The past two night I have been in 2 different bars and have seen them bring in a unopened bottle of Pipers 100. They pour the first bit into a cap and then sprinkle it on over,-even on me. Is this for luck or something??
Traditional for many bars. Good luck to the bar and the employees. it is not only this brand but it can be any bottle which qwill be drank by the staff.
If you go in most Beer bars around 7 Pm you would see some of the staff doing offerings of drinks, typically its a Heineken for King Rama V and some tea and Thai whisky to the "phi" (spirits/Ghosts), then after some prayers and incense burning the whisky is poured on the floor at the entrance and around the counter of the bar in order to "drag" customers inside. Some day they would also spray some sort of water with a branch of tree everywhere INCLUDING on the present customers. The thing you saw with the new bottle was probably linked to this, but why didnt you just asked them nicely the meaning of this act?