Quote: from don5252 on 1:32 am on Mar. 21, 2007 afraid to be seen in public w/a bargirl
no one said "fear" it's just easier to take out GIKs socially, because they don't dress like BGs or act like BGs, and sometimes they are prettier than the BGs, actually a lot of times if you have any taste granted some BGs have enough class to get by in normal society, but I've seen plenty who don't
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:12 am on Mar. 21, 2007
This last trip I took my BG at the moment to LuangPraBang with me. The plane going there was delayed 2 hours, so we decided to get foot massages at the airport to kill an hour. A girl walks by after we were seated in the chairs, and says something to my BG in Thai, and walks away. She told me the girl told her she couldn't sit there if she wasn't paying, in a very rude manner. My BG wasn't dressed like a BG, she was just with an older farang. When our massueses showed up, the girl that made the comment was one of them, and sat down in front of me. I waved my finger at her, made her change places, and take care of my BG. My BG got her revenge on the girl, smiling the whole time....and told me it was a good massage, go ahead, and tip her, in front of the girl. She didn't forget this when we finally got to bed that night either. koolbreez
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:46 am on Mar. 21, 2007
don5252 Posted on 7:15 pm on Mar. 21, 2007 can I ask who would care? LocalYokul Posted on 3:53 pm on Mar. 21, 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: from don5252 on 1:32 am on Mar. 21, 2007 afraid to be seen in public w/a bargirl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- no one said "fear" it's just easier to take out GIKs socially, because they don't dress like BGs or act like BGs, and sometimes they are prettier than the BGs, actually a lot of times if you have any taste granted some BGs have enough class to get by in normal society, but I've seen plenty who don't _____________________________________________ ********************************************* Getting off topic I know but the orginal question has been answered. My wife worked in an office in a large farang owned factory for 10 years and was not a BG. However, being seen with me, a farang at least a dozen years older than her, we still sometimes get that treatment or "those looks". One blatant example last trip in January was taking a taxi to the in-laws in Bang Phli (hardly a farang area) from Seacon Square shops, the taxi driver starts in English with the grinning nudge nudge wink wink routine you sometimes get "Hello. You like Thailand yes? Many beautiful girls in Thailand yes? You like beautiful girl yes?". I replied (in Thai) that Yes, I thought my wife was very beautiful and no doubt he thought that his own wife was beautiful to. I may as well have responded "Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi" for all the good that did. He just grinned and said again in English, "Yes,yes many beautiful women". He then asked the wife how long I was staying in Thailand and did we want him to drive us to Pattaya. The wife responded that she lived in Australia with me, after which the taxi driver broke into a virtual monologue about how he understood why these things happened and how HE did not think less of her, or of her family, for selling herself to a farang to ensure a better life. A sad but necessary evil was his theme. Hardly a typical example of the treatment you normally get but it did set the wife to wondering how many Thais might be quietly thinking what this guy (who she agreed was mentally unstable or on drugs) was saying out loud. Not much fun to have your companion treated disrespectfully in public, whether she is a BG or not, and if you can do something to avoid it, then why not? Enjoy.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:47 pm on Mar. 22, 2007
yeah, that's what the majority of Thais think if they see you with a reasonably attractive lady who is younger you can berate the taxi driver if you like, but it will not change all the thousands, perhaps millions who think the same as he, but won't say it out loud yet a lot of the "good girls" go down this same route with Thai blokes on their first dates she'll take him shopping for cosmetics or something, just to see if he'll "take care" of her I won't tolerate that myself, but plenty of Thai guys will anty up, thinkin' that it will get them a leg over
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:06 pm on Mar. 22, 2007
from the posts from Koolbreez & Minder for a girl to be in the company of a farang is enough to get a disrespective responce whether the girl is your wife, gik or, (date), agree if you can avoid that situation best to do so, if not, I liked KB's getting a little jab in, well deserved for displaying a bad attitude, i've gotten (looks) from farang couples were I can't help but mutter a little something obscene, but so far never been part of a Thai insult
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:21 pm on Mar. 22, 2007
Quote: from Minder on 6:28 am on Mar. 23, 2007 a virtual monologue about how he understood why these things happened and how HE did not think less of her, or of her family, for selling herself to a farang to ensure a better life. A sad but necessary evil was his theme.
Yes, I do believe that is how the majority think, if they do think about it. This kind of thinking protects their own sense of manhood to a certain respect, which I cannot outright condemn being a man myself and understanding male pride. However the key is accepting responsibility for the state of affairs which is a combination of economics and mostly tradition. I would have considered this taxi driver's speech disrespectful to myself rather than to the lady though. I mean, what is this sweet jazz he's trying to blow to my woman about how noble he is and just because he ain't rich like me, she poor thing has gotta wind up with me...?! That's just the kind of tricky greasy bullshit that I will stomp on by explaining immediately that men are men and there are good and bad individuals everywhere and in every country. Not to rile you, minder. And as for the opinions of other Thai women looking at you and her together, that is a negligible factor, since their envy and competiveness annhilate objectivity.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:40 pm on Mar. 22, 2007
seajohn; You are correct. I felt it was disrespectful to me and the guy was clearly a nutter - and I have felt the same way when some of her Thai friends have qualified their happiness for her finding a "good man" with the regret that the man was farang and that she would have to go and live in a foreigners country! I nod and smile and remember I earn more in a month than they do in a year and let it pass. My phasa Thai is good in some regards, weak in others, the phrases I use constantly are fluent but the phrase "Shut up and drive" I was considering using was not one of them and I held back given the wife's frequent request for me to be more "jai yen yen" (stay calm) and our then proximity to our destination at the in-laws. That said, it still grates on me...but getting into dialogues with people I regard as even more mentally unstable than myself is something I usually avoid (this reply being an exception seajohn - rile? I'll give you rile! LOL) Enjoy.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:01 pm on Mar. 22, 2007