I am not sure if a couple of guys are confusing some terms but if the TG is working as a hair-dresser, saleswoman, etc. and twice a week IS visiting CM2 or the like for a drink and a customer SHE IS a solid Freelancer....
I think this is stretching the term "freelancer", at least for me. I think there are some girls (in every country) who frequent bars looking to hook up without the intent of directly supplementing their income. These girls want to be entertained, i.e. have drinks bought for them, meet interesting people and in general have a fun evening. They will be somewhat selective in who they choose to sit with. And, of course, potentially they will meet someone who will want to take care of them (in some form of long-term relationship). They may or may not accept money afterwards (and justify it to themselves somehow) or may be satisfied with just having a night out (beats watching TV). I wouldn't use the term "prostitute" to describe these girls. If instead the girl goes out intending to make 500B or 1000B so she can pay the rent, then she is definitely a freelancer (or part-time freelancer).
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:24 pm on Nov. 13, 2002
Atypical, not sure I agree with you on the youth, goodlooks no money concept with the "Elite" Thai girls, they are in the main money and status orienated first, the lovely Miss Universe has demonstarted that and believe me if you check out the social pages of the Thai mags you will see countless glam girls marrying rich older men.
I've had this conversation numerous times with ex-pats here. You'd be surprised how many young and pretty well off guys(farangs and thais) there are out there. You used to see them once in awhile in the farang p4p joints, but they've gotten smarter and migrated to the trendier places. when all of these queries of HI SO are flung around, are you guys asking where High Society Thai Men hang out to get poontang? Or are you asking where all the High Society Thai Women are hanging out. There is a clear distinction that seems to get confused often. If it is, "where do the HI SO Thai women hang out?", then just give it up... If these women were really HI SO, they have money. Money that'd make a tourists perception of "big money" look like a piggy bank. Just to remind some here, there is a gigantic disparity between the "haves" and "have nots". Those who have, have just about everything.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:37 pm on Nov. 13, 2002
I slightly disagree with Supaporn....money can by lots of things....but not everything. In fact, the three TGs we found at La Lunar during your last visit were not very good friends. They were just having fun and two of them were solid freelancers (got they off from Hi-So Night Clubs on that day) but the third one was the owner of the beauty saloon were the other two use to make up. This thrid TG was giving NO hope for a f_ck....she said "....my two friends go with farang. I no sell body...." Now, she is a very good friend of mine. Likewise, there are quite a few TGs I know that DON'T "sell body" at any cost. They are living quite happy with 10-15K/month and for them a Thai hooker will be always a "BAR-GIRL"....
I think this is a very rosy way of looking at things. Call me a cynic, but I don't see it that way. No disrespect, but this "third TG" you speak of and the others who don't "sell body" just have a higher price (you know the old joke). Perhaps they would refuse if a random plain looking guy just walks up and offers them 100,000B for the night. But take the same guy and give him an expensive make over, put him in fine clothes, an extravagantly nice car with driver and otherwise "wow" the woman with his money (and the respect and power that comes with it). She will sleep with him that night or very soon after. Some women may be harder than others, but that just requires more money. With an unlimited budget you can have just about any woman. Perhaps there are a small percentage who have special circumstances that make them next to impossible to get, but you can replace them with a better model in everyway and basically get what you want.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:43 pm on Nov. 13, 2002
If these women were really HI SO, they have money. Money that'd make a tourists perception of "big money" look like a piggy bank. Just to remind some here, there is a gigantic disparity between the "haves" and "have nots". Those who have, have just about everything.
What is your idea of "big money" for Thai and farang? I think that most "hiso" Thai really aren't extravagantly wealthy (in raw currency) by American standards. Certainly some are mega-wealthy (in the hundreds of millions of dollars), but that is a very small number. Even if you count the direct relatives of those it is still a small number. Certainly there are a lot of seemingly wealthy people as Thai people tend to flaunt their money with expensive cars, jewelry and such. In reality most of them are not mega wealthy (the family may be worth a million or two). But even that is just "family" money and the "hiso" dauther has little or no direct control of that and stands to only get a bit of it as an inheritance. The majority of "hiso" Thai girls will still be impressed by an American whose net worth is $500K or more, if he knows how to flaunt it like a Thai man would. Also, many "hiso" people are like royalty in Europe and England. They have connections, some power, and a family history, but not a lot of real wealth. But one thing about wealth in Thailand compared to the U.S. is that virtually all the wealth (and hiso people) are concentrated in Bangkok. This is all just my personal opinion.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:02 pm on Nov. 13, 2002
... probably same from the TG's point of view wherever she go's.... I know talking to a lot in Dance Fever, where nightly out of the 500-1000 customers there are probably 3 or 4 farangs, they -TG's-, both straight girls, and off duty MP girls, say every night they get the phone number of plenty of Thai guys passed to them, inevitably the Thai Guy will profess to own a company, a car, be mega rich etc .... which they say generally is not the case, - anyway, the point being that TG's are I gather used to being told "stories" designed to impress them - and probably appreciate the change talking to farangs who can perhaps get by on some charm, and of course, generally having the $$$ to actually buy them a drink or two -
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:42 pm on Nov. 13, 2002
ThaiPrivateEye, Thanks for that pat on the back! I'll toast you to it upon my return. And thanks to the brothers for not pelting me with any nasty PM's, or threatening ex-communication from the faithful throngs here. What a non-reaction it was too. I guess now I can breath a sigh of relief and 'come out' hehe as an out of the closet serial monogamist (just slightly corrupted by his first tour of LOS) getting his groove on late in life. God, I love LOS! And the BKK tonight forum! Take a bow brothers! Finest community of mongers on the planet without a doubt!
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:23 am on Nov. 14, 2002
Hey guys,last night was very hot at Q-bar.NY Dj was playing,a litle bit expensive-450 B for one drink,but plenty of beautiful ppl from both genders.....I'm starting to like this place !!!!!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:54 am on Nov. 14, 2002
pinga & abc, money does buy everything. it may take a while longer, but gotta spend some dough on the flowers, movies, dinners, and so forth before paying the dowry. hahahaha.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:01 am on Nov. 14, 2002
Trying to hang out with 'hi-so's' here is perhaps the equavalent of trying to find the country club where all the black people hang out at in South Carolina or Texas. Or "where's the bar where I can meet southern debutantes?" Yes, there are some, and quite pleasant to talk to, but it's also like a holy grail type situation. You might spend a lot of time searching... and in the end, it's just another drinking cup. Society here is actually determined by land ownership and liquid wealth, not by toys like cars and phones (lol). A lot of real society types don't even 'go out' in the sense that we 'go out,' (drink, sit around, and chat up strangers). They just go from society event to event. But by all means,.... happy hunting.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:33 am on Nov. 14, 2002
EXCELLENT POST!! Nicely done Packripper! Brillaint and accurate analogy and spot on summary.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:43 am on Nov. 14, 2002