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Quote: from Mel Gibson on 1:41 pm on Mar. 18, 2006
No we don't have 15 months,,, so that is THE problem !!!.. That thinking runs into problems with dates such as 4/5, 5/4 etc etc.

It may seem trivial but cost many thousands of lives in WW2 when some dumb ass Yank organised an advance with air and sea cover for 5/6 but was ACTUALLY planned for 6/5, thus the use of generic terminology saves confusion,, NO one ( except a few ) will have problems with 6 MAY,,, or 5 JUNE

Care to enlighten us with a link to the "dumb ass Yank" mistake?

Next time you might try using your 4/5 vice 5/4 reference and keep away from any number higher than 12.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:58 pm on Mar. 17, 2006

Quote: from Mel Gibson on 6:41 am on Mar. 18, 2006

It may seem trivial but cost many thousands of lives in WW2 when some dumb ass Yank organised an advance with air and sea cover for 5/6 but was ACTUALLY planned for 6/5, thus the use of generic terminology saves confusion,, NO one ( except a few ) will have problems with 6 MAY,,, or 5 JUNE

Never heard about that.

However it is March 17 2006 at 11:20 PM and I am still thinking about sex.

As for chuck simple. I think about it all the time so doesn't matter what time zone I am in. Just consider it all the time


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:34 am on Mar. 18, 2006
Mel Gibson
expatchuck, 5/4 4/5,,,180,000 Yes I can get numbers over 12. But if someone said its 34:12pm I would have trouble,,, but 12:34pm NO PROBLEM.

The only quote-worthy reply has been by Bimmer "However it is March 17 2006 at 11:20 PM and I am still thinking about sex.

Bless ALL today being 18 - March,,, NOT 3/18.

expat,,, no I do not wish to go threw thousands of links / pages to look for the 5/6, 6/5 incident but I believe it to be fact.

sex,, who said sex?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:35 am on Mar. 18, 2006
Loung Steeb
I have seen the 5/4 -- 4/5 thing used both ways and it's confusing as shit. I like the Military way 05 APR

Perhaps the number game would be easier to understand if they used zeros ie: 05/04/06

What time is it anyway???

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:42 am on Mar. 18, 2006
dirty guru
Who is on first?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:47 am on Mar. 18, 2006


I think you also better explain to Mel about leap years. That it doesn't mean that every 4 years he has to go and take a running leap.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:19 pm on Mar. 19, 2006
Mel Gibson
AHHHHH leap years,,add 29/02 or is that 02/29...Actually I think it is 29-Feb something non-confusing.
A person born on 29-Feb is known as a leapling and can choose either 28-Feb or 1-March as his celebratory day in non leap years ( or more commonly called "common years").
The most frightening thing about Leap years is tradition states that women can make marriage proposals WTF

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:59 pm on Mar. 19, 2006
So, Mel, would you say 2/28 - 28/2 or 3/1 - 1/3? I'd bet the March one has you confused, doesn't it.

Leap year is that marvelous invention by the Aztecs that adds one day each four years in order for the trip by the earth around to sun during that same four year period to be more or less accurate.

It does not mean you should leap in the lake, play leap frog or leap to conclusions. You may leap to conclusions as often as you wish and do not have to rely on a four year cycle to keep you timely.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:19 pm on Mar. 19, 2006
Advice on the author's original query about how to avoid getting bitten by stray dogs that seem to hang around city streets...

The only way a single Thai doggy can take on a Farang if approaching one another is by ignoring you and once past you they tend to do an about face and have a go at ya heels/calfs, or what ever smeels tastiest

Solution - So once they go past you abruptly turn around and yell at them - there is no way you will be challenged after that Mr Aplha Male doggy

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:46 am on Mar. 20, 2006
Mel Gibson
Expat,,your previous post,,,, was it at 4:07 or 07:4 ???

Time within a day seems to commonly written as,,,, hour : minute : second. ( e.g 12:45:36)
> > >.
Perhaps then a similiar but mirrored sequence of,,,
day : Month : Year makes sense. < < <

To be honest I believe the 24 hr clock is best to save confusion and far superior to both the Thai 6 hour system and the commonly used am / pm Farang system.

As for "leap years" I do believe the honour for that belongs to a fellow named Julius Caeser and his nephew Augustus,, shame they weren't Aussies

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:19 am on Mar. 20, 2006

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