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MainFood & Restaurants – Uzuki jap restaurant soi 11, another scam! All Topics

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Maybe I am just tired of seeing just too much of the everpresent scamartists everywhere in this country. You know about it and often fix it with knowledge and turning of your back. But sometimes the cup just runs over! Happened to me the other night and this place is the right one to warn other members.

Soi 11 and 13 have a number of hotels in the "President" group. Good places and I have stayed there for years. Just this time they run a promotion for their guests. Enter 2 people to Bed Club for free, get 10% at the German Beerhouse restaurant soi 11 plus a few other ok offers.

One is a 10% discount on your bill at Uzukik jap place just opposite the German place. I have eaten there quite a few times and just after the start of promo I did as was said on the posters: presented the key card to get the reduction. Staff pointed at a new picture in meny where this key card was crossed over and "not valid". Instead they claim you must use a special "discount form" to be obtained at frontdesk.

So I asked hotel for one. To my surprise - none such was existing! Instead the nice manager said that it was quite enough with the key card according to the deal they had with jap place.

So again I went back for grub one day and showed card. Again answer was no - but this time I insisted and discount was withdrawn - under mumbling protest. Which in turn was rewarded by no tip.

When I now for last time ever set foot in this scam place again the story repeated itself. I insisted of course (has got nothing to do with money - they have to learn principles some time in their life!) and this time a sourmouthed older lady arrived and showed me utmost disrespect and bad manners. It got ugly. On top of that a fat f*** farang sat at next table and tried to come with some smart comment, I was now really pissed off - but paid and went out.

Straight to hotel front desk where I reported to manager. He told me this was not the first time they had this problem with Uzuki. Many other foreign tourists was lured to the place by the promotion - just to receive none at time of "check-bin".

It is small money we are talking about- but I just hate the behaviour! Lie, cheat and do any dirty trick in the book in order to make a few more measly bahts. This seems to be increasing all the time and we who have stayed here a long time know it and can try to avoid. But if you are a new tourist and for the first time face cheating cabdrivers, scam sellers and everywhere people who really dont give a shit about you - other than freeing you from any baht they can!? I am fed up with it and we should all fight it our own way. For me it is telling every new visitor to never use a cab without meter, never to overpay tuk-tuks or go with them to gem shops etc.

And in this entry I suggest you stay away from Uzuki jap eatery in soi 11! No need to further support their obviously cheating manners!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:32 pm on Mar. 24, 2009
Just this time they run a promotion for their guests.
Well obviously this promotion was run by the hotel, not by the restaurant.

Staff pointed at a new picture in meny where this key card was crossed over and "not valid".
So how can you be angry at the restaurant? Perhaps they withdrew their arrangement with the hotel or changed the conditions without the front desk knowing about it.

Imagine that BK says: 'Today 10% off DrLove Night Tours' but that offer was withdrawn last month, would you be angry at me for not honoring it?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:40 pm on Mar. 24, 2009

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:59 pm on Mar. 24, 2009
Dr Love - well first of all I have no need for your services what so ever. So you can give 100% discount if you like, still not interested.

You dont seem to understand what I wrote? The place is IN the promotion still (probably will be kicked out though since not following the deal). They have NOT withdrawn - they SAY they are in the discount thing - BUT ask for a piece of paper that is never issued, was never supposed to be issued - and which NOONE of the other 7 places included in the promotion asks for! Just THIS place lures people in with a promo - just to walk out of it when it is claimed! I call it fraud and a shit behaviour. You seem to have no objections though.

Maybe you have some relation with this cheating place - but your defence of people who clearly cheat, lie and try and not live up to their promises is perhaps claryfying of your own so called "services"?

Is there still something unclear?

If so - why not check out:

where it should be very clear that they:

1. Have a promotion and
2. That it is not inactive!

You dont need to have a timelimit on a promotion if it is planned to last a longer while. When it is over you take the advertising down. That is not a topic here - since the promo is ON! Ok?!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:19 pm on Mar. 24, 2009

Quote: from DrLove on 12:40 am on Mar. 25, 2009
Imagine that BK says: 'Today 10% off DrLove Night Tours' but that offer was withdrawn last month, would you be angry at me for not honoring it?
Whenever, you make an offer, you should always have a deadline, otherwise, people will not feel compelled to take up the offer. That's marketing 101.

Jojje, I will pass this story to the right people for them to check on it. This should never be tolerated at all, in fact it gives Grand President a bad name.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:33 pm on Mar. 24, 2009
Joffe, that fat farang must have been Doc Love's friend, since he was so adapt at pissing you off.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:13 pm on Mar. 24, 2009
Jojje, are plain stupid or just pissed off?

I never asked you (or anyone) to sign up or even show interests in my tours. It was just to illustrate....

Secondly, read again what I wrote (and you confirm by posting the link of the GRAND PRESIDENT website). It was the hotel who advertised this promo and obviously did not do their homework.

Why didn't you complain to the management of the hotel instead of vomiting on the Japanese restaurant without knowing the source of the mishap?

For the record, I have no connection with this restaurant, just responding in a logical matter as opposed to your complaining to the wrong people. If you had contacted the management of the hotel, probably a solution or an explanation would have been found. Then again, as this is Thailand... maybe not.

Furthermore, when promotions are in place you usually have to inform the waiter before you order. In this case you were also warned of the new requirement by the picture in the menu.

What do you suggest, stop eating at the restaurant or sleeping somewhere else?

CalEden, perhaps you can fill me in about the fat farang and Jojje why do you refer to Japanese people as 'Japs'... still fighting a war?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:49 pm on Mar. 24, 2009
JJ, I can logically follow your anger, but I would have complained as well, but in case of no result just have walked away.
If people who think they want to run cheap trick, I will not cultivate negative energy and waste more time...

Next time go to


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:14 pm on Mar. 24, 2009
China Sailor

Quote: from Jojje on 4:19 am on Mar. 25, 2009

Dr Love - well first of all I have no need for your services what so ever. So you can give 100% discount if you like, still not interested.

You dont seem to understand what I wrote...

Com'on Jojje,

Waddya expect, it is the Doc don'tcha know.

To be honest I see this a lot these days in the US. It is akin to the 'bait and switch'.

It works like this:

The hotel offers a free brekkie, you go down to see a full buffet but you, eating the free brekkie get the 'Continental Buffet' which consists of old fruit, stale cereal with warm milk, and your choice of day-old muffins that came from the local Cosco Wholesale Mart. Yoghurt... sorry they are out today.

Now the hot brekkie buffet is available with waffles, biscuits and gravy, fresh cooked eggs, and choice of sausage and bacon but that will cost you $10.

Another good one is the 25% discount on the special dinner menu in the restaurant next door; but this only applies to the 'Special Menu' which has prices.... surprise surpise... 25% higher than the regular menu.

It all boils down to TANSTAAFL.... you get what you pay for...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:00 pm on Mar. 24, 2009
This is great, just like the good old days when everyone abused one another. Well me anyway.
I suggest we open a thread just for this such behaviour.
The dodgy, lying restaurants/bars, not the abusing of one another.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:15 am on Mar. 25, 2009

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