I've been browsing and searching for this topic; please flame me if I'm a bad searcher, but I did not found a specific topic about this in this thread: Where to find great quality live music in Bangkok? Spent 21 days in Bangkok last summer, and was not all that impressed over the musical quality I stumbled over. I know, I did not look really hard (was a repeated visitor at Country Road with the oldest band ever; mostly because of good pool tables and the location). But in a big city like Bangkok there have to be some hard working and talented musicians. I'm mostly into jazz music, but quality music is GOOD music.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:35 pm on June 22, 2005
Saxophone near Victory Monument. Mainly a blues bar but some days it does jazz funk and jazz. Not being a jazz fan I have no idea of quality but my friend loves this place and highly recommends it! p.s. my friend is a blues fan first- jazz fan second.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:10 pm on June 22, 2005
Adventure Guy
For international quality jazz/blues groups, with sultry singers, you can't wrong at the Bamboo Bar of the Oriental Hotel, or the Diplomat Bar at the Conrad. Smooth places for entertaining someone special - or just yourself. For a laid back jazz/blues club try the Brown Sugar. I value my eardrums (and jazz) too highly however to go back to Mojos or Saxaphone which, when I was there, both measured their concept of jazz by decibel output, i.e. jazz means loud music, so twice as loud (etc., etc.) must mean twice as good (etc., etc.).
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:42 pm on June 22, 2005
UK Shaga
Not trying to make you feel down but I have lived here for three years and I have not found anything that I would class as good live music. I have put a few threads on here about music before as an X pro trumpet player I was even going to go as far as start my own jazz group here, but no luck. When the withdrawal systems get to much I end up catching a flight over to Manila for a few days. Great music it most places. You can even go listen to the street musicians on the beach and they are good as well. You find allot of the good Thai musicians here fly over to Hong Kong and play there good money and they seem to be into Thai players at the moment. The music is just about average if you try Tawandeng Rama 3, about 1st year secondary school level music standard but sometimes they have good shows and a bit of culture thrown in there, not really any jazz. The main guy that arranges the music is a ferang guy. He comes out and plays once a week on the out of tune piano, if he can drab him self away from the beer for long enough. The band about 6 months ago at CM2 (do not know if they are still there) made an ok sound, shame that 90% was play back but still a good sound perhaps a bit heavy on the shouting rather than the vocals. I have a week off in 2 weeks and one thing I will do is make an effort to find something. Watch this space. Who's buying the beers.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:05 pm on June 22, 2005
Sad if UK Shaga is correct on this one. I spent 3 weeks in Bangkok last summer and was surprised how much crappy live music to be listened to. In a city like Bangkok one would think there should be some hot-shots. In Oslo, Norway (a very small town inernationally), where I live, the music scene is filled up with highly talented and hard working musicians. Some good to be found every night of the week.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:51 pm on June 24, 2005
China Sailor
Try the Huntsman in the basement of the Landmark Hotel. When I was there last (during Sonkran) they had an excellent live band from PI that played a good spread of Modern and Classic Rock. This is the same bar that did the Bob Marley/Regge nights last December.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:14 pm on June 24, 2005
UK Shaga
The problem is that all the good bands that play in Thailand seem to come from out side of Thailand. What I want to see is good local talent raw musical talent. I know there is good music from Thailand but its all sent out as soon as it seems to be good so they can make more money. In my city where I am from its hard not to see a good live band in your local pub/bar etc infact the main chains of pubs and bars main advert and attraction is a NO MUSIC policy and thats the truth. Who's buying the beers
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:58 pm on June 24, 2005
Quote: from UK Shaga on 2:10 am on June 25, 2005 . What I want to see is good local talent raw musical talent. I know there is good music from Thailand but its all sent out as soon as it seems to be good so they can make more money. Who's buying the beers
I have been to some good local music venues......usually the only falang there....and distracted by my bodyguards in the taxi going there, so not sure of the locations. Lao Song I could probably find again, but that's about it of the 5 I've been to. Don't look for good Thai music with a western, or european, or any other country influence. Thai music is very unique, even the modern stuff. Sure, there are quite a few bands that copy, and alot of techno, but it's not Thai. I have heard a few bands that mix traditional instruments with modern for some very hot original sounds, and lyrics. Thai bar bands if you will, but not in a western sense. Go to the bar, eat food, and drink through the first set. As the buzz gets better, the band gets a little hotter. They usually start with a more traditional Thai format, then progress to more modern original influences. I like it, and my bodyguards love it. Great raw local music.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:00 pm on June 24, 2005