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From Stickman's web site:-

Mystique 2:00 AM and at least 3:00 AM on Thursdays
Q Bar 2:00 AM most nights
Narcissus 2:30 AM, sometimes later
Nana Plaza 1:00 AM
Soi Cowboy 1:00 AM - most bars
Patpong 2:00 AM
Marine 2 Pattaya 3:00 - 4:00 AM
Taipan Phuket 4:00 AM

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:20 am on Mar. 21, 2005
No one really talks about the actual result of closing the bars at 1am. The logic wasn't well thought out (typical of moral crusaders). Anyone that has experienced closing time at Nana knows what I'm talking about. There must be thousands of people pouring out onto a very small street at the exact same time and it seems to be about half BGs and the other half horny starry eyed farangs. Add a few elephants and its a delightful chaos. It's my favorite part.

And, it's a bargan hunters paradise! Maybe he was paid-off by freelancers.

And then theres Suk road. The food stalls are packed.

All he really did was move the party outside.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:37 pm on Mar. 21, 2005

Quote: from Markster on 5:31 am on Mar. 22, 2005
All he really did was move the party outside.

Heck, who's complaining

I have a feeling that 'internally' the utter and dismal failure of the early closing has been noted, which might be the reason behind the face-saving departure of Purachai. The question that should be on everyone's mind, now, would what is the effect of the later closing times, and does it improve the situations?

Personally, I feel a delay by just one hour (to 2:00am) would not make much of a difference, though allowing unlimited opening times would, IMO, make for a better, and more natural, clearing of both the roads, as well as the nightime chaos. Yes, there'll be some bars that will remain open 24 hours, or try to, but overall, such a change would allow things to gradually and naturally clear out over several hours, starting around 2am or so.

Of course, it remains to be seen what really happens - either way, I know I can have a fine time.

Dr. von Quack!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:22 pm on Mar. 21, 2005

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 8:16 am on Mar. 22, 2005[br
I have a feeling that 'internally' the utter and dismal failure of the early closing has been noted, which might be the reason behind the face-saving departure of Purachai. The question that should be on everyone's mind, now, would what is the effect of the later closing times, and does it improve the situations?

Ooohh closing early mai dee lair-o !

Cannot make money Sir !

Velly bad bad for 'ALL' Thai people !

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:18 am on Mar. 22, 2005

Nice attempt at pidgeon english; matches the logic of some of the other ppl posting in this thread.

1. Majority of Thai people liked Purachai and supported his "moral crusade" - he is the guy that stopped 15 year olds hanging around at RCA and places like that which IMHO is a friggin good thing - kids getting drunk early, losing control and not going to school is not a good thing for society anyway. He was pushed aside well before this election as he is known to be impossible to work alongside; that's why he declined to be governor (which he would have won) because he knew that he would hash it up; plus he actually is geniunely an upstanding guy; he was booted out because unlike most of his fellow members of parliament he refused to be on the take, and this really made him a disliked guy

2. Have you tried to be Thai and get into New Zealand? Standards to emigrate there are far higher than for westerners to come here to work/residents (which is the status I understand he has there; PR, no citizenship). There are a ton of absolute white, Asian, African and other foreign trash hanging around here, and I am totally in favour of booting them all out - the crims and louts around Pattaya etc etc - they add nothing constructive to the economy here and the short term drop in earnings might actually start to develop other parts of the Isaan economy other than the finding white guys to marry and selling their bodies economy, which even the NESDB has noted as now being a significant contributor to the regional income

3. Things are unlikely to change much, given that Purachai hasn't been directly involved in running anything for months; slowly things will creep back a bit, but IMHO Q Bar and places like it will get lots of raids as per Ministry of Sound if they continue to annoy people living in the area - now that the Thai shareholders from the first year are not there anymore, the western owners of Q Bar will probably just have to accept that as the pain in the neck for the people living in that area causing traffic and being noisy they will have the police annoying them on a regular basis, just like MOS did.

4. Regarding affect on economy... well certainly bar owners and liquor companies have suffered. On the other hand, money not spent on pi55ing against a wall instead sometimes finds its way into more constructive things.... like (ahem) cars, houses, stuff like that or even actually positive things for the economy like factories, education, things of that nature. Long term, I fail to see how choosing to shut bars at say 2am affects much; RCA has been shutting at 2am for many years. However, it is the poor implementation and wishy washy changes from 1am to 2am to 12am and so on that makes it hard to know the future.... better to implement zoning properly and then enforce it. Long term, the sex trade stops people from actually doing proper jobs, and it is not good to be regarded as the world's brothel

But of course, quite a few of my views... well this is probably not the best place to write them.

So yeah, early closing mai dee, make farang kee nok not keep coming here and ruining sex industry by overpay and sleep with too ugly girl and ruin for local. I feel sorry for ugly girl now, who will be her customer if not have cheap charlee guy anymore.....

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:33 am on Mar. 22, 2005
"I feel sorry for ugly girl now"

Don't feel solly I f*** em all ok.


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:39 am on Mar. 22, 2005

Excellent first point....Foreigners seem to think that every bit of Thai legislation regarding the nightlife is all about them.

Purachai's aims were far more to do with the behaviour of Thai youth, of course any legislation had to be forced upon foreigners as any Thai that favoured foreigners over Thais would fail fast.

Purachai certainly did have the support of the vast majority of Thai's I talked to, many considered him a good man with the countries interests at heart.

At lets be honest...why should he in any way consider the opinions and thoughts of any members of this forum?

And hell...the description of what happens at 1am, is exactly the description of what happened at any closing time, long before he came along.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:05 am on Mar. 22, 2005
I suppose it depends which Thais you talk to ?

A lot of Thais used to sell food on the streets till early in the morning.

With Thais and Farang coming out of clubs and bars feeling hungry some must have done quite a good trade?

I can't remember what time the street stalls packed up along Silom and Sukhumwit.

waxinghead wrote:-Majority of Thai people liked Purachai and supported his "moral crusade"-

What statistics and polls can you reference to support this claim ?

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:34 am on Mar. 22, 2005
I think what we can all agree on is that Thailand unfortunately also attracts the scum of the earth, looking for cheap pussy, as well as their own criminal or semi-criminal undertakings... Mostly, just looking around at closing times, there's plenty of foreigners that give foreigners a bad name -- THOSE I would not mind getting rid of, but I doubt early closing times would do it.

How about this: Draconian Sobriety Checks after closing times, or randomly throughout the night!

Yes, they will need more cops, bigger paddy wagons, and larger holding cells (no problem, they can build a big holding pen on Soi 10), but essentially have the MiB check for folks behaving truly embarassingly drunk and being a public nuissance, and haul them in until they are sober - then, have them pay, I mean, fine them, 2000 Baht, and send them home. If some guys end up getting hauled in more often than a certain number of times in a given timeperiod (more than 5 times in one month, for example), they get a demerit in their passport.

Yet, at the same time, allow bars to stay open as much as they want.

Of course, the same rule (minus the passport trick) can be applied to Thai folks as well - the fine (20 Baht for Thai) might eventually make even recidivists reconsider.

Too harsh? Right on? Thoughts?

Dr. von Quack!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:23 pm on Mar. 22, 2005
How about they just give the Bar Girls the opportunity to point out the "scum of the earth" foreiners and get the MIB to take em down?

Even better, when Farangs enter they would forced to hang a little round number tag on themselves, maybe on their chest area, or boots if they have em. The bar girls could identify them by their number and tell the cops to take care of them.

Nah, that would be too dehumanizing.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:41 pm on Mar. 22, 2005

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