Everything here in the 'States' is just "going to Hell In a hand basket". We don't make anything anymore, our financial service industry has swindled the whole world, every business is going bankrupt, our infrastructure is crumbling, our schools aren't as good as the rest of the civilized world, and now, the final outrage; we aren't even the planet's worst tourists anymore ! http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090709/lf_nm_life/us_france_tourists ps: French men are certainly a pain in the ass, but French women are just delightful.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:39 pm on July 9, 2009
What, no more Ugly American awards ?...losin it fast ! French worst now ? by Expedia survey broke and bitchy ! Damm Ruskies invading the formally known as Pattaya.... now official CCCP name is given...Patta-Get-Off -Ski !
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:14 pm on July 9, 2009
I'm sure a Frenchman has nothing on a gentleman from the PRC. And now that they own the world and they are the latest self-appointed worlds best country/people, the days of the obnoxious Americans will be looked upon with loving remembrance.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:39 pm on July 9, 2009
BFH totally agree I mean even the French has some coth and do not spit in elevators. The PRC are tight asses as well. I could just imagine the scene where the tour group flag leader commits sucide by walking off a cliff during a tour and all the Chinese will follow. Did I mention rude as in pushing their way in line or at the baggage rack?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:46 pm on July 9, 2009
TU and wacky, I saw this on yahoo today, and was going to post about it, but didnt.... I, for one, try and be more than polite when abroad... Although, RTB knows one story when I might have stepped out of bounds, but it was a drunken and totally innocent scenario in the back of a chick laden taxi ride to an all night club When I had the pleasure to live in Thailand there was one demographic that stood out to me as being dicks moreso than others....and it wasnt Americans I think the 22 to 25 hour flight deters many "obnoxious" Americans from expriencing Thailand... I mean they can take their cut off shorts, black dress socks up to mid calf wearing asses to Panama City, Florida This reminds me of a "Simpson" episode where they travel to Italy and Lisa had a Canadian flag on her bag...and Bart asked her about it...and she just said "under the current situation I dont want anyone to think I am American" or something like that.... I have been to France many times, and it doesnt suprise me that they are at the top of the list! atl
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:05 pm on July 9, 2009
Just cannot fathom how any other nationality can beat my countrymen for this trophy. You guys are deluding yourselves if you think the French got the better of us. That survey was biased, uninformed, supremacist, and typical of all western presumptuousness. See ? You just cannot beat us
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:55 am on July 10, 2009