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Greetings and salutations. I've gone through most of the newbie forum and a lot of other areas and I must say I've found it to be quite informative. However, there are a decent amount of concerns I have that I haven't seen addressed. I've tried using the search feature too, so if any of this has been covered I simply suck at using the search engine, and would appreciate being pointed in the right direction.

One thing which really took me by surprise when I went to Hong Kong was that drinking the water was a very VERY bad idea. Since Thailand is, for the most part, a "second world" country, is it safe to assume that drinking anything that doesn't come out of a bottle or the hotel sink is a bad idea?

What about plugs? Will I need an adapter to use plug in American electronics (i.e. battery charger) in the hotel?

I ordered the Why Thailand ebook and was surprised to see that he suggested taking soap and shampoo with you. Granted, my travel is limited to the US, Hong Kong and Japan, but I tend to expect the hotel to provide that if I don't pack it. Do Thai hotels not provide these things, and are there any other things I should pack that one would normally expect a hotel to provide? I'm planning on staying at Nana for a day or two and Majestic Suites in Bangkok and Penthouse or Residence Garden in Pattaya.

Any recommendations on places to have laundry done around these places? How much does it cost and how fast is it?

How much local cash will I need? Or maybe it would be better to ask where you need to pay with cash (obviously TGs need cash for services rendered, but other than that). Since you get a better exchange rate with credit cards, it seems plastic would be simpler. I also have about HK$5000-6000 left from my last trip to Hong Kong due to using plastic. Would I get a better rate for HKD than USD changing money? I know it sounds silly since the HKD is tied to the USD, but you get more yen for HKD than USD, so I thought I'd ask.

In Hong Kong I found out through trial and error that the universal signal for "I want a loud and annoying pimp that won't ever go away to try to sell me a nasty hooker" is to take out a map and look lost. Does the same apply in Thailand?

Along those lines, is harassment from beggars/scam artists pretending to be beggars/drug dealers/salesmen/etc. common on the streets? If so, how do you get rid of them? If it escalates do you drag them to the tourist police?

I've read that stray dogs are a concern. I don't like dogs anyway, and the last thing I want to be bit by a dog and get infected with some previously undiscovered disease. Is there a signal to let them know they're not wanted? Will they understand my dislike if I point with my feet?

I know sex toys aren't all that accessible, but what about high-end lube? Is it cheaper/more expensive/about the same as it is in the US? And I know this is about a billion to one longshot, but is there an underground joint in Thailand that sells those Japanese handjob machines? I'm curious about them, but in principle I refuse to spend $200 on shipping.

This is probably going to shock a great many people, but I despise beer. With a passion. Most other western liquor tends to upset my stomach. The only things I drink are hot sake, umeshu (Japanese plum wine), a Korean wine called Bek Se Ju and a few Korean rice wines I don't know the names of. Do any gogos/discos/soapies/etc. serve these? If so, any idea on price? I can tolerate some American sake if need be to keep prices reasonable.

Do any places have a reputation for using underage girls? From what I understand, Thai jail is not a very pleasant place, and is pretty much the last place I want to end up. Are there any known hangouts for underage freelancers to avoid? And what should I do if I bring a girl from a bar/gogo and upon finishing my business she says something like "I give bar and front desk fake ID. This REAL ID. I 17 and 364 days."

I've also done MMA and some other martial arts in the past. Based on ticket prices, it seems like promoters could afford to pay Muay Thai fighters decently for their time. Is there anyway to get booked without going through the trouble of getting a work visa? And any idea on how much it actually pays? I'd mainly do it to take care of all of my expenses that would be covered in cash, so if it pays less than 20,000 baht I wouldn't even bother.

I know that's a lot of questions, and don't expect any individual to take the time to answer all of them. But I will say thank you in advance for any and all help.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:32 pm on Dec. 18, 2005
Hey Tradewynd, here are some answers from my experience.

Don't drink unbottled water, unless you want to crap piss.

Yes you will need an adapter. I have a universal adapter which has worked for me in the past. A lot of threads on that in the tech section.

The touts will be all over you regardless of the map. STAY AWAY from them. They're bad news. Just keep walking and they eventually give up.

I bring my own soap and shampoo because I don't like the Thai brands. But that's just personal preference. Depends on the hotel you stay at, higher end hotels will have everything and most lower end hotels don't provide anything but a shower cap and soap. Not sure about your hotels because I've never stayed at any of them, except Nana, which was a tragic mistake. One thing I've noticed about hotels in Thailand is that none of them provide any pens. Something you don't think about until you need one.

Most hotels will have their own laundry service for dirt cheap.

Most of the dogs I've seen were either laid out dying in the heat or concerned about what's in the pile of garbage on the side of the road. But never seen 'em aggressive towards people.

Hope that helps...

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:42 pm on Dec. 18, 2005
Adding to what Dagul already wrote:

How much cash to take is impossible to say since we don't know how long you'll be here and how much whoremongering you plan on doing.

Thailand has a lot of tourists so taking out a map and looking lost certainly DOESN'T mean that you are looking for a whore. Just go into any bar in Patpong, Cowboy or Nana.

Lots of beggars and scam artists. If you don't want what someone is selling, just ignore them and keep on walking.

No idea about sex toys. That's what women are for, right?!

Bek Se Ju? Damn that's nasty stuff. Tastes like sweat. I'm know that you can get Soju in Korean restaurants here (very overpriced) but I don't know about Bek Se Ju. Bars will definitely not have any. Maybe Japanese bars would have sake... but I don't know... never been in one here (i.e., BKK).

I wouldn't know about underage girls but I do know that it's not uncommon for BGs and FLs to be 15 - 17 years old. If she looks too young, just move on to someone who looks legal.

No idea at all about how much money Muai Thai boxers make.



Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:56 pm on Dec. 18, 2005
Mr Alan
If you have a computer or digital camera power supply, then you do not need a power converter since they operate at 100-200V and 50-60 Hz. You can verify this by looking at the specs on your power supply. But an electric toothbrush that is designed to be operated at 110-120V will fry at 220V, so you would need a power converter for that.

However, Thailand does "officaially" use a different plug than in the USA, for which you might need a cheap plug adapter. But some hotels have outlets that accept USA plugs and most hotels have the adapters that they can loan you, or you can buy one in Thailand.

There are plenty of name brand soaps and shampoos in Thailand. Maybe not every brand you can get back home, but they do have it.

There are plenty of laundry places around town. Just start looking around close to your hotel. Most hotel prices are not too bad either. Usually takes about 1 day for turnaround.

In addtion to drinking bottled water (cheap at Mini Mart and grocery stores), it is best to order drinks with no ice at restaurants.

I don't know where you got the idea that credit cards have the best exchange rate. They generally have a horrible exchange rates after you factor in the fees they charge on top of the exchange rate. Travel Checks are the best, especially if you get them for no fee. Get them in at least $100 denominiations to keep the exhange fees down (they charge per check).

There are a lot of stray dogs, but they won't bother you unless you step on one.

Regarding beggars, scam artists, etc, just keep walking. They will no harm you if you ignore them. Do not make eye contact. The biggest problems are the LadyBoys.

There are a lot of Japanese restaurants (especially in Hotels) were you can get Sake.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:22 pm on Dec. 18, 2005
You can get all kinds of western shit.
Re: LadyBoys, just say "no thank you", smile and keep walking without eye contact. They won't run after you more than about 10 yards.
DO NOT get all twisted and try to punch them in the mouth.
You could get punched with a shiv.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:49 am on Dec. 19, 2005
BKK is vitrually hassle free walking on the streets dealing with people trying to sell you something. Take a trip to Saigon for a lesson in street beggars.

Just ignore LB's, don't let them hear you say LB to your friends. They will leave you alone.

You can get most any kinda shampoo, soap, etc here. I don't know what that is all about. Especially if you are staying in BKK.

Many wall sockets take both US and EU style plugs. All your electronic stuff should be no problem.

Get your money out of a bank machine, and stop worrying about the pennies of exchange rate.

If you like all that other Asian shit alchohol, then you might as well learn to drink Thai Shit Whiskey.

If you don't travel much you will probably get the shits from just being here, no matter how much bottled water you drink. Asking for no ice is pretty anal minded. BKK is not Africa.

Lastly, Stop worrying about so much small stuff. Take your holiday, and handle things as they come, that is the whole adventure of it.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:32 am on Dec. 19, 2005

I've also done MMA and some other martial arts in the past. Based on ticket prices, it seems like promoters could afford to pay Muay Thai fighters decently for their time. Is there anyway to get booked without going through the trouble of getting a work visa? And any idea on how much it actually pays? I'd mainly do it to take care of all of my expenses that would be covered in cash, so if it pays less than 20,000 baht I wouldn't even bother.

Your chances of getting in a professional ring at one of the stadiums in bangkok. ABSOLUTELY NIL, not unless you train through a Thai gym for years and then work your way up through the ranks at an poorly paid provincial stadium. A small hand ful of farangs have done it, one was a Dutch guy at least 10-12 years ago.

Thai boxing to me is probably the most racist institution in Thailand, you remark about the cost of tickets??.tickets are cheap to Thai's. Only the foreigners pay high ticket prices. You will not bend or break that, you can bring out work permits, Bat Bragansangkom...anything you like that works at other places, you are foreign and that is that.

Ever wonder why the Bangkok Post never has any coverage of the National Sport??.I'll tell far as the Mauy Thai Board of Control is concerned, you do not need to know.

The real money will come from TV rights anyway, and I don't see anyone who has never fought professionally getting you?


Is there a signal to let them know they're not wanted? Will they understand my dislike if I point with my feet?

I read the post afterwards having only scanned it to start with. This made me laugh and think...could be a good troll.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:24 am on Dec. 19, 2005

Bangkok water is fine but don't drink too much of it. all hotels have plenty of bottled water.

It makes me laugh the number of people who are so careful at not drinking tap water but will happily go down on a whore they met 5 min ago.....

Ignore touts. Do not answer any of their questions "where u from, where u go" etc. THey are not being friendly they just want your money. Silence is best.

For boxing... try the ring under marine in Pattaya. They take all comers... and don't give a shit about your visa status. Thai fighters love a farang punch bag.

what the f*** is a Japanese handjob machine ???

most guys in bkk just pay a couple of hundred baht when they have a massage.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:54 am on Dec. 19, 2005
Mel Gibson
Please let us know when you will be fighting,,,,,,,,,
Muay Thai is a VERY different form of boxing and it takes many years of practice to get to know you way around a Muay Thai fight, even with your other Martial arts experience I will very much like to put 200,000BHT on the other guy.
On the more serious questions,,,
yes drink bottled water ( also avoid going down on hookers because they wash there pussies in un-bottled water )

Every hotel I have stayed at has shampoo ands soap,,, also many FARANG brands available at 7-11 only difference is has Thai writing all over it.

Every hotel; I have stayed at have 110 and 240 outlets in the bathroom for razors etc.

Local cash,, well if you are not a heavy drinker and do not have a huge sexual appetite budget around 3000BHT per day after hotel.

You want to get into a Muay Thai Boxing ring but are worried about a stray dog?????????? I think you are trying to wind-up this room.

The best way to get rid of touts is to ask if they like the local Elephant beer yet, it is a polite way to say that you want to be left alone,, just say "Khun chawp Chang yet"

Have fun
Best of luck anyway.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:46 am on Dec. 19, 2005
A falang wannabe getting in the ring with a Thai gives extra added incentive to the Thai to get really rough.
Have fun. :- (

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:52 pm on Dec. 19, 2005

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