On the way to Thailand I stopped over in Hang Kong and Macau for a day and a half. Arrival in Hong Kong was around 5:30 AM on a Friday morning. Train and Ferry got me to Macau around 8:30 AM and then a taxi and a bit of walking got me to the Macau Masters Hotel. This Hotel is on the Inner Harbour and I piced a room that would have a view of China from the window, 380 MCP. After cleaning up I head north on the bus to the border post then walk over to Sen Yet Sun park, as I want to look at China and this seemed to be the best place to do it from. That done its off to find the Hot Spot Sauna. I have the Street name and the building name, but it turns out four or five streets have the same name, just different numbers attached to it. I'm out on foot and it starts raining. I walk up and down every block but just am not seeing it. f*** it, I'll come back later, by this time it wa a bit after noon. I catch the bus back down to the area around the East Asia Hotel and Ruby Pension. I'm trying to look in but all the doors are shut. Just as I am walking away I here "masaje, masaje" I look at the Ruby but I don't see anything. " I don't see you" I say. It turns out that the voice is coming from a lady in the building across the street from the Ruby, a pension whose name I did not get. I walk over there, say 'Three' seal the deal and enter. The girl is pretty. There are three other girls in the lobby, one is fantastic, the others are pretty. As we go up stairs another girls wants to get in on the action and offers 200 and she will join in on the action. I tell her ' I only have one penis so I only need one girl' She leaves. So we enter the room. Strip, shower and get on the bed. The routine follows of the lady sucking my breasts, doing some licking, getting an extra 100 for a blow job, blowing me then f***ing me. Finish up, shower again and leave. When leaving there was a stunningly beautiful girl in the lobby. Wow, nice place. I'm going to go back to my hotel now, but just want to get a bite to eat. I go to the main Sq. and get a Starbucks first and write my postcards. The as I am leaving to go eat I see a lady walking down the sidewal, she is wearing this sheer black out fit that really shows off her bra and the slits in the side show off her legs. I decide to stalk her. The locals are staring at her as this is not normal dress. I stalk her all the way to the Lisboa Hotel, she doesn't enter, but I do. I go to the shopping arcade. It's 2:30 in the afternoon and I have gone to heaven. There were maybe 30 girls there working, in small froups of 2-4 and all were fantastically beatiful looking. I pop a boner just looking and thinking, and decide to come back that evening. I walk back to the Centeral Sq. then grab lunch across the street at a place called Beijing Dumpling. Its a small place and I remember it from my last trip there when I just walked by it. I have a very bad tasting meal there then continue on to my hotel as with the flight and all and the time difference I need a break. As I'm walking back I try to find a pension where on my last trip I saw two girls sitting out front that smailed at me. I know the basic area but not the exact locaton. Eureka, I have found it. But no girls are out front. So I start to walk back to my hotel. As I am rounding the corner I look back and see a lady looking at me from the pension doorway. I walk around the block (very long) and go back to the pension. No girls are looking. I open the door, nothing. I walk up the stairs, oh there they are. Maybe about 8 girls, not as pretty as the last place, but still, nice looking chinese chicks. I pick one and say '300 hundred' She says 'no, 200' "oh, ok!' Same as the last place, shower, 100 extra for the blowjob, a bit of fourplay ( very little bit) and a f***, then shower and leave. The girl was very nice, very pretty, and go the job done. I leave. Back at the hotel, a block away from here, I fall asleep in a/c comfort. Hours later I wake up with a chill, I feel like crap now. I get in the bath tub and fill it with hot water, I turn on the heat in the room. I try to get my body warm again and succeed. I'm lying around in the room, but I still don't feel very good. Then I start feeling very bad. I go to the bathroom and vomit up my Beijing Dumplings. I rest up a bit and then around 10:30 PM go out again. I still don't feel good, I feel woozy. I walk over to the London Hotel, a block away and see what they have. What they have is a stairway of girls. They are asking for 500, but I finally get the girl for 400. She is very pretty. However she is not as pretty as some of the other girls I missed as there was another 2 stairways filled up with girls. I go with the girl to her room. No shower, no licking or sucking, at least on her part. She just put two condoms, yes two condoms on me, spread her legs and the games began. The a/c in the room I don't think was on and I am sweating like a pig, I have finished with two other girls this day and I had two condoms on my dick, but the time I finish I am dead tired. I shower then walk back to the hotel. As I get to the hotel I see a lady theat is on the side of the street, she does not look like a working lady, but I am curious. I'm also f***ing dead tired, and still feeling a bit woozy, so I go to bed. I wake up early the next morning, like 5:00 AM early, take a shit, clean up and check out of the hotel. As it is very early, and my plans for Hong Kong don't start until 11:00 AM, I walk to the ferry terminal. Once past the Lisboa Hotel, I start walking down the ally way sort of thing between the rows of buildings. This is where stores and restruants are located. Also here seems to be lots of young ladies looking for one last date before bed time. Many are dressed in their work attire, they work at nightclubs or saunas I guess. I appriciate their interest in me but decline their offers and catch a ferry to Kowloon side. I plan on visiting three 1-4-1 ladys before I fly off to Thailand at 6:30 PM. I did lots of research on the internet, and found three ladies that I liked in the same general area, Jordan and TST. The first started at 11:00 AM, so I still had time to kill. At a few minutes past 11:00 I hit the first place. Ring, ring, ring. Nothing. f***. f***. f***. f***. She was pretty good looking on the internet. But no answer. f***. I leave and take a walk for a bit and will then return. I walk over to Woosung Street near Nangking. Even though it is not noon yet, there are a lot of nice looking young ladies just sort of loitering about, soliciting elderly gentlemen. I mean these girls are super cute looking. But like a battered spouse I go back to the 1-4-1 lady, still nothing. The other one is pretty close and she is now open, so I go to there. I find it go up ring and nothing. f***, as she was super good looking and 19 years old. I go back to the first one and still nothing, f*** f*** f***. OK so I'm going to go to the thrid one. My whole plan was to f*** the cheaper ones (350HK) first as then I would last longer with the most expensive one, 600 HK. So I find the next building, find the room, ring, and nothing. f*** f*** f*** f*** f***. Ring again, nothing. Then the lady in the room next door opens. She's pretty but does not have the body of the first one, but I gots to expell my seed, so I take her. She is nice but her bra turns out to be hyper- padded. We shower, we four play we f***. I shower up and change my cloths while I'm there, and clean up for the flight to Bangkok. I take a look around Hong Kong, buy a couple of DVD's some post cards and a small towel to wipe the massive amount of sweat off my face. I catch the train back to the airport get there way early and fly out at 6:30 PM. My conclusion: Macau, wow! What beautiful girls, but it just seemed so mechanical. I don't know what I was expecting but I guess I would like to have a bit more girl friend sort of feel. But it was kind of nice to f*** such pretty girls at such reasonable prices. Here in Socal if I go over to the San Gabriel Valley to f*** a chinese girl its going to be $120, I can't pick the girl and she will not be nearly as pretty, but I will say here they actually gave a bit more of the girl friend feel. Hong Kong: I like the 1-4-1 concept as you can see what you get a head of time. The girls change pretty quick so you can't start looking two months ahead like I did. But f***, then you show up and they are not there. If I did this again, I'd make print outs of all the girls in a couple different buildings so I have fall back options. Either that or just go to Woosung Street and just pick them off the street as they were real good looking there. At this point I would recommend that you check out the BKK field reports, but I took suck flacks of shit for mine, that I hope you stop here and think of me as a monger, not an asshole. Take care, Mr. Five Head
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:54 pm on June 9, 2005
Golden Star
BobFiveHead, Thanks for the FR. Definitely, an improvement over your BKK threads (content-wise; the stylistics remains poor, but hey, most of us are not Maupassants) and I doubt anyone here thinks you're an asshole, but did you really have to mention the part about vomiting the Beijing Dumplings or taking a shit after waking up? All humans go through bowel movements at some point during the day and your readers have already made that assumption that you did too long before they even started reading your FR, so it's completely unnecessary to remind them that you are part of the human race. You seem to derive an unhealthy amusement from this subject. Ditto as regards your vomit. Unless the intentions are to warn your readers to avoid a certain dinery, spare us the juicy details! Other than that, keep up the good work and keep on posting. Cheers, Golden Star
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:42 am on June 10, 2005
black cats
Not a half bad report Bob. How was the Macau Master's quality wise? I guess you never found the Hot Spot, too bad. You were probably right there and didn't know it because it was closed just after noon. I usually take a cab the first time I go somewhere new. Then you'll know how to get back again. I don't know about the whole stalking thing though. Looking is just fine, but would you want a foreign tourist following you around your home town? Wouldn't that be intimidating? Just my thoughts. Good luck. BC
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:42 am on June 10, 2005
Was in Hong Kong last week and got ripped off in a FL bar called Dusk till Dawn on Jaffe Road. Gave the waitress $1,000 and only got change for $500. Big argument with the Manager, but they wouldn't budge. In the end we left swearing never to go there again, and went to Fenwick's in Lockhart Road, another FL hangout. Much better FL selection (and band). Prices were a bit high though with both Filipinas and Thai girls asking HK$1,000 (5,000 Baht ) for LT.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:39 am on Aug. 8, 2005
One word regarding the HK places: Fenwick's is currently the biggest FL pickup place in Wanchai. Basically you can't do anything else there (Actually they have a real good deep fried pork knuckle, philippino style. Also try their Thai style fried glas noodles.). At From Dusk Till Dawn you can pickup FLs, but it's not the only thing there... most people go there for band, drinking and music, many regular couples, many locals. Also regular western girls.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:06 am on Aug. 13, 2005
Hi Bob, Thanks for the FR. China is a place I had hoped to try at some point and then I met the tgf and well, I think she'd ask "Why you go China". Dated a lady in the states who was 1/2 Chinese and 1/2 Caucasian. Very nice mix and an absolute stunner. A bit jealous of your China travel. LS
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:45 am on Aug. 13, 2005