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The literal translation means 'who is loved' dear, my darling, my beloved, my precious.

Phonetically...tee rak.....for me as I choose to pronounce my r's.....'l' if you choose to speak as some of the Thai's do.......It is not a 'u'...the vowel is maihanakat...(if it is a it is not known as sala a or whatever.....I now have five Thais arguing amongst themselves as to wether it is a vowel or not....)

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:37 am on Mar. 17, 2003
haam sup describes the ambiance really well, I think.

Just to bring it up to date a bit I was there in January and the owners wife was about 3 months away from having child. He was proud to share a photo album of her pregnancy progressing.

On the second floor was a brand new and well appointed pool table with all the accoutrements. ŬI was thinking at the time it would suit an RT event quite nicely.

Rooms on the third floor were spotless, seemed well managed and were bug free from what I could see.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:58 am on Mar. 17, 2003
Deep File
More current Alley Cat info at:

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:16 am on Mar. 17, 2003
Yurune, you pronounce the "R" .. as some Thais (how about almost all) pronounce as "l"

then you mention "sala a"  .. to be consistent shouldn't it be "sara a"

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:56 am on Mar. 17, 2003
haam sup

Quote: from Oaktoad on 11:56 pm on Mar. 17, 2003
Yurune, you pronounce the "R" .. as some Thais (how about almost all) pronounce as "l"

How about 'almost all the Thais that the average punter would encounter'? ŬIn fact, educated and more refined Thais DO pronounce the 'r'. ŬAnd I agree with Yurune: if, as a farang, you're going to speak Thai, better to speak well than to sound like some upcountry hick.

In reality, the difference between 'l' and 'r' when spoken by a Thai, is only a few millimeters of tongue position, and the sound difference is subtle.

Try listening to the TV or radio news. ŬYou'll hear Thai spoken properly.

As for Alley Cat Bar, I will keep this general: as mentioned in earlier posts, some of the girls there have worked at Lolita's in the past. ŬLolita's is a much more lucrative place to work, by volume. ŬThere are reasons why some have changed venues. ŬAs always in LOS, keep your eyes open, and your plastic safe...'nuff said.

haam sup

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:14 am on Mar. 17, 2003
So is correct way to say farang: fu rang or fu lang.  My TGF always tells me to say fu lang.  I always want to say fu rang.   Sorry about hijacking the post.  Just ignore me if I'm being rude and will quit.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:33 pm on Mar. 17, 2003

I tried to write the post without insinuating anything about which class of Thai's speak which as not to unintentionally offend any particular group. I apologise for my incorrect spelling of the word sara. As for haam sups reply....most of my friends pronounce their 'r''s...I can only submit information from my I stand my the statement. Writing IMHO is a waste of time...because I don't choose to give someone else's opinion other than my own. Your nitpicking although it added little to the issue at hand was most welcome.

As for the maihanakat issue. It is a vowel with the same sound essentially as saRa 'a'. One of them came from from Pali......hence they are both retained with different names.

CalEden...thanks for your kind PM

Again...for me fa has ror rua...using the 'r' sound, but accents etc make both acceptable.....definately more an 'a' sound than a 'u' sound.....but at pace it's hard to pick.

At the end of the day we'll all have opinions about tiny issues....I've never had a problem being understood so I'll continue on my own merry way

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:23 am on Mar. 18, 2003
was in there Saturday around 6ish a couple of weeks ago.  I was the only one in at the time - too early for everyone else but I just had a "need"

Went up for a BJ after a mild sales pitch and got selected by a girl - normally I dont like that but she was one of the better looking ones.  Went up to the couches and she curtained it off and asked me to take a shower before business.  

At the time I didnt understand what she was asking so didnt take one ( I have since read on another post here that its normal for them to ask that - but given the lack of privacy, state of the towels I dont think I would want to )

She eventually got down to business and wiped me off with some wet freshning towels and gave me a good old inspection before lowering the mouth.

Unfortunately she followed the "If I bite harder and yank harder" he will enjjoy it more rule of BJs and I had to ask her about 4 times to be gentle.  I couldnt really have a good diddle as she had some leotard / body type thing on which meant all the good bits were kept under wraps.  Eventually she made me come but I was really too sore to enjoy it.

quality of women 7.5/10
quality of BJ 6.5/10
cost 8/10

Its not a favourite place, I prefer SOL, but will go back for a second opinion.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:06 am on Mar. 18, 2003
Deep File
Ajarn:  "quality of women 7.5/10"

At ACB?  Hmmm...  How many beers you have onboard??

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:53 am on Mar. 18, 2003
I like to come and visit this website, because I can find different opinions on places I never been in Bangkok.
But this time guys, I am little bit dissapointed :
yesterday 6 pm, been to alley cat bar, saw one old customer drinking a beer with a lady at the bar, the room very dark, and now I understand why !
Is this place a retirement bar for working ladies who are near 45 or 50 years old ?
I was very disappointed, and will never go back.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:36 pm on Mar. 25, 2003

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