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Great stuff guys

nice one Quack Quack very valuable info.

I'm feeling more upbeat and confident about this trip already

: )

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:11 am on June 14, 2008
BD5, I think you are looking at the problem from the wrong angle.
You are looking at it from the perception of a american/european person. And I don't think DISCRIMINATION works the same way in Thailand as we know and are used to here.
You maybe of a race that is thought as second or third class citizens in your country, but in Thailand EVERYBODY is a second class citizen if he or she is not Thai. We are FALANG/FARANG.
Now this sounds dramatic, but as a tourist you hardly ever notice this. You said so yourself, from the experience of your first trip. Your second trip will not differ from the first because the color of your skin.

The problem you are facing is that girls may not find you a "handsome man". Every time I, as a white guy, come to Thailand (and Cambodia) I have about a dozen times a conversation with a girl how we like each others skin color and how we want to change our colors.
Girls realy like my white skin, they think I'm handsome. I don't mind that ofcourse. This is not played by them, it is what they realy want.

So what does that mean for you? It means you are not considered handsome. There will be girls that do not like you on first sight. Some of these girls will let you know that. That happens to me also for other reasons then my skin. But 95% of the girls will not be bothered by your skin color. Or atleast they can not afford the luxury to wait for the most handsome guy to walk into their bar and pick them.

But as mentioned before, be a nice guy and you will find a nice girl. You will have some hits and some misses, but that happens to the white guy also.

So you look asian, maybe you can use that to your advantage. I also hear several times on a holiday that I'm falang, so I have a big dick and it will hurt them so they don't like me. Some I can win over with a lotof talking, some not.
So in the end we both win some girls and we both lose some girls and it evens out. But I don't think you will have any trouble finding girls.
The chemistry between you and the girl is always important. And it is up to you to make the best of it. We all have something that could be seen as a "problem" in the girls eyes, so don't be bothered by that.
Be a nice guy and you will find your girl.

Tip : Look into their eyes. Don't look only at their pretty faces/asses/boobs. If you see a stone cold hooker in those eyes, drop her like she has got the plague, even if she is a 10. Go for the 7 or the 8 that has eyes you can drown in. A nice girl will give you a nice time. A stone cold hooker is just counting her money while you are bonking away, and that does not do it for me.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:45 am on June 15, 2008
correct on all counts.. I would like to add that I am a firm beliver in "marry down"...... Always get serious with a girl that is below you in social and looks department. Make them need you more than you need them. I am not talking about a normal God fearing western relationship, I am talking about a first world man getting serious with a third world lady.

Remember, that a great looking Isaan girl is stil an Isaan girl. I prefer them because they will always feel "lucky" to have me if I treat them well. the white skined, long faced Thai-Chineese girls will always look down on faranf men. Behind the smile is a bitch.

So get serious with girls who are poor, uneducated and feel lucky to have a man like you.

You may be old, fat, bald but you still have have what they want.... security for them and their family.

And once you hit 50 who really cares if they can hold a conversation with you?

By the time you are that old, it is about having a girl around that knows how to take care of their man. And knows when to give you the remote control to the TV.

When I was in my 20's and 30's I cared about intelect. Now my priorities have changed. And I am far better for my shift in priorities.

Alright, I amnot 50, I am a decent ways below that, but when people see me with my young sweet hot Isaan girl in the western world the men are jealous and the women can't compete. How does a 40 somthing westen woman compete against a good looking 20 year old Isaan girl? Answer: she can't.

And all these girls are here for the taking. All ours. have been and always will be. Life is good.

I have been drinking heavily tonight, Blue Sapphire on the rocks so excuse my babbling.

You know what I like about Thai women? Her eis my typical morning conversation.... "take a shower" "brush you rteeth" "Suck my cock" "rub my back" "get me some food"

I am a cave man.

You ever notice how the brow of Isaan ladies is protuded and they actually do look like cavewomen? Look at their nipples too. Just like a chimp. I am serious. So next time you have an Isaan girl naked in your room, look at her brow and her nipples and tell me if you don't laugh !!!!!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:32 pm on June 15, 2008

Quote: from quack quack on 11:04 am on June 15, 2008
MOST IMPORTANT : NEVER take a different lady from the same bar / massage place, - all hell will break loose if you try this stunt. Switch bars if you get bored with a specific lady from a particular bar.
I do that all the time, and don't get any problems, in fact, I always get to try the new batch, because they would be the only ones I have not tried yet. It's not what you do, it's the way that you do it.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:05 am on June 16, 2008
Always establish the fact from the very beginning that you will never f*** the same girl twice (but if it does happen, it's just luck or that I am too drunk to remember). And most importantly, you pay well. Be generous, tell them you are here to spread your wealth, and to give everyone* a chance to share in it.

*pretty ones only, I am only human.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:46 am on June 16, 2008
I agree with BK. If handles properly, it is "up to you"

About 8 years ago I would just go to one bar and take one girl each night form the bar. The mamasan called me a 'helicopter' so on my next trip I wore a shirt with a picture of an Apache helicopter on it.

Just let them know upfront how you see things and will be ok.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:46 am on June 16, 2008
But if you go for the GirlFriendExperience, then you better not even look at her friends. A wrong look can get you killed.

I go for the GFE, and that means I have to look over my shoulder every minute of the day in a city with 15 million people. Sounds strange, but my actionradius is ofcourse very small as a tourist. And I tend to end up in the same places where I met the previous girlfriends. So danger is always around the corner.
But time is on my side. There is always a year (or more) in between visits. That gives me a small safety buffer.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:47 pm on June 16, 2008
Tyler Durdin

Quote: from Blattsucker on 3:13 pm on June 16, 2008..."I go for the GFE, and that means I have to look over my shoulder every minute of the day in a city with 15 million people."

You and me both Blattsucker! I also tend to mix in the ABFE (American Boyfriend Experience) which makes it even harder to butterfly...but I still seem to manage somehow

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:25 pm on June 18, 2008

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