Ronnie Raygun
Spent last weekend in Hong Kong and tried the services of the sex141.com website. I wanted to find a girl that was convenient to my Tsim Sha Tsui hotel so I limited my search to the TST area. And since my hotel is relatively guest unfriendly I decided I would meet a girl at her place, as opposed to choosing a "hotel reservation" girl. After scrolling through their database (over a 100 girls in TST alone) I selected Wong Yin: http://www.sex141.com/php-en/memberDetail.php?id=744 [edit: this link has expired] The girl's webpage provides her address and pictures of the building and apartment entry to help you find the location. Without too much trouble I found the correct entrance to the James S. Lee Mansion on Carnarvon Road, took the elevator to the 7th floor and found the group of flats the girls were using. Wong Yin is one of a few girls that use the flats (7A, B C & D) along one particular corridor on this floor. They (the girls' pimps) changed the lighting of this corridor to a pinkish hue, which I understood later was typical for this set-up. I found the flat and knocked on the door. I heard a male voice yell something to me in Cantonese, which I guessed meant that Wong Yin was busy. I learned later that a red sticker on her door meant that she was unavailable. So after 30 minutes, a few gin 'n' tonics at the Road Side Bar and pointlessly falling in lust with the bartender, I trudged back to Wong Yin's apartment. As I walked down her corridor I encountered a minder in front of her door. I showed him a printout of Wong Yin's webpage and asked for her. He didn't speak English and my Cantonese is very poor, but I understood that she was not available. He knocked on another flat and showed me another girl. Her face looked sorta cute and I couldn't quite tell about the body, but I figured why the heck not. Then the minder told me it would cost $700HK for her, and I argued that I wouldn't pay more for her than I would for Wong Yin and I showed him her rate ($480). He still wanted $700 but as I started to walk away he relented and said $500, to which I agreed since I wasn't figuring on getting change from a $500 bill anyway. So I stepped into a tiny apartment to meet Yip Yip: http://www.sex141.com/php-en/memberDetail.php?id=1575 [edit: she too is long gone] Her English is worse than my Cantonese--so much for the small talk--so we got straight to the matter at hand. First we shower together, than we get on the bed and screw around for about 20 minutes. The sex was mechanical, didn't get much of a BJ, and she was a little heavier than the long lean types I prefer. Eventually the deed was accomplished, we showered together again, and I left her a $500 bill on her nightstand. As I was getting dressed I was thinking this was a waste of time and money. A switcheroo on the girl, an argument with the minder, lousy service and all for the equivalent of 2500 baht. That morning before my flight I had a 1 hour session at Baron's, and there was no comparison with the service that Nuy provided vs Yip Yip, let alone spending 600 baht less on Nuy. I didn't think I would use 141 again, but as I was about to go I saw on the TV monitor (each room has a monitor that is hooked up to 4 cameras in the hallway, allowing them to watch you as soon as you step off the elevator to when you're ringing their door bell) a woman wrapped in a towel step out into the corridor from the flat next door. I opened the door from Yip Yip's flat and the woman in the corridor scampered back into her flat. I knocked on her door and was greeted by Wong Yin, peeking around from her door. What a fabulous face! I told her I would see her tomorrow. So next day at 11:30 am I'm ringing her apartment. No minder, no red sticker, just Wong Yin and I. She looks absolutely better than her pictures. Long curly brown hair, a fantastic body, great breasts (nice boob job), beautiful legs. The script remains the same but she's less mechanical than Yip Yip; she gave a decent BJ and was ok doing the missionary/doggie/cowboy mambo. I had a more enjoyable session, but one distracting downside: she's enthusiastic (loud) with her fake moaning to such an extent that I almost started to laugh. Bottom line: still a poor comparison to what's available in Thailand, but if you need to go awhorin' in HK and can find a girl you like, sex141 will do in a pinch.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:28 am on June 1, 2004
20 minutes. not my style. but each to his own. you should be able to pull freebies like that. not everynight but sometimes one gets lucky. rtb
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:36 am on June 1, 2004
Ronnie Raygun
Yeah, it's just straight sex. Hanging out at Fenwick's was much more fun (thanks for that tip). On the other hand, finding a hooker on a Sunday morning was very, very easy!
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:41 am on June 1, 2004
oh well.. any given night. 6 am at strawberry you might get 50% discount. they don't let the mainlanders in at fenwicks, so they roam the streets. rtb
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:49 am on June 1, 2004
Here is another good 1F1 website http://www.best161.com/
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:08 am on June 17, 2004
Ronnie R With the 141 girls is it just one pop? even if 5 mins! Not checked out the 141 web site for a while, good to see a lot of it is now in English.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:22 am on June 18, 2004
All of the "street shots" are broken links. Is telephone the only way to contact these girls now?
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:44 pm on Jan. 21, 2005
Ronnie Raygun
Some are broken, some aren't. For example, if for some reason you can't find a girl in Wan Chai, these street shots will help you find Yo Yo. If you're in Jordan, this Yo Yo's 38E's can easily be found on Nathan Road thanks to her street shots. Same is true for Tsim Sha Tsui's Yo Yo. Whether the street shots work or not, each girl's address is listed, unless she's a hotel reservation girl (in which case her phone number is listed). Edit: Just checked back and now these street shots are broken.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:45 am on Jan. 22, 2005