since this is so far away from my security network (family, friends, and insurance/public services) in my home country this is giving me a lot to think about. I don’t make a lot of money, maybe around 1,500 000,-Baht a year so not much, but anyway I will stop making this if I move and I would need some income/work in Thailand as well. What can a man not speaking Thai do? I am not interested to work with BAR/Restaurant. I do work with import/export today, and have experience from Security and 15 years of different work in retail at different levels. Is there anyone of the forum members that work in Thailand? Any ideas what a man closer to 30 then 40 can do?

What would a couple need each month to live? I don’t want to move and live poorly, but a medium western European standard is ok. I been looking on different house projects in ChonBuri, Sattahip, apartments in Bangkok, but since a baby I would go for outside Bangkok, but I guess that will make work opportunities harder. I like to eat well, I don’t drink much alcohol, I think my last beer was in the Sky bar at the Radisson Hotel in Shanghai and that was in January.

Political situation:
I read Bangkok Post frequently and I have an impression that there is more political unrest then what the newspapers is writing, and also I feel that now it is more like a vacuum before the storm. What are your thoughts of the situation in LOS now and forward? Also economy is slowing down already, even most deals run for a while.

Other things I should think and evaluate any advice for me?

Thanks for any help!


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:20 pm on May 2, 2007

it's not about what a couple can live on

it's about what you, her, and the rest of her family can live on

cause she will expect you to support her whole damn family

and once you are there, you are pretty much f***ed on just quitting and going home again, or at least that's how she sees it

if you are willing to commit, I hope you have lots of money or a genius business idea to make money while you are living in LOS

don't worry about political unrest, they really don't want us here, but they will take your money and let you in

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:41 pm on May 2, 2007
Well, I'm closer to 20 than 30 and been in LOS for over 50 times in last 6 years, including long-term stays of 6 months each time.

The way I did it with my girl, brought her over to my country, 3rd class country to 1st class, why go the opposite way?

If you want to move down, plenty of jobs available, assuming you are as well-educated. My consultant civil engineering job pays 120k baht/month, good enough for a couple.

With a baby, things are different. Assuming you value education, you would want your child to be tri-lingual in Thai, English and whatever yout native European language. That means being in an International nursery and subsequently International school, that will set you back a bit and may I recommend a wage of 250k / month if yu're going to stay in Bkk. Anything else, please don't label yourself as an expatriate, you'll just be a foreign worker.

Oh, don't bother with the pol. situation. Coups come and go, corruption is too deep in the Thai system to be eradicated. Instead, play this "system" to your advantage. Grease a few hands and maybe you can get some job recommendations.

Good luck.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:19 pm on May 2, 2007

"plenty of jobs available"

even to the well-educated the jobs are getting fewer and far between each year

Toxin's regime added to that by trying to force out expat workers

a lot my friends work abroad now, and just spend their time off back in LOS

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:34 pm on May 2, 2007
jack attack
A medium lifetstyle from Europe probably means a high lifestyle in BKK. A two bed room apt in a bldg with pool may be BT 40- 50K per month upwards. Food is cheap if you like to eat Thai food. International education is expensive (there is another thread somewhere here with some prices). An income of BT 1.5 mill per year would place you in the highest management income levels. There are alot of Thais with graduate (masters) degrees not earning that today.

So what can you do?

Number one is learn to speak Thai. This multiplies your options when looking for work. Even if you do work on your own, it will have a big benefit.

Second, if you really think your wife/GF will not move from her home to your country, be sure she even wants to move to another city in LOS. Many women truthfully hate Bangkok compared to their hometown.

Third, if its her town or no town, you may be faced with a big decision as to where you land and if it is her town then you should spend time there to see what opportunities you can create for yourself. EMPHASIS ON CREATE FOR YOURSELF!

You are correct that you will have no network, so you have to bring your "A" game in being industrious, creative and self sufficient. But that challenge can also be very stimulating; at times incredibly frustrating. Thai time runs by a different clock than other countries.

IMO, it has great rewards if you want to try it. It can be frustrating beyond description if you let it. But there are many good people that you have already touched base with here on this forum to give free advice.... which along with BT 70 can buy you a medium coffee at Starbucks!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:44 pm on May 10, 2007
Mel Gibson
kurtnilsen, my two cents worth (Australian cents).

Some of the figures quoted here are in my opinion not realistic. 250K BHT per month!!! as an income target,recommended by factorx, is totally crazy when you only earn around 125,000 BHT a month in Europe. Also 2 bedroom apartments can be had for a lot less than 40-50 K BAHT per month.

Lets start from the beginning,,,,,,, surely if you have a baby together you can openly discuss were you can both be happy living. If it has to be in Thailand then discuss at least 3 or 4 options ( I like Trat also, but employment is difficult ). From a personal perspective there is no way on God's earth I would be bringing up a baby in BKK.
At no stage have you said if you have any savings? Buying a house would significantly reduce your over-heads and give you a "buffer" in case of problems.
There is no doubt, as stated by Local Yokel, you will be expected to also look after the mother ( perhaps others also).
If you think you can just arrive, no savings etc and make a good life, then you are in for a rude shock.

One of the MOST important commodities you do have is "TIME". Don't rush, seek more information about employment opportunities, wages or even better investment opportunities if you have savings etc in the areas / cities that both you and your wife would be happy to live. See what qualifications may get you a better income,, perhaps a year extra spent at University in Europe and saving extra cash, can add a lot too your income stream in Thailand.

Other factors missing,,, does your wife work?, does she have qualifications that would make her able to get work? Is your mother-in-law able to look after the child if you both work?

"take your time think a lot, think about all the things youv'e got".


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:49 pm on May 11, 2007
Thanks for the thoughts so far...

I can do anything really, but language barriers is significant since I no habla thai. But fluent English.

To give some more info: The girl is from a city in Isaan. (Hope this not comes as a chock)

She lives today with her family there, and the baby. I live in Norway.

I have many years of experience in retailing and I would call myself an expert in retailing, with both practical experiences in working at the floors and at management level. I also have a degree in retailing with focus on marketing while my personal interest is more around franchising and relations between customers, retailers and suppliers.

Also the later years I have gained much experience in the security business, like CCTV; analogue and IP based. “Digital Video Recording” PC based and standalone and special systems for customer counting and more. I also have a wide computer experience in Windows programs and networking as well as Microsoft Servers.

I don’t think a clerk job at Tesco would be where I should be working, but maybe starting my own business around security for retailers where I have very special high grade of experience and background. Then again is there not many different retailers in LOS where a NON-Thai can work, therefore I would need to train Thai people that can work for and with me.

I also thinking a lot of location location location for my family, as someone stated that Bangkok is not the place for a kid to grow up, I agree so much. I could work in Bangkok and Chon Buri out from Pattaya, which I also think is not the best place to live and grow up for a kid. Then you have places like; Sattahip, Rayong and others. But many of these places give a long traveling way to Bangkok.

I like Rayong better then I like Pattaya, because not so many tourists, tourists can be ok, but I like to also be on a bar without feeling it needs to be a party.

Apartment/House, my GF owns land where we can build house on, but off course Isaan is way to far from Bangkok, off course she could live there and I could be more mobile, but in a country with so many temptations I am way to weak to be so free. But I would prefer to buy a house or an apartment that is suitable for a kid.

Here is what I am planning:

Wait to move down to LOS until January 2009.
Use 2007 & 2008 to make all necessary things ready to make it a more planned trip and not a idea trip.

Get contacts; check markets, contact potential customers/partners, make a list of Norwegian/European companies based in LOS that cross my interests.

Since the baby is just a few months we have no hurry to settle down, we can move to Norway in 3 years and still get the kid ready to school.

Give myself and her 24 Months to find a place to live and a living. Prior to this I will have saved 2M Baht+ for living expenses like apartment/house, food, other fun for us for these 2 years. So that if not making money after 2 years I can go back and ask her to come along. I think it is important to have set a fixed limit on what to give this “project” economically so that I have some control. Off course would any income in LOS be added to this fixed 2M Baht budget.

If making money and have an ok income etc. we can stay, but I will always have a return ticket back to Norway. I will try not to take with me anything to Thailand except 2M Baht +. My belongings in Norway I will sell, stow away so that I have a few things there.

Investment in company/business I will have on a different budget, I will have it this way, because this is not decided yet so therefore any capital needs is not clear.

So I think all I will bring is some clothes/shoes, contact list, Lap Top and money. If I have some employment or business deal already fixed before going that will also be a good thing.

So what you think? Is 2M Baht to little if living outside BKK? Will it be impossible for me to get some income? Are there some legal issues I should look into? Will I as a farang be taxed to death?

Any point of views and advice would be warmed welcomed.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:11 pm on May 11, 2007
Mel Gibson
2 Million BAHT will last a long time outside BKK, 4 or 5 years if your REALLY carefull.
Legal issues to look into,, well a starting point would be a "working Visa",, have you looked into that?
Farangs pay same tax as locals I believe, and Thai tax rates will be lower than what you are use to.
You still have not stated if your wife has qualifications to work? That could be a valuable addition to the family income ( assuming Mother-in-law will look after the baby).

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:09 pm on May 11, 2007
B2m is ok outside BKK.

Glad you have a plan outline.

It's one heck of an effort entrepreneuring outside of 1's country. An alternative is to used this 1+ years to build up your business and then venture to LOS leaving the homebase in the hands of a competent one. Not to mention, the capital is being staked. Can you afford to lose this capital?

I think Norway has a substantial stake in telecommunications in LOS, you might wanna check it out.

With regards to raising a kid and his/her education, that's why I mention that having a kid reverses the equation. Move her from a 3rd world country to a 1st class one. For a couple, the fun-loving environment in LOS is amazing though.

Your main concern now is whether you can find a job to sustain your family's needs should you make the move, and not the gritty details of what I should bring, sell etc. With a job secured, the battle is won. You might wanna check if your country has signed a double-tax avoidance treaty with Thailand if income tax bothers you so much even though you don't know for sure what whether you'll have an income yet or not.

Good luck.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:04 pm on May 11, 2007
A very wise member [now sadly missed/banned] of this forum taught me one thing: in Thailand, plans never work out....
So ok, think carefully, but do not feel too safe because you think you have all figured out in your strategic planning.....LOS is a land full of surprises!
Besides, you have a good background in a very interesting field, security systems...and trust me, there is a lot to do here [I am also involved in the same area with linux based DVRs and CCTVs].
Also, Bangkok can be ugly, but Bangkok is where the money is.....I cannot see you making over 100k baht a month in Nakon Nowhere......
And if you plan to grow up your baby with a decent level of "western" standards of education and accessories, Nakon Nowhere is not the best idea.....
Bangkok is big and it has many faces: business is located in the ugly center, but life can be nice, clean and peaceful just 20km from Silom!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:44 am on May 12, 2007

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