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The Metropolitan Police will issue a directive to prohibit children under 18 years old from leaving home after 10 pm without justified reasons>>>Now does "I go work agogo" constitute a justified reason or not?
Otherwise it seem some SC bars will soon be short of part of their staff...


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:03 am on Jan. 13, 2011
Joe Wood
I would think that this new piece of paternalistic legislation restricting the movements and lessening the freedom of the young in this Land of the Free, is not intended to be an exception in the Statute Book, but will, like all other laws be subject to rigorous enforcement and application and equally rigorous corruption and neglect by those heroes in the brown uniforms.

On a more serious note, I don't see how passing another piece of legislation will in any way encourage the police to actually become an effective force.

And is this law to be applied on all days of the week or just on school nights ? There are plenty of restaurants and cinemas and friends homes to be at on a Friday or Saturday night.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:48 am on Jan. 13, 2011
PussyLover 69
Report from The Nation dated Thursday 13 January 2011 :-

Cops to grill kids who stay out after 10pm

Youth who stay out of their homes after 10pm in Bangkok must have good reasons to do so from now on or police could summon them for questioning.

Metropolitan Police Bureau spokesman Maj-General Piya Utayo yesterday said the measure was intended to prevent youths from ending up as criminals or victims of crime. However, some people are worried about the measure.

"Police will conduct patrols to ensure youths do not engage in inappropriate activities," he said.

He said the Metropolitan Police commissioner had instructed his subordinates to strictly monitor youths aged under 18 who were out of their homes after 10pm.

"If we find them road racing or hanging out at Internet cafes, we will send them to police stations," Piya said.
He said the parents of the youths would then be alerted so they knew about the problem and could bring their children home. "But if the youths engage in illegal activities, they will be charged and face legal action," Piya added.

"It's necessary to take preventive measures, otherwise the children may become criminals or crime victims," he said.

Piya said children who had valid reasons - such as taking evening tutorial courses - would be allowed to stay out late.

Senator Wallop Tangkana-nurak, who chairs the Senate committee on children, women and the elderly, urged police to implement the measure cautiously. "If police stop and arrest children who are heading to a party at their friend's home, they will be violating the children's rights," he warned.

He said police should just ask the children where they are going and check if they are telling the truth or engaging in illegal activities.

Wallop also pointed out that it would be very sensitive if police conducted body searches on girls or took them to police stations for unclear reasons.

Panadda Chamnansuk, a lecturer from Kasetsart University's Faculty of Social Science, was even more worried. She said the measure would not fit in with Bangkok people's lifestyles.

Panadda said she believed police should focus on risky places such as auto-accessory shops and gaming cafes.

Wallop suggested police implement the measure by setting up checkpoints at night, claiming it would be more useful. "Check the adults too so as to effectively prevent crimes," he said.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:07 pm on Jan. 13, 2011
dirty guru
Fair enough -

Though its getting alittle socialist in the way youth might apply to p4p woman in their twenties (early)

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:32 pm on Jan. 13, 2011
Joe Wood

23 year old very attractive young lady, who I know through some older friends of hers, was in a taxi last September going back to her apartment from a disco in Bangkok.

The police stopped the vehicle at a spot-check point at the usual time of the month. Her I.D. papers it was suggested had an irregularity and she was told that she had to report to the police station, which she did.

There, she was touched and fondled and accused of being a working girl in no uncertain language by officers attempting a shake-down. She denied this, as she is not a working girl but works for a company near Chong Nonsi.
She just had enough money for a taxi on her.

Not getting what they wanted, they searched her but found nothing. The senior officer told the others to leave the room, where-upon she was hit and punched and slapped by this twisted cretin, who then proceeded to threaten her and informed her that they knew where she lived and that they would be keeping an eye out for her.
She was then allowed to walk home to her apartment where she lives alone.

She doesn't go out at night at all now and she's scared of travelling in the day in the area.

Maybe this extra piece of legislation should not be given to the police to use as another way to abuse people.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:09 am on Jan. 14, 2011
Everywhere in the world the freedom snatching parasite
lives and grows. The aim to control, manipulate, steal, enslave and brainwash why should thailand be any different.

Arrogant f***s telling people how to live.
But after a while people wont put up with it look at tunesia many countries need a revolution. The powers at be in power too long 2012 a change is a coming.

Anyway the wife will loose money on her computer shop and shes giving me grief about it.
But she still love thailand more than anything which I cannot understand,how can you love something treating you like a baby unless you are a baby.

Sorry but I think its terrible how basic freedoms of information, movement, or consumption are ignored
and trampled on in the name of morals.
f*** off with your morals I no hab.

She calls the guy 45 years but his time is up by the end of the year then wait for the next

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:08 pm on Jan. 14, 2011
dirty guru
jOE WOODS story is pretty bad me thinks
My wife's youngest sister was almost raped by a group of soldiers on leave up north near Aranyaprehet-

She had been made to do some stuff also-

Cops laughed her off-

So my wife dealt with one about 3 months on-

She basically wrapped a piece of hard wood around his back and when on the ground

unable to stand or move she dargged him to the middle of the street.....went back for the wood and belted him twice more.

Thailand still has primitive justice systems at times and victims and families tend to bypass the system if it fails them

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:34 pm on Jan. 14, 2011
Joe Wood

I suppose that's his way of reminding them, particularly if he has forgotten to remind them in the lecture hall or classroom.

But if any of them at that time are accompanying a customer to direct them to the bus stop, your friend might have to face a little irritation from someone visiting Thailand and who doesn't want to miss the last bus back to the hotel.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:32 pm on Jan. 14, 2011
PussyLover 69
Report from The Nation dated Saturday 15 January 2011 :-

Curfew must not impinge on children's rights: NHRC

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) is calling on the police to consult all relevant parties before enforcing a newly announced measure to prevent young people under the age of 18 from staying out late.

"The measure concerns both the welfare and liberty of young people," NHRC commissioner Visa Benjamano said yesterday.

The Metropolitan Police Bureau recently decided to stop children staying out after 10pm without a sound reason.

Visa said the authorities should first take into account the social and economic conditions in the capital that are keeping many children outside after 10pm.

"Some children might have some errands to tend to or might be on their way home," she said, adding that police should first listen to the opinions of youngsters, parents and people working for children's causes before implementing the measure.

"Police should also carefully consider relevant laws," Visa added.

She said psychologists and social workers should be present when youngsters are detained for being outside beyond the 10pm deadline.

Deputy Metropolitan Police Commissioner Maj-General Amnuay Nimmano said the measure was in line with relevant laws, namely the Children Protection Act. He said that if children were found straying outside late at night, they would be taken to a police station and their parents alerted.

"If they are caught for a second time, their parents will be punished too," he said, adding that parents could face up to three months in jail or a maximum fine of Bt20,000.

Amnuay said those worried about the measure could call (081) 612 5640 around the clock for details.

"We are not limiting children's rights, we are protecting them," he said.

This measure is part of the government's plan to cut crime by 20 per cent in six months.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said yesterday that the police would mainly focus on Internet cafes, which were off-limits to children late at night anyway. He said the government would also rely on privately owned security cameras, as well as volunteers and patrol policemen, in a bid to tackle crime.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:15 am on Jan. 15, 2011

Quote: from PussyLover 69 on 5:15 pm on Jan. 15, 2011

Curfew must not impinge on children's rights: NHRC
Typical idiots stepping in....

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:54 am on Jan. 15, 2011

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