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I don't find many TGs that will pass on the chocolates. ÝI told one girl to help herself, and she was going to take the whole box with her!

"No, I don't want you to get fat like me" I said, while securing the remainder in the in-room safe.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:11 am on May 30, 2003
Hi guys,

I was in AW last night again, and the place itself still rocks.

It was packed full (all others Gogos were all more or less empty), with good music, a good atmosphere and decent show.

Now, I also think that even the best AW dancers are not on the same professional level as good western Gogo-Girls, but the AW show is still in it's own league compared with any other BKK Gogo. Good fun.

Anyway, here is the story: After a couple of beers I caught eye contact with a particular hot & cute dancer on the stage - we smiled, laughed and exchanged small jokes. After her shift was over, she immediately came over to my place and jumped on my lap, and the next thing was that I had her arms around my neck and her tongue deep in my throat.

Now usually I don't take girls from AW, but I was really getting horny about this chick (and also drunk...) so why not make an exception this time?

Asked her about her ST rate and was told 2K - wow! But I just wasn't in the mood to haggle and therefore simply agreed - This immediately made her cheer and shout out loudly to her friends and the mamasan and the DJ "Short Time! I've got another Short Time" or something like this in Thai. (Or was it rather: "Hurray, I caught another stupid farang!"?)

So we left with some ballyhoo, and then - outside of AW - came the first surprise: She refused to come with me to my place at Suk Soi 11 but wanted to have a ST room directly at the NEP. My persuasion and disagreement to this plan was completely ignored and she towed me to the next best ST hotel, which was fully booked. So off we went to the next one on the 3rd floor, where we got a halfway decent room for 300B (I had to pay, of course.)

Then we took off clothes and there came the next surprise: no common shower with a little bit of Ýforeplay was possible here, even after I called and pulled her somehow into the cabin she still showered on her own and was not available for a small massage.

Then, finally, straight back onto the bed, the action began - and it was just nothing spectacular at all. Just plain sex, not really bad but also far away from being good. Despite her sexy dancing and posing on the stage she was sober and cold as a fish. Lengthy french kisses, endless sucking and caressing didn't show any effect at all and going down was completely off-limits, as she had stated right from the start.

So, when I finally started to f_ck her, she had used lots of grease before so I could not even tell if she was tight or not!

I went through various positions and took my time to gain at least a little bit out of this disappointment - and then after a while she even started to ask when I would come... But the best thing was that after some 40 min. the receptionist of the ST hotel started to knock on the door... unbelievable!

By that time I had already written off the whole thing and just came to a finish. After a 2nd shower and some meaningless chatting we went back to the AW, which was closed by this time. Oh, did I mention that she had asked me in between to upgrade for LT?

So I assumed that she had some spare time left, and with the AW already closed and the BF paid I invited her to walk home together or share a taxi and/or have some beer on the way.

She squirmed and came up with some bullshit story that she's sharing her apprtment but had no key with her, and that she needs to find her friend now to get the key. While she said that, she was already waving good-bye to me and started walking towards the crowd that had gathered in front of AW, making clear that she wanted to go alone...

So, this was my first (and probably last) ST with an AW stunner - the 2nd worst number I had so far in LOS. The whole thing was miles away from a GFE and the girl (Mok was her name) was very professional and her obvious intention was to minimize the time away from AW and her friends. So I had her for less than 45 minutes with a totally damage of 2800B, which is just ridiculous from my point of view. Any freelancer on Suk or Baron's or Cupidy Girl would be much more fun for a longer time and for less cash!

I will still visit the AW because the bar itself is a steal - you can listen to good music, talk to some other buddies and enjoy the exceptional show while sipping some cold drinks for only a couple hundred baths. But it will take a long time until I get another girl from there...


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:36 am on June 6, 2003
Thaiafficianado.   Once I was coming to Bangkok through Switzerland to perform a training course.   I bought a box of Lindt chocolates.  My favorites.   Those chocolates are just awesome.   I had a training class that I taught to about 20 thai's.   I left the chocolates in the back of the class for people to eat if they like.   In one week only two chocolates were eaten.  And I think that was only because they didnt want to be rude.  I also took the chocolates back to my room and left them out for the Thai girls I took back.  They never wanted to eat any.  They did say they would take the entire box.  But they never wanted to eat one there in the room.   When I returned to the USA, I left the box of chocolates on the receptionists desk at work.   There were probably about 50 left.  They were eaten in about 5 minutes.      

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:15 am on June 8, 2003
Like Fritz above, I learned the hard way as well. Too much drama in the BG scene. You end up getting a lot of disappointments.

My formula for a good time is to hit the MP between 6:00 and 7:00 PM on Ratachada first then hit the bars afterwards for drinks and a good time. Since doing this I have had few disappointments

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:51 am on June 8, 2003
hi ThaidUp,

i like your name, good style !!


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:56 pm on June 8, 2003
Yeah I just went into Angelwitch last night and this blond chick immediately latched on to me (she perfoms solo on stage for those who have recently seen the shows, the only blond one with long hair). I just finished a session at Eden's a few hours before and was feeling sick to my stomach so I really had no plans to go out with her. Finally, after an hour and a half, she came back to me and told me someone barfined her so she couldn't go out with me. But she did say she could see me after her short time. I asked how much and she said I had to first pay a 500 baht bar fine!!! What the hell, a double barfine??? Anyone heard of this? Sounded like a scam, plus she had starfish written all over her, so I said maybe tomorrow (yeah right). Be warned I doubt I'll ever take a chick out of there...

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:58 pm on June 8, 2003
fnguy25 says: "I just finished a session at Eden's a few hours before and was feeling sick to my stomach..."

That must have been a memorable session!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:00 am on June 9, 2003

Quote: from fnguy25 on 11:58 am on June 9, 2003
I just finished a session at Eden's a few hours before and was feeling sick to my stomach...

Why were you feeling sick you your stomach after a visit to Eden?

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:02 am on June 9, 2003

Quote: from Fritz on 10:36 pm on June 6, 2003

Asked her about her ST rate and was told 2K - wow! But I just wasn't in the mood to haggle and therefore simply agreed - This immediately made her cheer and shout out loudly to her friends and the mamasan and the DJ "Short Time! I've got another Short Time" or something like this in Thai. (Or was it rather: "Hurray, I caught another stupid farang!"?)

So we left with some ballyhoo, and then - outside of AW - came the first surprise: She refused to come with me to my place at Suk Soi 11 but wanted to have a ST room directly at the NEP. My persuasion and disagreement to this plan was completely ignored and she towed me to the next best ST hotel, which was fully booked. So off we went to the next one on the 3rd floor, where we got a halfway decent room for 300B.....

 it had been clear that these signs were a warning that the TG is a case of the needy and the greedy......

 funny, these Go-go gals seemed to have spilt personality.... flirty and sexy at the Bar, then ill tempered and stuck up back in the room!!! i'm sure a handful of us had been in such situations before, sitting on the bed and asking ourselves if we had brought back the wrong gal!!

 thanks for sharing with us Fritz!! sorry u had a not-so-good- time!!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:21 am on June 9, 2003

Unfortunately, I would say that type of experience is all too common from stunners operating out of AW and R2 at NEP (and similar places in PP of course). About two notches above starfish - and certainly very disappointing for those of us who have learnt to expect a lot more in LOS. I really can't see much difference between this kind of thing and bog-standard prostitution Western-style.

Best to regard these places as ogling-only venues. Although I certainly don't object to stunners, I wouldn't take a girl from bars like this again even at standard prices. There's plenty of BGs just as gorgeous scattered among the lower-profile bars, and their attitude is almost invariably superior.

OK, you have to hunt them out a bit - same as you have to hunt out a decent restaurant. My philosophy is that if all you want is the P4P equivalent of fast-food, you can't complain if what you get is as tasteless as a Big Mac. ÝÝ

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:51 am on June 9, 2003

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