tpe (et al) Always better the first time: no doubt about that. Very first time I went into a GG (9 years ago), I was pole-axed - I mean the little girls at KC2 just blew me away. Even then, the received wisdom was that Patpong was rubbish and that no expat would be seen dead outside Cowboy. Went to check the latter out and wasn't impressed at all; it just struck me as run-down, dull and seedy. No longer - a vast improvement there, imho. No you can never recapture that 1st impression - that heady mix of anticipation, novelty, wonder & embarrassment. You can get a vicarious kick though. Always fun taking a complete newbie to somewhere like Rainbow II & watching the reaction (can't say, I've had too many complaints). As for the girls' looks, behaviour, etc - I just don't know. I suspect that there used to be just as many not-so-hot & bitchy ones, but the memory filters them out. Bit like those endless summer days of childhood... One impression I do have is that the girls are better (or at least more adventurous) in bed than they used to be a decade ago. Of course, that could just be me. No doubt, I'm far more skilled at picking promising material these days. Also, I ought to be a bit better in bed myself, having had a great deal of practice with girls who have had a great deal of practice. Anyone else with any thoughts on this aspect?
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:46 am on Jan. 13, 2003
I've gotta take your words for it. I've only been coming here for four years. Before that I was posing in Ibiza. Cool luvvy ???
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:48 am on Jan. 13, 2003
haam sup
"I certainly believe there's a large element of one-upmanship involved, designed to make the newbie feel both naive and deprived. "This is nothing, my little lad. Why, in my day..." " Gotta remember that Stickman hasn't been there all that long, and those who see a bit of one-upmanship in his posts are most likely just reacting to his personality. One thing I have observed over the years is that the punter areas basically meet the current need. ÝThe current wave of Internet sex-tourists are getting exactly what they come for - impersonal, even predatory sex. ÝThe BGs are becoming more used to that style, and the little dodge of going for LT and then getting a call from a sick brother, and wanting to leave after 2 hours, is a relatively new invention. Those of us who are seen as a bit reactionary learned to love Thailand when it required a lot more effort to get there, and the rewards were a relatively unspoiled playing field. ÝThe privacy issues, indeed the greater issues of courtesy and gentility on both sides of the bed, were understood, and no one ever spoke of them. ÝNot to say that there weren't bad folks around from both sides, but they were not generally condoned, and their misdeeds were discouraged, often sharply. We are in the midst of a lowest-common-denominator wave of indiscretion, unparalleled in human history, thank the Internet. ÝIt's currently most obvious in the punter-zones, but word travels fast. ÝThere are whole sections of other boards devoted to finding the cheapest sex in the provinces, and promoting the experience to hoards of horn-dogs who couldn't find Thailand on a map, let alone respect its culture. To the extent that Stickman abhors this trend, I basically agree with him. haam sup
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:39 pm on Jan. 13, 2003
haam sup Well, you may be right. Bit difficult for me to judge, because I used to be a tourist and now I'm an expat. Obviously, this makes a difference. If the girls know you're a local, then obviously they're quite keen to turn you into a long-term regular. OK, you may not be top priority (especially at the height of the tourist season, sob) - they know they have very little chance of hitting the jackpot with you. On the other hand, they also know you're the kind of guy who's going to be their bread-and-butter during the off season, so they don't want to alienate you. I can only go by my own empirical experience. And that is that I have no great difficulty finding nice girls who are everything I ask for, even in Patpong. Would that still apply if I were a tourist? I honestly don't know. Ý
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:29 pm on Jan. 13, 2003
haam sup
Arcadius, Although I am not yet an expat, I speak Thai passably, and have spent a good deal of time in Thailand, largely away from the tourist zones. ÝI don't have much trouble finding women I like to be around either, even when I'm in Sukhumvit, or Patpong, or, say, Lamai. ÝMy radar for the mercenary type is pretty good, and I would rather spend my time with a less flashy girl, with a good heart, than a star money-maker. I find that the appearance of having been in Thailand for a long time can work both ways - the girls who are looking for the fast buck will either reject you as knowing too much ("farang roo mak, mai dee" ), or accept you as a compatriot, an insider if you will, and share their 'silly punter' stories over a good laugh. ÝEven these girls appreciate being treated like human beings, and will become good companions if they know you well enough to respect you. ÝSpeaking the language well is a tip that you are more serious about being there, and not just a vacationing ATM. I DO know guys, however, who put a lot of effort into learning the language, just to impress the girls, so I guess nothing is certain. I'm under no illusion that these are potential life mates, or even that they are trustworthy friends. ÝBut, unlike some others, I am certain that I am not in any way morally superior to them. ÝThey are just who they are, pleasant some, nasty, others. ÝI'm sure they have their opinions about me, too I think that ultimately, we will ALL feel some sort of backlash, due to the excesses that are currently underway. ÝDid you know that Loxinfo, KSC, and all the ÝISPs are redirecting accesses to some objectionable sites to the Royal Thai Police site? ÝAnd various students are rightfully concerned about farang behavior in the Kingdom. ÝOf course, there are many forces toward preserving the status quo, but those foreigners wishing to lead a quiet lifestyle in Thailand are always at the mercy of the prevailing wind. Yes, there are still plenty of fine Thai girls out there, but there IS a disturbing trend afoot, IMO. See ya, haam sup
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:00 pm on Jan. 13, 2003
There are two factors that seem to hit most expats or frequent visitors to Thailand, IMO. One is that, in their minds, the girls, bars, prices, etc. become objectively worse as time goes on. For the most part I think they're wrong in this and it is just the old-timers syndrome that people have commented on already. Certainly Thai people and Thailand itself have changed a lot. But while many changes may be a negative for some people, I think many others consider those same changes to be positive. For the most part, people who were were here 10, 20 and 30 years ago liked Thailand enough to stay (or want to come back), so many changes are not welcomed by them. E.g. the guys who expect and require their women to be little submissive asian dolls were probably much happier 30 years ago than now. Guys who expected every sexual encounter to be an intimate and unique experience are probably turned off by the many girls and guys who just want to have sex without the complications (or bullshit). ... I really find it hard to believe that it is harder to find a good looking girl in a nice, clean bar today than it was 10 or 20 years ago. Certainly some of the bars (and girls) that were around 10 years ago are out-of-date, but there also have been many shitholes that have been replaced by shiny new temples of decadence. Objectively I don't think it's any worse in the areas of quality or relative price, and certainly the internet has made it far easier to find places that meet our requirements. The second factor is that long-term residents start maligning the traditional avenues of fun and by acting superior they try to spoil the fun for everyone else. Stickman has this bug big-time, as do many old-timers from other boards. Fortunately those old-timers here who feel this way keep it to themselves for the most part. I'm talking about the guys who constantly preach about how gogos, beer bars, MPs, whatever, ... are no longer fun and "I don't know how you guys don't realize that there are much better girls ... or why not find a real serious relationship with a 'good' Thai girl". Many of us still enjoy seeing beautiful naked girls dance in front of us, not to mention that you can take them home and have sex with them. For some of us, that's still damn enjoyable, so those jaded guys can just keep their own boredom and dissatisfaction to themselves (or on their own tired boards where they're just as likely to talk about bowling as titties).
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:20 pm on Jan. 13, 2003
seubeu, The only thing I can add is the former smoker. Who's now a pain the ass "do gooder". Stick if he's lucky will get over it. I enjoyed his column more a year ago.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:06 pm on Jan. 13, 2003
Yep...sticks column sure was better in the old days....
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:56 pm on Jan. 13, 2003
And the more he moves away from the "Naughty Nightlife" the more the column looses its appeal. It's kind of a rip off of the Night Owl in the Bangkok Post.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:13 pm on Jan. 13, 2003
haam sup
I have suspected that Stick is grooming himself for Trink's eventual demise. ÝHis columns are getting more and more breezy, and less and less topical. Those who remember Trink's column 10 years ago, will know that he had a lot more 'nitelife' coverage back then, however. ÝHaven't seen him in a while, but he used to get around a lot more. haam sup
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:21 pm on Jan. 13, 2003