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To whom this may apply - How did you find yourselfs living in Thailand?  What do you guys do out there to make a living.  If only I could be so lucky...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:40 pm on April 26, 2003
Hi chetlue

I cannot vouch for Thailand but have lived and am living in other asian countries.

I do love asia and would not go back to my country of birth (i have known many who have come and gone for many different reasons)
If you are fortunate to get a chance to live out here i would reccommend you give it a go.

HOWEVER. "beware what you wish" All is not chocolates and roses


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:57 pm on April 26, 2003
Just a matter of putting yourself in the race -  like most Guys one meets in LOS, we wont go to our grave "Wondering"  to quote Nike, JUST DO IT

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:11 am on April 27, 2003

TPE's right. If you hang about in Farangland waiting for that dream opportunity to show up, you'll wait for ever. Much easier to get a decent job in LOS when you've been living in the country for a while, made some local friends, done some local networking.

So where do you start?

Well, if you're a native English speaker, there's always a job waiting for you in the TEFL business. You can get properly qualified for this in LOS at much lower cost than back home. OK, EL teaching is badly paid (especially for those with no experience), but if you can subsidise yourself to the tune of, say, B20k ($500) a month, you should be able to have a reasonable lifestyle (including your fair share of P4P). Financially, this must be within a lot of guys' reach.

OK, you may not want to be an EL teacher. But at least it's a start - it will get your butt over here, get you 'involved', buy you the time you need to set up something more to your liking. If you can't face the risks and uncertainties, perhaps LOS just isn't for you.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:27 am on April 27, 2003
I'de rather go wandering than wondering.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:20 am on April 27, 2003
Whoa Arcadius, damn good advice. But I suspect a lot of guys  already know that teaching EL is a good ready place to start. The real challenge is giving up one's present life and moving that butt, as you put it, over "here" -- which, from the point of view of outsiders,is rather "there" .

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:21 am on April 27, 2003
Yeah, K, I know.

I'm just trying to hammer home the point that many guys who say they want to live in LOS could quite easily do just that - IF they wanted it badly enough.

Life is about making choices, gents. Leave Lady Luck out of it.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:06 am on April 27, 2003
Correct Jimmy, - got some great mates back in NZ, who would have a ball up here, but just find excuses not to travel, I guess for some people 100ks is a big trip -  I also was told once 90% US citizens dont have a passport, ... - nothing broadens the mind like travel, especially if its to LOS !

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:51 am on April 27, 2003
Al Kiholic
My only problem is the whole Visa thing.
For myself money isn't an issue so I won't have to worry about a job. My issue is how long can I stay on 1 Visa. It seems that most people do Visa runs every 90 days. or 4 times a year.

I would think that would be a hassle after awhile. TPE gave me some info on how to go about it other ways, and some informative websites but it still seems the cheapest and easiest way to go is the Visa runs.
You could always put 40k USD ( i think) It might be 70k in a thai bank and risk your cash in a forign bank and stay for the whole year or do the runs to Laos with no cash secured in a bank.

I think there are some "agents" that can do the run for you or some shit like that. I dunno.

Also I talked to a few people that live there and got some apartments a lot cheaper than I got quoted over the phone.
I plan on taking a shot at life in LOS next year when my current project at work is over with.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:57 pm on April 27, 2003
Arcadius said
'I'm just trying to hammer home the point that many guys who say they want to live in LOS could quite easily do just that - IF they wanted it badly enough'

i would love to move to LOS,but sometimes it is not so easy.
yes i want it badly,but i have considerations in the UK which make it difficult,i cannot do it 'easily'.
not everyone is lucky in their opportunities to start a new life.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:06 pm on April 27, 2003

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