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dont do anything that inconveniences you or draws attention to the fact you have a thai stalker, who knows what people will think

just ignore her completely, dont reply or acknowledge her and eventually she will get bored and give up

just tell your thai "friends" not to contact her or pass on info

no need to tell clients or change usa numbers, she will get them easily enough, just ignore her

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:23 am on Jan. 27, 2009
It may sound like the obvious, but I had a mate in a very similiar situation, after 4mths he finally ran out of ideas and simply went to the local police box (this happened to be on Soi4) they directed him to the police station where he explained everything, they said they would talk to the girl involved, my freind never heard from her again. There was no money involved, there was no awkwardness from the police, they were apparently very understanding and explained that a visit from them would usually deter this behaviour.
It worked for him.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:56 am on Jan. 27, 2009
yeh that might work too

i just thought that he might not want a load of westerners knowing he was having probs with a thai girl, as in how many times did he go to thailand etc etc sex tourist etc etc he might not want people being aware of his private life / preferences

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:19 am on Jan. 27, 2009
By no means stop the flow of ideas and suggestions. I appreciate all the input. The advice given seems to be on the mark (even though some of it is contradictory). It would appear I’m not the first guy (or the last) that has run into this problem. I agree that this girl will track down my numbers and thus changing my American cell will not be of consequence.

I have very strong roots in BKK. It would be almost impossible for me, by simply changing hotels and social venues, to disappear. She would always be able to track me through customers and friends. I am not prepared to give up my friends for this psycho. I have “worked” for twenty years on these contacts and relationships. They are simply too important for me to give up on at this stage of my life.

I will just have to implement a plan to make HER give up on me. I will also tell her “friends” that I consider this matter “serious” and that they should not tease her, and make light of it. Part of the problem is this girls raging jealousy. Every time she sees me talk to a TG, she goes off her mind.

I am also convinced that talking to a doctor at this point will accomplish nothing. She does not believe there is anything wrong with her behavior. It would take a lot of ‘convincing’ to get her to see a professional. Also, it is really not my responsibility to get her on track. I tried several things and all of them went unappreciated.

Again, thanks everyone. Please keep the suggestions coming if any of you have an epiphany.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:11 pm on Jan. 27, 2009
Perhaps set her up with a new "boyfriend" to keep her distracted, but it would be setting him up for a world of hell though.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:22 pm on Jan. 27, 2009

Quote: from bkkz on 3:22 am on Jan. 28, 2009
Perhaps set her up with a new "boyfriend" to keep her distracted, but it would be setting him up for a world of hell though...
My Dearest bkkz! I would never be able to live with myself if I implemented your Idea. Now there was a guy in the 6th grade who stole my sweetheart away. If I could only find a 40 year old yearbook, and remember his name I "MIGHT" set HIM up...

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:06 pm on Jan. 27, 2009
My U S cell does not stop. I have assigned the 'stalkers' phone numbers to “silent”. However, I can’t make an outcall while she is calling me (yesterday over 160 time’s straight). It is annoying. I of course just ignore the calls; but she does not stop. Several days ago I e mailed her explaining that I have been to Thailand over 150 times, and never had a problem before. I tried the carrot/stick approach with her; but obviously to no avail. Funny! How I seem to be able to solve everyone else’s problems, but I can’t get a 'stalker’ off my back. I am afraid I will just have to change my U S numbers. But this one can easily figure out a way to get the new number.
By the way. She left me a voice mail I sent her 6 months ago. Can you believe this? She has saved every text, e mail & voice mail I ever sent her. She just calls my phone(s) and leaves these messages in my voice mail box. Yesterday I found 6 of them there.
Still awaiting the "boiled Rabbit"

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:46 pm on Jan. 30, 2009
If there is a way you can "call forward" her number only, try sending it to the White House in DC.

If they get 160 calls, you can bet the Secret Service will be wondering who she is and why she is calling. That might get her attention.

Of course, the SS might also want to know why you did it, but f*** 'em if they can't take a joke.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:49 pm on Jan. 30, 2009
Mel Gibson
Does anyone have Daffy's number?


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:13 pm on Jan. 30, 2009

You mentioned that, finally, you might consider changing your US number(s). Can I suggest the following:

Keep the US number that she calls active, maybe in an old phone. That way she doesn't know that you no longer use this number and (perhaps) will not seek out your new US business numbers.

Also, you might consider telling your business contacts why you are changing your number, and please not to give it out to anyone.


PS - I don't really think it was a good idea to send her an email. That just helps her to validate that she is getting to you. Ignore her.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:23 pm on Jan. 30, 2009

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