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UK Punter
Called into the Soi one while walking down from my hotel, rather I was dragged in by the posse of pussy outside the door!!
Bought two of em a LD and got well fondled the lights went down and I could just make out a guy sat at a table towards the back on the bar, a girl each side of him and one betwwen his legs under the table, the legs of his trousers look rather rumpled so I assumed they were at half mast!! The lights in the corner were now turned off, a punter who had just walked in had to be shown to a seat with the aid of a torch!! A while later the girl who was under the table made a dash for the back room door holding a tissue to her mouth.

I declined the offer the two girls talking to me made and headed off to Soi Cowboy. Ive had HJs and BJs in bars before but Im not over the moon with em, prefer the comfort of a nice clean private room be it a MP or my hotel.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:45 am on Nov. 28, 2003
sounds like a challenge.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:52 am on Nov. 28, 2003
UK Punter
Thinking on it may not have been Tina's, is there bar with name something like Toy Bar???????
The bar I was in was on the same side as dive shop walking towards Sukhumvit Rd

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:31 pm on Nov. 28, 2003
There is a Toy bar on soi 22, and Tina's is owned by the same guy..

"Toy" used to own the Toy bar on Soi Cowboy and sold out some years ago...

I used to chat up his daughter who worked as a bartender at Toy bar on Cowboy.. the only time I went into the Toy bar on soi 22, she was still tending bar.. as soon as she recognized me she must have called her father as he came in about ten minutes later to show me Tina's..

Been to Tina's twice and have no reason to ever go back...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:58 am on Nov. 29, 2003
Deep File
Correct... Tina's is in the corner, Toy fronts on Soi 22. Same ownership/management... same skanks.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:08 am on Dec. 3, 2003

this place is a rip-off

I was in there last night and dropped 2k w/o even cumming

one of the BGs said to me that it's not allowed to make the customer cum in the bar

the others just looked at her as if to say "you're not supposed to f***in' tell him that"

their goal is to urge you into a ST in their room which is costly

f*** if I will go back there

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:27 pm on Nov. 24, 2007
Joe Wood
Which place ?
Tina, Toy or Toy ?
If it's Tina's, this is your second shot today.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:47 pm on Nov. 24, 2007

Tina's is a rip-off, I won't be back

there's a couple of places you can get blown much cheaper within walking distance from there

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:31 pm on Nov. 25, 2007
Joe Wood

And another shot goes in from LY.
Wow ! you've really got it in for this place LY.
What happened ?

It's no different from other places just like it.
Bangkok is full of them.
Yes,they exist to make money.
Primary purpose.
Nature of the business.....blah, blah, blah.

The girls and the sex and anything else on the side in any place are all secondary to the main purpose of making money, although usually complimentary.

It's strange how one can go into many different places and know the set-up, again, and again, dealing with a thousand different places and faces over the year and yet when you get tripped up or stung in one, it hurts and one tends to forget the many times you've been let off the hook or avoided being stung through mere strategy and guile, savvy and skill.

I think if you go into most places with the awareness that they will try to get you to spend as much as possible, then you are prepared..... and that is anywhere in the world anyone cares to mention.

It's when, in unfamiliar circumstances and the chicks are warming you up in routines unfamiliar, and the liquor has been flowing faster than usual and the elusive spondulicks are being freely exchanged for goodies, that you seem to slip and fall bang-slap on the banana skin and escape with just the lining of your wallet.

Yes, it's happened to me.
I've had to leave immediately on each occasion.
But instead of cursing or blaming the participants in the business, one can usually hear, on those rare occasions the words from my lips being quietly muttered, "You f***ing idiot", in a self-accusatory tone.

I think this may be the case in a lot of instances.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:04 pm on Nov. 25, 2007

like I said, I can get the same service nearby where they finish the job and it costs 1/4 of the price

so f*** Tina Bar, I won't be back

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:13 am on Nov. 26, 2007

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