black cats
MACAU DAY 1 April 4, 2005 Mali Mike and I checked out of Majestic Suites at noon and caught a cab to the airport. I was so jetlagged and worn out from a day and a half of traveling to BKK plus the night out before that it wasn't until we were halfway to the airport that I realized I left 5 3 packs of Durex at the Majestic. Knowing I can use them when I get back, I decided to call the hotel on my cell phone (actually my employer's cell phone…more on that in a moment). I tried to just say I left "something" in the nightstand to the girl on the phone, but she asked what it was. So I said "condoms" much to Mali Mike's amusement and arranged to have them saved until I came back to BKK. After I hung up, it occurred to me that I left my employer's SIM card in the hotel too. Another call and my ass was saved so I hoped. Air Asia flight, 3148 baht round trip. It felt criminal to be flying that cheap. Fake leather seating, no movie, bring your own food (Subway) not too much turbulence. Recommended for those who have been putting off going some place due to airfare. I will probably always take a side trip somewhere each time I come to BKK because it's so damn cheap and that's probably not going to last. We took a cab to the Best Western Sun Sun which I chose because of its strategic location to the West side girlie hotels. The London hotel is one of these hotels and is two doors down from the Sun Sun. When we walked in, there was a lobby with a staircase right in the middle. This is the stairway to heaven. At the top of the first flight of this stairway were about 15 Chinese cuties in short skirts, f*** me boots, see through tops, you name it. Our presence caused a stir and the girls starting, winking, grabbing and groping. Now I know most readers probably are tired of getting pulled into go gos by bargirls, but this was different. It was more like the girls were fighting over us, and mama sans and lady drinks et al were not what was about to happen next. It's also nice compared to a lot of the girls in BKK nowadays who are falling victim to the starfish virus. I chose Lily a gorgeous little China doll. She took me down the stairs and to the elevator. We went up to her room and got undressed. 300 Macau Patacas or Hong Kong dollars is the going rate ($39 US). Both currencies are used 1:1 by all shops, but the Pataca has a slightly better exchange rate versus the dollar and I believe the Euro too. Lily got on top and showed my nipples attention with her tongue. She then tea bagged me and proceeded to a CBJ (CBJs are far more common in Macau). Still it was good. She rode on top until she got tired and asked for missionary. I obliged for a few minutes but just had to have her in doggie. While in doggie I had her undo her hair bun and was pleased to see she had silky black hair down to her ass. I got myself a handful of that and rode away. After a few different doggie positions, the little room started feeling hot. With my feet on one twin bed, her in doggie on the other bed, one hand holding myself up, the other swishing that hair around……….well I came. After cleaning up, I pulled out my mini digital camera and got some pictures. All but one of the girls I took in Macau were into having their pictures taken. Tip: bring a cell phone with a built in camera to Macau. If you're in the market for a new one get one with a flash or a good lighting control as most places will be dimly lit even with all the lights on. I went outside and walked down the stairs and at each landing there were groups of not so scantily clad Chinese girls hanging out and eating rice dishes with chopsticks. I guess they were off duty so to speak. Outside the hotel Mali Mike was in the park across the street and I spotted him waving to me. The girlie hotels are very discrete, you could walk right by them and never know it was one, so I would recommend not hanging around them and acting the fool like farangs do on Sukhumvit. I'm pretty sure these hotels exist because they don't stick out. Mali Mike and I went to our respective rooms, showered and took a cab to the Lisboa. After eating at a nearby Chinese restaurant we went inside. The Lisboa is the landmark of Macau's nightlife. It's a hotel/casino with the highlight being in the basement. Not knowing where we were going we went through the metal detectors, which didn't pick up my camera, thankfully. The casino main floor has blackjack, poker, Pai Gow and some Asian games I didn't recognize (not Mah Jong). While trying to find the basement we went down an escalator and saw a game which resembled a huge "popomatic bubble" for those who are old enough to remember the board game trouble. There were 3 rearview mirrior sized dice inside and the surface underneath them would heave the dice about. I suppose everyone seated around this table was betting on what the total would be. I really felt I had seen it all now. I've been to Las Vegas and Reno before and Reno was definitely a majority Asian clientele. Why then didn't Reno have the games I was seeing here which were so different? Was it because the Asians in Reno are mostly second generation Americans and more westernized? I kicked these ideas around in my head until we got to the top of the escalator. Then the mission at hand, finding the freelancers became the priority. Back into the main casino floor and out another exit and voila, we found em. They're not actually in the basement but in the shopping wing on the first floor. One hottie after another bearing nice cleavage, wearing tight pants or mini skirts walking through the shopping arcade. The feeling of not just looking at a fishbowl, but being in it occurred again. If you've ever been to the Nana hotel parking lot in BKK after 2am it felt similar to that only these girls were walking with a lot more purpose, there were really no ugly ones and some of them give you the "Psss" sound when you're near them. After walking past the two coffee shops which were packed with even more 7's 8's and 9's, we left. In hindsight, it sounds crazy with all of that grade A pussy trotting around. But we knew we had four more nights after this, and we now knew where the treasure was. We both just had good sessions 2 hours ago and after the travel, the session and the search a good nights rest seemd appealing. After reading this again it still sounds weak, but then again I was already feeling fine. I went to Macau to pleasure myself and was content for the evening. A screw, a meal with a bottle of Portuguese wine and a walk around town. That could be the title of the FR. That's it for day 1; I'll do day 2 tomorrow.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:38 pm on April 19, 2005
Hey Black cats, A very nice report, when will days two report be out? I was in Macau a few years ago and I walked by the London Hotel, at least I think it was the London, and saw a girl in the lobby, the only girl in the lobby as it was around noon time, and she had huge tits, for a slender chinese chick. I walked in and asked how much (in english) and she signals 300 we go up and do the deed for a good 15 seconds before I finish, but those 15 seconds we great. I'm going back there in a month on the way to Thailand, just for a night. So I'd be interested in hearing of your hotel and any good food and sites that you may have seen. Take care BFH
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:39 pm on April 22, 2005
black cats
Bob, I'm writing it now, and I'll have it up later today. Ah the big boobs in the London! That's definetly a place to go for them. Second best for breasts would have to be the Ruby hotel. More on that later.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:22 am on April 23, 2005