Having already discussed the topic in another forum I'm fairly sure that wearing a condom is a must. Are your girls checked regularly?I would love to fulfill my fantasies in your place but i'm afraid of what I might bring home with me.Can you reassure me at all?How safe would I be using a condom doing anal? I need your reassurance
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:26 am on Mar. 1, 2002
Quote: from Pingin on 12:26 am on Mar. 2, 2002 Having already discussed the topic in another forum I'm fairly sure that wearing a condom is a must. Are your girls checked regularly?I would love to fulfill my fantasies in your place but i'm afraid of what I might bring home with me.Can you reassure me at all?How safe would I be using a condom doing anal? I need your reassurance
hi pingin,all the ladies in eden club are checked for h.i.v. ,for syphilis and gonocoques.it is difficult to check for more.anyway always use condoms.see you....marc
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:39 am on Mar. 1, 2002
Deleted Member
hey pidgin what about non-specific urethritis, herpes, genital warts, fungi, bacterial eye infections because your bedsheets and towels are filthy as hell, etc. By the way, pidgin, by forcing your girls to receive cum in their mouths, a lot of them will have non-specific urethritis in their mouths. It is very difficult to detect in vaginas because of the habitual secretions of women, and even more difficult in the mouth.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:30 pm on Mar. 8, 2002
Deleted Member
Hi, Do you think it is better to get "covered" for a BJ at Eden, or there is no risk at all to get a STD..? thks for yr help... ?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:03 pm on May 12, 2002
No need for long talks and developments. This has been discussed thousand times here. Marc told you what the girls are checked for and you know what are the risks you may encounter going with Thai prostitutes, expecially the ones that allow their customers to cum in their mouths. Now, nobody can guarantee that the girl is safe 100%. Or maybe the government should create a 'label' for the quality or the health quality of the girl and stick it on their ass !!! You know the risk, so make up your mind and make your own choice. What do you expect Marc to guarantee you?
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:12 am on May 13, 2002
PussyLover 69
Jeffbkk, I think your suggestion about the govt. creating a 'label' and sticking it on the BGs ass is a fantastic idea. I would like to work for the Thai Govt. as a 'Quality Controller' to stick all the 'labels' on the BGs' ass. But before I do this I have to personally 'test' all the girls so that I can 'grade' them into A,B, C, D, etc categories. Where can I apply for the job and what is the pay ? I am sure I will be occupied for a few years as I understand that there are more than 100,000 vice girls in Thailand.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:57 am on May 13, 2002
Deleted Member
Thks to all. Sorry I am new and did not go through all of the forum.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:22 pm on May 13, 2002
Deleted Member
I picked up a case of gonnorea at Eden about 40 days ago. And I got it from receiving unprotected oral sex. I went three times, popped twice two times but couldn't pull the trigger the second time once. I am guessing that was the recipe for disaster. Nice club, nice girls, but a big time bummer explaining it to my girlfriend who was also infected, although unaware until I had her get a check up.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:40 am on May 15, 2002
Well, Guys, (especially Marc), birdman's post does require some thoughtful consideration. Perhaps Marc has to be extra careful. After all, all of us seem to agree that the Eden Club is a great place and is on the 'not-to-be-missed' list. Perhaps Marc can reassure all of us about the steps he plans to take to ensure that no one else has birdman's experience. Perhaps if birdman could identify the girl he got the infection from it would be easier for Marc. Here's to safe sex !
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:15 am on May 15, 2002
you run the risk of STD's anywhere. how often do the girls check their health?. the girl who changed my life was required to have a check-up every month by her bar. no clean bill of health,no job. the bar paid for this. however for her own piece of mind she went to a clinic every friday and paid out of her own pocket. have been with her more than once and while she was with the doctor,other girls there would talk to me and i made a few more contacts.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:40 am on May 15, 2002