This is a thread I've wanted to start for sometime, and I know I've vented about this a little bit on various threads here and there. Ý However something happened today that led me to start a full thread on the topic of Ýfarangs in LOS acting in ways towards local women that are absolutely unacceptable in their home countries. For me, Ýthe things that led me to this post always have to do with the way some farangs seem to act towards my TGF (non BG), either when I'm around her or when I am not. There have been many incidents of guys trying to hit on her, or flirt with her, etc. Ýwhile I'm with her, and more so when I'm not. ÝThis I think is generally "normal" and to be expected when you have a very attractive GF. However, when a guy grabs your girl in the crotch as you both are leaving down the stairs of MOS (she didn't tell me until we were outside); Ýor when a drunk guy at CM2 comes up and grabs your GF in the ass RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU; Ýor when 2 guys approach my clearly pregnant GF on the skytrain and ask her if she will go to Pattaya with them and they'll make another baby for her, all in front of a train full of normal Thai people, Ýyou start to wonder what is going on. ÝI mean, I've never (or at least VERY RARELY) seen this kind of behavior at home. However, what broke the camels back happened to my GF today..... For the past two weeks an Australian guy in her apartment had been trying to talk to my GF nearly every day and trying to ask her out. ÝShe made it clear that she had a boyfriend, was pregnant, and not interested. ÝWell, this guy decided that wasn't good enough. ÝHe keep pursuing her. Ý He asked the girl in an apartment next door to her Ýto ask my GF how much she would charge to sleep with him. Ý And then he found out her room number from the girl and called her 10 TIMES and on one of them got sexual with her. Ý At that point my GF got freaked out about it and called the police. ÝThey came to his apartment tonight, took his passport details, and gave him shit for 2 hours. Ý What is unbelieveable is that this jerkoff told the police that "he loved" my GF and "wanted to marry her and take care of her". Ý When the police said, "she's has a bf and is pregnant" Ýhe responded Ý"i don't care, i really want her." Ý The funny thing is, he never even had a full conversation with her! This guy *obviously* has psychological problems, and is a stalker type. Ý I just hope to hell that he is afraid of the police at this point and leaves my GF alone. Ý However I'm fully aware that extreme sickos won't be deterred by this...so I'm very worried for her.. I probably don't need to say what I feel like doing to this guy...Ý So, what I'd like to know is: Ýwhy does this stuff seem to happen far more in Thailand than anywhere else? ÝWhy do many farangs forget Ýthe "social rules" that they observe so well while they are in their home countries? Ý Has this or anything similar happened to anyone else on this board? Ý And, what would you guys have done in a similar situation???
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:45 pm on Jan. 2, 2003
zzzZ: Sorry that you and your GF have to experience that. ÝAny chance that your GF could move? ÝI wouldn't trust some nut like that, especially when he lives in the same building as your GF. ÝBetter be safe than sorry.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:11 pm on Jan. 2, 2003
Yeah, I actually told her today that I thought she should move... it's been building up to that anyway as there are some working girls in the apartment next door that drive her crazy after 2am with all the noise and I think she could do better for the money anyway.. It's just not right to have to move because some other nut doesn't know how to behave, though..
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:37 pm on Jan. 2, 2003
Lot of (lack of a better term) low lifes come to LOS. Because they have a few $$ in thier pocket they think they can treat the women here like the women in thier home country treated them. Like the low life they are. Guys will come on to your g/f when they are drinking. I would just "let it go" as long as they are not trying to hurt her. You right about the Aussie guy. Get her out of there. NOW. Police will have no effect on him.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:47 pm on Jan. 2, 2003
Get me there and gimme $20.00 and no more aussie problem bro... It's a crying shame people think shit like that's ok to do or be like. They probably just dont see anything wrong with it. It's normal behaviour for them...
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:42 pm on Jan. 2, 2003
Thai Traveler
zzzZ: I'm really sorry to hear about the problems you're having. I think she should move, the guys sounds a bit unstable and is likely to do anything. The cops might beat the crap out of him later, but that might be too late for your GF. I think some guys just loose it around the BG's and think any thai woman is like that. I've always made it a rule of having the woman make the first move, about as far as I'd go is a "Hi" and see if she responds and if not, I'll move on. Good luck.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:58 am on Jan. 3, 2003
Zzzz... sorry about those poorly educated guys!!! glad u started this new topic, i was thinking about raising the issue too, but i would had titled it " poorly behaved farangs in Asia" sad to say, i've them hitting on my GF right under my nose when we were holidaying in Bali, Hong kong, and KL! not to mention back home in Sin!!! regards, chrisboy
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:21 am on Jan. 3, 2003
I guess that idiots are idiots no matter where they are. Unfortunately they think their idiot license has more leeway in LOS. Eventually it will catch up with them but karmic justice is sometimes a bit slow to kick in.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:08 am on Jan. 3, 2003
Deleted Member
1) Why should she move when the guy is the nuisance? Better safe than sorry. Sometimes evasive action is the right thing, although it does not seem fair. Move her NOW. 2) Some Westerners Ýpermit themselves to behave in ways they would not do or get away with at home. This is reflecting very badly on us all and may ultimately reduce our access to paradise. ÝIt is lack of manners and rascism. ÝAs a matter of fact it affects those of us who also want to have dcent relationships with Thais and Thai ladies as we all get a poo reputation with their families and friends. Lets discourage that behaviour and set an opposite example.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:23 am on Jan. 3, 2003
zzzz I sorry to hear what has happened to your GF. I hope everything works out for you. Unfortunately one of the problems that causes many farangs to act like this is because the majority (90%) of guys who come to LOS come here because they cannot find any women that will take them in their own country or find any women to have sex with them. As a result many come to LOS and go to the bars where you have girls screaming " come here hansum man" " I like you sexy man" etc....all of that bullshit and most of these guys believe it and think they are gods to women. The sad fact is they believe this shit and catergorise all TG women the same way.....and treat them accordingly
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:25 am on Jan. 3, 2003