see the grace copped a raid from the crime suppression boys again last night, around 2;30am about 20 police rolled up, sorry, but no warning this time from the local constabulary, all required to give urine sample, many taken away, unsure what the pay-off figure for farangs is, but certainly an added warning to keep off yah-bah, or any drugs if heading out to popular nightspots for the time being -
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:16 am on April 23, 2003
And they did not even bring a portable bathroom with them. The Grace is not well equipped for 500 people to piss into baby bottles at the same time. And the place was locked down tight. The "visit" started about 3am and we must ahve left at about 4.30am! The media had been well briefed and were there in large numbers. Pointing a floodlit camera in the face of farang who have had a few beers too many, who are visiting annd do not kwow what is going on and why is a recipe for a some angry scenes. Doing it without the media would be far less imflammatory; but I guess the message pour encourager les autres would never get out !
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:37 am on April 23, 2003
Thin White Duke
Point of Curiosity- Were they testing for ganja as well?
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:06 pm on April 23, 2003
Sorry - never got around to asking what they were testing for ! The "testing" guys - all latex gloves - were sweetness and light compared to the rather grim and very large police presence. I guess sweetness and light only applied to those found negative - which appeared to be most....I did not see anyone taken away positive and the page that had my name on was all negative. Its not much of a job - testing the piss of 500 people at 4.00am in the basement of the Grace. Imagine the conversation at home - how was your day hon ? One thought for all - carry some form of id. It does save a hassle.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:20 pm on April 23, 2003
Well loook at it this way. Being that it was the Grace and I'm sure a good number of people had drank a few beers or whatever, pissing shouldn't have been much of a problem.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:07 pm on April 23, 2003
silentbob1234.... or the other way round.....imgaine the guy who had so much beer and gotta hold his bladder at the end of the line.....
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:16 pm on April 23, 2003
chrisboy: Painfull thought!! ha ha ha!! Wouldn't be good to piss in one pants on tv would it?? But .. then again. If one is completely "looped", then one would not care and get "graded" on in the morning by his buddies about being caught on TV. ha ha ha ha!!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:20 pm on April 23, 2003
..i'll rather be dead than caught wetting my pants on National TV!! na...its not the teasing from my buddies, its the TGs!! cant imgaine how i'm gonna set foot in NEP, Cowboy and GT!!
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:36 pm on April 23, 2003
Thin White Duke
This has me thinking, (ohoh) Last yr. I saw the cops massing in formation in the Nana Hotel parking lot around 9:00PM. I was staying at the Dynasty, just passed by, didn't stop, just kept walkin. But I've never carried ID in Bkk, for fear of having it ripped off. Wow. I wonder though if the guys were poppin farangs for ganja in their piss. Any more information???
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:37 pm on April 23, 2003
Chrisboy: Unless you make it on CNN talking about a raid in BKK and then see you pissing in your pants!! ha ha ha!! But ... then again. Getting caught pissing in your pants on Thai tv would mean that all the tg's would be able to see you. Which, then I agree. I'd rather be dead, because instead of being known as a "butterfly", it would be "Piss boy"!! ha ha ha!!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:39 pm on April 23, 2003