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I usually find Baron Bonk's Asia Bugle newsletter informative and not so politically correct as Stickman has become.

But is the latest a little on the pessimistic side ?

Here is the section in question:-

So the elections are over: it is now down to surprisingly little bickering and the Chairman has his new mandate. A much bigger one than most expected, or was that wishful thinking? Exactly where that puts the bar and nightlife industry is anyone’s guess. Some feel that now that Purachai has gone, the pressure will be off. But I am not so sure. There is plenty of evidence that the man himself wants to see the Social Order campaign continued and empowered. And I do not think that it is us that he is after. It is the Thai youth, including those close to the Chairman, who are inspiring this campaign. With his new massive vote of confidence, it is almost inevitable that he will feel he can do what he wants when he wants. So I think the best thing the nightlife industry can do is it keep it’s head well below the parapet!
However I was speaking to a major player and he is of the opinion that now the Chairman has won, he will have ‘bigger fish to fry.’ Populist policies will not be needed and there are a mass of more important matters. And at the end of the day money makes the Chairman’s world go round!

For the first time for one 20-year veteran of the Bangkok bar scene, the police were actually insisting that alcohol sales were not allowed until Midnight on Sunday. Normally by 8 pm on election nights, the booze is flowing, a sign I fear of things to come.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:52 am on Feb. 10, 2005

It is the Thai youth, including those close to the Chairman, who are inspiring this campaign.

Yep. He cant control his own son.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:57 am on Feb. 10, 2005
He's not the only one - and I agree, that it is the shabby example of the behavior of the politicos' sons that is driving these campaigns (no different than in other countries). Loathe to have to look at personal mistakes in raising the children, they look towards external causes - an even worse condition when you consider 'face'.

I think the whole concept of 'denial' is being elevated to a fine science in certain cultures.

The Quack!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:55 am on Feb. 11, 2005
Social anthropology has interesting things to say about this.

It is a very dangerous thing to suppress people’s primal instincts, in casu the need for relief (entertainment, catharsis). You cant just deny instinct, the human mind doesn’t work that way, it needs to vent those urges. If it can’t, it will find one way or another.

The prime and current example being religious fanaticism. Take a look at the Muslim world were almost everything “fun” if forbidden. In the opinion of some people in the know, this stems purely from a misguided need to release primary human needs.

Sorry for the academic flash back.

Let’s get back to booze and hookers.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:07 am on Feb. 11, 2005
The Machine
The Baron seems to be contradicting himself.

First he is saying that Thaksin will have bigger fish to fry than worrying aobut the nightlife industry and then he says because they were selling booze later than normal on an election day that this might signal a new anti nightlife phase.

It doesn't make sense and I wouldn't read too much into what happened on one election day.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:32 am on Feb. 11, 2005
Broken Leg

Quote: from hypershade on 4:01 pm on Feb. 11, 2005
Social anthropology has interesting things to say about this.

It is a very dangerous thing to suppress people’s primal instincts, in casu the need for relief (entertainment, catharsis). You cant just deny instinct, the human mind doesn’t work that way, it needs to vent those urges. If it can’t, it will find one way or another.

The prime and current example being religious fanaticism. Take a look at the Muslim world were almost everything “fun” if forbidden. In the opinion of some people in the know, this stems purely from a misguided need to release primary human needs.

Sorry for the academic flash back.

Let’s get back to booze and hookers.

And there was me thinking the fanaticism stemmed from extreme poverty, when it's actually because they don't have booze and hookers.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:03 am on Feb. 11, 2005

And there was me thinking the fanaticism stemmed from extreme poverty, when it's actually because they don't have booze and hookers.

Just like all of us, you are entitled to your own opinion.

IMHO Fanaticism has many roots, but I think poverty is minor contributor. If one at all.

To take the most celebrated example: Bin Laden is son of one of the wealthiest men in the world.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:14 am on Feb. 11, 2005
Broken Leg

Quote: from hypershade on 5:08 pm on Feb. 11, 2005

And there was me thinking the fanaticism stemmed from extreme poverty, when it's actually because they don't have booze and hookers.

Just like all of us, you are entitled to your own opinion.

IMHO Fanaticism has many roots, but I think poverty is minor contributor. If one at all.

To take the most celebrated example: Bin Laden is son of one of the wealthiest men in the world.

But Bin Laden isn't the guy on the streets carrying out the attacks. The people who become suicide bombers etc are invariably recruited from the poorest, most impoverished areas of their society. Extremeism always flourishes in poverty

Anyway with regard to Thailand Thaksin's problems begin when people go looking for catharsis or entertainment. He sees Thai society being ravaged by drugs and alcohol filled youths. Thai society is based on Buddhism and Buddism teaches that Peace and contentment can only come through controlling the mind to reduce deisre. So the release of primary human needs is seen as destructive rather than constructive

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:37 am on Feb. 11, 2005

But Bin Laden isn't the guy on the streets carrying out the attacks.

True, but he is a religious fanatic, isn’t he?

Extremeism always flourishes in poverty

Lets get back on topic.

. So the release of primary human needs is seen as destructive rather than constructive

Which is in sharp contradiction with modern day theories on the human psyche. Relief is as important as eating, drinking and defecating.

But again, let’s get back on topic.

If you want we can talk psychology one night over some refreshments, because a message board about nightlife seems hardly the place to do so.

My apologies for starting it.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:48 am on Feb. 11, 2005
Broken Leg

Quote: from hypershade on 5:42 pm on Feb. 11, 2005

True, but he is a religious fanatic, isn’t he?

Yes he is, but I didn't say that you had to be poor to be a religious fanatic.

. So the release of primary human needs is seen as destructive rather than constructive

Which is in sharp contradiction with modern day theories on the human psyche. Relief is as important as eating, drinking and defecating.

Well maybe it is, if you are refering to western theories, but this is not western culture. Maybe I can use an analergy to highlight what i'm trying to say.

You wear a jumper that itches, you scratch the itch - relief, however the you still wear the itchy jumper, so you still keep itching and of course you have to keep scratching for relief, however, instead if you understand that it's not your itchy skin thats the problem, it's the jumper that needs to be changed.

Anyway it's a differnet perspective and most westerners don't go for it, hell a lot of thias don't go for it once they see a bit of the BMW lifestyle, but then again how many westerners do you see walking round their respective countries with smiles on their faces all days?

But again, let’s get back on topic.

If you want we can talk psychology one night over some refreshments, because a message board about nightlife seems hardly the place to do so.

My apologies for starting it.

I didn't realise it was just for nightlife, I thought it was for any interests regarding Thailand so my apologies as well.

I would like to meet up for some refreshment, some chat and clubbing, I've been enjoying your posts a lot but as is possible to guess from my avatar I can't travel right now so i'll just have to continue enjoying it vicariously.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:21 am on Feb. 11, 2005

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