Quote: from quack quack on 4:10 pm on Aug. 3, 2009 According to the UK's Observer newspaper Brits in Afghanistan are " too fat to fight": http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/aug/02/british-army-obesity-fitness The newspaper adds: " Units are routinely failing to fulfill the army's basic fitness regime of two hours of physical exercise a week". Can't even do 2 hours physical exercise a week? Hmmm; that's what happens when couch potatoes are sent to Afghanistan. Apparently the US has a greater obesity problem than the UK, it therefore appears that US soldiers are (sadly) sweating it out even more than are the Brits in good ole Afghanistan; sigh!
Yet another stupid post by QQ. Where does it say in the article the US soldiers are sweating it out in Afghanistan? Where, in fact, does it say the same about the British soldiers? Your article simply says some British soldiers are unfit for deployment to Afghanistan. If they are unfit for deployment, then wouldn't it seem prudent they are NOT sweating it out in Afghanistan as you claim. Couch potatos are not being sent to Afghanistan, thus the object of the article. You seem like the kind of guy that would yell "FIRE" in a movie theater.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:15 am on Aug. 3, 2009
You make the wrong assumption in your interpretation of the rankings. Being number one doesn't mean being more obese, it means there are just more obese people, as in the total number of people that are obese. It doesn't mention the individual size at all, so USA people are not more obese than UK people, there's just a few more of them percentage wise.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:49 am on Aug. 3, 2009
Quote: from quack quack on 8:39 pm on Aug. 3, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: from expatchuck on 6:15 pm on Aug. 3, 2009 Yet another stupid post by QQ. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tsk, Tsk! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: from expatchuck on 6:15 pm on Aug. 3, 2009 Where does it say in the article the US soldiers are sweating it out in Afghanistan? Where, in fact, does it say the same about the British soldiers? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quoting directly : the Observer Headline reads: “War effort is being hampered by troops too unfit to deploy” Observer sub headline reads: “Leaked army memo reveals many British soldiers are so obese they cannot be sent to Helmand” Now, Brother EPC ; OBESE = Greatly Overweight = FAT. Brother EPC; Current daytime temperatures in Helmand often exceed 40 degrees Centigrade. Therefore; Obesity + temps = or > 40 degrees C = sweat - ing ( for normal human beings). Brother EPC; here is a link listing the most obese nations in the world: http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/hea_obe-health-obesity According to this link, the world’s ten most obese nations in (obesity) descending order are: Rank Countries Amount # 1 United States: 30.6% # 2 Mexico: 24.2% # 3 United Kingdom: 23% # 4 Slovakia: 22.4% # 5 Greece: 21.9% # 6 Australia: 21.7% # 7 New Zealand: 20.9% # 8 Hungary: 18.8% # 9 Luxembourg: 18.4% # 10 Czech Republic: 14.8% As the Us ranks No. 1 on this list, while the UK is No. 3, therefore it’s safe to assume that people from the US are fatter ( more obese) than citizens of the UK. Therefore; greater US obesity + temps = or > 40 degrees C will (normally) result in a greater amount of sweating for US service persons in Afghanistan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: from expatchuck on 6:15 pm on Aug. 3, 2009 Couch potatos are not being sent to Afghanistan, thus the object of the article. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The correct spelling of the vegetable referred to is “ potatoes ” NOT potatos; you are having as much difficulty spelling potatoes, as did Dan Quayle, Bush Sr’s Vice President: http://www.capitalcentury.com/1992.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: from expatchuck on 6:15 pm on Aug. 3, 2009 You seem like the kind of guy that would yell "FIRE" in a movie theater. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actually; I yell “MORTARS !!” & duck my head, sadly you didn’t do that & we are all witnessing the result.
QQ: You really do need to read your posts. Your original link states these overweight UK soldiers are NOT being deployed to Afghanistan, therefore they are NOT sweating it out in your alleged 40c heat. Where does it reference any US Military types that are obese? Your statistics are useless in this discussion. They are based on the general population, not the military population. Confess the truth now. You are stretching the facts just a teensy bit in these posts. You got me on the potato(e) s spelling however. Plural of potato is spelled potatoes. But you were wrong on the reference to Vice President Quayle. He added an "e" to the singular version of the word. The plural was never in his little gaffe. The singular has no "e". Have you ever considered retiring from posting? It's something you should think about.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:41 am on Aug. 3, 2009
The internet has turned idiots into idiots that can obtain information. Very dangerous and sad. Quite amused to think of those of you who are reaching for the keyboard to scribble a multi page reply/insult. OMG...imagine if this was a forum on the WSJ. Reminds me of when my kids would give me the L signal for L.... Since I am only educated in certain areas I guess I am a L in many subjects. Oh, I forgot I can be an expert by clicking on my laptop. Scary. Do some of you really have other interests or obligations? Granted, we all have the bamboo bug.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:23 pm on Aug. 3, 2009
Broken Leg
The Internet didn't make quack quack an idiot, he did it all on his own.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:17 pm on Aug. 3, 2009
Ding Ding Ding !.... and thats round #10 of great fight posting coming to an end ! During this brief intermission... Im proud to present the Bud Ring Girls ! Obese ? Not... At least USA Girls have good Dental plans ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R28aEhPdpy8
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:13 am on Aug. 4, 2009
Quote: from quack quack on 12:56 pm on Aug. 4, 2009 Sadly, brother EPC ; your lack of knowledge of the geography of Afghanistan is about equal to your misinformation relevant to vegetables – POTATOES – in particular. Helmand is part of Afghanistan, FYI. Most of the fighting being done in Afghanistan by the coalition troops is taking place near, or, adjacent to, the border with Pakistan; an area which is horribly hot ( weather wise at present), These hot temps result in climatic conditions likely to produce profuse sweating in normal human beings. Here’s an headline from the UK’s ‘ Daily Telegraph’ that reads: “ 'Fat' soldiers as US Army relaxes weight limits to increase recruitment. “ Relevant link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/4142101/Fat-soldiers-as-US-Army-relaxes-weight-limits-to-increase-recruitment.html Here’s a pic of US soldiers at Bagram airbase ( which is in Afghanistan, for the information of brother EPC) The two guys on the left are, to put it diplomatically; kinda ‘un-slim) ? http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Jul2006/screen_20060705111613_060704-a-0300r-002.jpg Remember, the guys & gal(s) in this pic are NOT wearing body armor. As the US is population is more obese than are the Aussies & the Aussie military says that one in seven of Aussie soldiers is obese, then it’s kinda logical to conclude that several US soldiers are; to put it politely” over weight”. Link: http://www.news.com.au/story/0,27574,25089786-421,00.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: from jumpinjack on 1:23 am on Aug. 4, 2009 The internet has turned idiots into idiots that can obtain information. Very dangerous and sad. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Way, way better than idiots who can’t get information, brother jumpinjack. Use of the internet enables people to use their heads when posting, rather than their asses.
Tell me, quacker, do you read these links before you post them? Do you simply look for a headline that seems to fit your argument or do you really look in-depth at them to see what the link really says? The link about the overweight recruiting goes on to say that slightly overweight individuals will be considered for recruitment into the US Military after first passing a physical test. They will then have one year to meet the requirements of the US Military concerning the body-mass index. To put this in terms even you can understand.....shape up or ship out. This has been the approach of the US Military ever since I have been associated with them in some way. Now, let's address the picture you posted of the US Military folks re-enlisting. I have spent quite a bit of time in the past fifteen years with people just like you are picturing. I would take any one of them shown in the picture (yes, even the girls) if I needed my back watched. Sad to say, you wouldn't be welcome in that position. I have little respect for anybody that runs down the military yet happily enjoys the protection of their individual rights and freedom those same soldiers protect. You, sir, fall into that category with this thread. ________________________________ Stray Gypsy: Good link. That one I enjoyed and is the only one so far on this thread that makes any sense.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:15 am on Aug. 4, 2009
China Sailor
And this is related to Thailand how???? Should this not be a topic for the 'Z'? Mod... clean up on aisle 3....
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:55 am on Aug. 4, 2009
CS: Yes, it should be on the Z Forum. Quacker is spreading his wings and trying to fly by posting something on the adult forum. Unfortunately he is in over his head, as usual. My opinion is to move it over and let the games begin.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:08 pm on Aug. 4, 2009