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Quote: from nutsup on 6:33 pm on Mar. 4, 2011
Oh no, nutsup, I don't embrace it at all. I really dislike it, actually - but my dislike is based upon my own cultural values.

But that's all a bit academic, and also irrelevantly personal. My point was that living or visiting Thailand is, compared to other places with the same level of fun, safe and secure. Whatever we think about what is going on under the surface, it really isn't that dangerous here. That's all I'm saying.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:23 am on Mar. 4, 2011
dirty guru
Those cigerette cops tried to book me yesterday - but as I said I dont smoke and havent in years they nabbed the guy next to me who did smoke- (though wasnt)

Also Thai cops at 4am tried to book farangs for no seat belt - but again I had mine on - searched my wallet I got a 500 baht spot fine for not having my passport

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:41 pm on Mar. 4, 2011
The only place I can think of with people more dishonnest than the Thai is maybe some remote part of Nigeria...maybe...


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:52 am on Mar. 5, 2011
... readers on this thread might find interesting madfrog's view of the honesty of Thai medical professionals in current thread under "Medical" titled "Dentist in Bangkok!".

... disappointed, but not a huge surprise... while they are educated, highly trained and skilled professionals, they are still "Thais"... their relatively high stations in Thai society do not allow them to rise above their cultural values... values burned in at an early age... bone deep... in the DNA.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:58 am on Mar. 5, 2011
Yeah, must say this incident at Asavanant dental clinic re-inforced my allready strong belief about the pristine honnesty of the Thai people.

In case some of you think I m making this up, I still have the two "treatment plans" papers, one for 8500, and the second for a cool 107500 baht (with plenty of useless gadgets I never asked and dont need), showed it to BK last night.

I could hear the doctor dictating to her assistant "Chai, Thong duai!" (yes, Gold also!)...i never asked for any f***ing gold tooth! And she did try to hardsell those to me with scare tactics to have some "preventive work" done on top.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:25 am on Mar. 5, 2011
This must be bill padding at its finest. The doctor must have gotten a doctorate in that instead of dentistry. Madfrog, you'd look like a Borg when they are done with you!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:37 am on Mar. 6, 2011
Yeah BK, borg indeed, the doctor attitude was also "resistance is futile, just pay!!!!"


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:19 am on Mar. 6, 2011
Joe Wood
I think all world travellers and experienced people could agree that there are scammers and people on the make and exploiters and cheats and downright thieves in every society.

Each culture, each society permits facets of this to be shown publicly, since they have become if not acceptable, at least bearable. Other facets lay well-hidden, if not deeply buried.

I agree with quack quack that false praise in Thai society is merely to please and forms a social way of inter-acting which is acceptable to Thais but which no-one actually believes but is viewed as all part of the social interaction.

Used in a business transaction, of course, the false praise becomes more transparent, is more easily identified since it is being looked for and is based on the strategy to ease the transaction to one side's advantage and so is seen as being dishonest and a lie.

If there is no financial gain, then it is not seen so much as being deceptive.

For those few of you who still hold that Western cultures and societies are, by comparison to Thai society, relatively pure...................and you have a few hours to spare....
............................try watching this :

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:30 am on Mar. 6, 2011

Quote: from Blonk on 11:29 am on Mar. 7, 2011
Whilst during my trips initially and now my life in Thailand, I dont believe I will ever come to terms with the level of dishonsety Thais believe is 'OK'....

Even some of the most honest Thai I know tell me at times not to worry... "Sometimes you just have to tell lies and its OK and accepted.."
... I think you get it, Blonk... like mine, your experience is very local, and close-up to the typical Thai... up-country, up-town, hi-so and lo-so... not just the darker P4P corner of Thai society.

... the typical Thai's absence of guilt, or remorse, or responsibility for the lying is what is so disturbing to me... it's sick.

... maybe a credentialed psychologist or sociologist amongst our numbers (lots of those here, eh?) can comment authoritatively on this, but I read that the disassociation by a person between their actions and the real consequences of those actions are described as "lack of empathy", a pathological sickness... a personality disorder.

... psychopaths are afflicted by this... that disassociation allows them to perpetrate unspeakable acts without raising an eyebrow... and hey, there's none of THAT going on here!

... empathy seems to be the foundation of the morality and common decency by which humane behavior is defined... it separates us from the animals... necessary for civilization, whether that is at the tribal, survival level, or modern developed societies.

... is this what allows so many Thais to watch bad things happen, even be a part of it, yet seem indifferent to it?.. they lie, cheat, and steal, and then psychologically disassociate themselves from it when they are caught red-handed... they distort the reality and deny even that it happened... and, certainly deny that they are responsible for it... grown adults, many well-educated, well-read, well-travelled, behaving like children.

... I really do believe the Thai society suffers from psychological sicknesses... widespread personality disorders, at least... not surprising when you see the abuses perpetrated on the entire nation for generations of entitled, aristocratic elites.

... is it so unbelievable?.. for example, how psychologically healthy were the post-Ceaucescu Romanians, post-Emancipation American slaves, post-Mao cadres, and post-Hitler Germans and Jews when they were at last released from their oppression and the reality of their lives became openly known.

... what will the post-Kim North Koreans be like when they are released from the sick oppression and suppression under which they labor?.. are we witnessing similar traits from a Thai society, whose values have been similarly distorted for generations?

... someone, please step-in and cite for me the failure in the logic here... sure... it's a logical argument based upon subjective observations, but am I way out there, alone on this one?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:38 am on Mar. 7, 2011
Joe Wood

No, you are not alone at all.

But let's also consider a few more post-regime times.

The Post-Saddam period ?

The Post_Russian Czar period ?

The Post-Lenin period ?

I think there are a lot more factors to take into consideration.

No one period can really be compared to another, since the circumstances before, during and after vary so much.

But returning to the subject of Thai society, I don't think that, through my Western eyes and my set of values and understanding of a code of morality, I could pretend to fairly judge a person brought up and saturated from birth in a culture so shackled by superstition, animism and a form of Buddhism which is crippling in its intensity, but which allows such a blanket denial of rights as listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

And yes, there are the thieves, the cheats, the liars in all societies as well as this one, as we look into the bubble from the outside, for on the outside we are and will remain so, and the seemingly general refusal inside that bubble to face conflict or to confront a problem gives the impression that the dishonesty is thorough and a personal choice.

But there are also so many good Thais. They just don't get noticed as much.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:37 am on Mar. 7, 2011

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