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dirty guru
If you had to pick a team that at least half beat a lie detecter or your brains get blown out-

I would feel safe knowing that a Thai team would spare my life-

Question one-

Do you love this man?

Question two

Did you ever steal from him?

Question Three

Have you ever been unfaithful?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:34 pm on Mar. 12, 2011
Maybe they'd pass a lie detector, showing no stress but I've noticed that Thais don't lie very well - probably because it's such an accepted thing and they don't expect anyone to call them on it. I.e. they'll make up a story that's easy to check, that has contradictions that are easy to see, they'll forget details more easily than a farang would and give different ones when you ask again. It's because it's not such a big deal. A farang would be much more careful because of the shame!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:38 am on Mar. 13, 2011
dirty guru
Good observation

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:35 pm on Mar. 13, 2011

Quote: from tezza on 12:02 pm on Mar. 11, 2011
His first had ended in divorce. His second had also just recently ended in divorce. He had married a Vietnamese girl from the internet and brought her to Australia. 3 years later once she had her citizenship she left him and took half of everything. The guy was scammed, her family were deeply embarrassed and it sounds like she may have had a Vietnamese boyfriend on the side such was the pace she divorced him. He was an average lookng bloke, seemed nice enough, not old so unless he was belting her around at home he was royally rogered up the back passage by a scheming bitch

Although this girl was Vietnamese, the Issan girls have figured it out also and are ready to latch on any love lorn farang like "abalone to a rock". This is a win win strategy for the girl and the family. For a few years of time on the girls part (1) Much face gained with family & village (2) 2 great Wedding Parties Gifts (3) Wealth, gold & jewelry to be gained (4) World travel (5) Citizenship to Western Country & Passport (6) And more wealth to be gained during the divorce.

At almost no cost to the girl much is to be gained. The girls in the village see this, talk about it and there's even Issan music videos depicting this.

But, this is nothing new. Since the beginning of human kind there have been marriages of convenience.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:29 pm on Mar. 13, 2011
dirty guru

Videos of it do infact get air time -

A girl with a farang is seen - family rejoicing-

I have about 3 mistresses aside from wife-

All fawn love towards me-

One word


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:38 pm on Mar. 13, 2011

Quote: from CalEden on 11:29 am on Mar. 14, 2011
But, this is nothing new. Since the beginning of human kind there have been marriages of convenience.

... and, is that the world from which I want to select a mate?.. no f***ing way.

... what you refer to is survivalist, tribal culture... how personally fulfilling can that be in modern world, where our basic needs are generally met?.. most western cultures have evolved, in a quantum way, far beyond survivalist values, where only food, protection from predators and a safe place to breed are the basic needs.

... I much prefer to live above the "near-animals" of the human species, in a civilized society where inherent human values always take precedent over animal survival values.

... what thinking man would choose the latter if he really knew what he was buying into?.. these inferior cultural values seem easy to understand in a sterile intellectual environment, sure.

... but, how many farang, raised in more enlightened societies, can truly understand actually LIVING amongst a tribal, survivalist culture?.. can truely fathom the depth of the soulless animal that emerges in many humans when they are faced with what they percieve as "survival" decisions (children to care for them when they are aged, house, money, gold, arrable land on which to grow rice, etc.) ?

... after the "breeding" loses it's appeal, all that is left for the now deeply troubled farang "provider", is "you take care me"... and my family... and the rest of my tribe, even if all of them can't possibly fit into our cave... after the "provider" is past prime (or, in this case, his fortune is transferred), sacrificing the life of an aging hunter-fisherman for the benefit of the whole only makes sense... then, going out and finding another good hunter-fisherman.

... it is the tribal way of surviving... I believe understanding this cultural dynamic is essential for a farang to be able to understand an overwhelming percentage of the Thai population.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:21 am on Mar. 14, 2011

Quote: from magnum on 9:21 pm on Mar. 14, 2011

Quote: from CalEden on 11:29 am on Mar. 14, 2011
But, this is nothing new. Since the beginning of human kind there have been marriages of convenience.

... and, is that the world from which I want to select a mate? no f***ing way.

... what you refer to is survivalist, tribal culture... how personally fulfilling can that be in modern world, where our basic needs are generally met? most western cultures have evolved, in a quantum way, far beyond survivalist values, where only food, protection from predators and a safe place to breed are the basic needs.

... I much prefer to live above the "near-animals" of the human species, in a civilized society where inherent human values always take precedent over animal survival values.

... what thinking man would choose the latter if he really knew what he was buying into? these inferior cultural values seem easy to understand in a sterile intellectual environment, sure.

... but, how many farang, raised in more enlightened societies, can truly understand actually LIVING amongst a tribal, survivalist culture? can truely fathom the depth of the soulless animal that emerges in many humans when they are faced with what they percieve as "survival" decisions (children to care for them when they are aged, house, money, gold, arrable land on which to grow rice, etc.) ?

... after the "breeding" loses it's appeal, all that is left for the now deeply troubled farang "provider", is "you take care me"... and my family... and the rest of my tribe, even if all of them can't possibly fit into our cave... after the "provider" is past prime (or, in this case, his fortune is transferred), sacrificing the life of an aging hunter-fisherman for the benefit of the whole only makes sense... then, going out and finding another good hunter-fisherman.

... it is the tribal way of surviving... I believe understanding this cultural dynamic is essential for a farang to be able to understand an overwhelming percentage of the Thai population.

magnum, and how eloquently you sum up and expand my closing statment.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:11 am on Mar. 14, 2011
yes, all true...the Thais only came down out of the mountains a mere 900 years ago (not very long in human history) and are still very much tribal...

but don't forget how barbarian we Westerners still are...look at how many of ourselves we kill, torture, etc...domestic abuse and child sexual abuse rampant...and if you're American, look how many of each other we kill with handguns every year? and how unsafe our cities are? way worse than Thailand.

probably worst of all, look how we cling to outmoded concepts from our barbarian, savage past that have NO PLACE in the modern world: religion, "romantic love," marriage, the idea that we are meant to be monogamous for the rest of our lives??

and so what if we "believe lying is wrong"?? we still do it incessantly! does that make us somehow better than the Thais, who do it incessantly but don't see it as wrong?! that logic kind of escapes me.

one thing I agree very much with: the Thais are not capable of empathy, of putting themselves in someone else's shoes. that is a serious flaw in their world view.

another serious problem with the Thais is that they believe they are the greatest people on the face of the earth, are intensely racist, and are loathe to take advice from anyone who is not Thai. this aspect of their character will be their undoing on the world stage. they're simply not ready to function in the 21st century. they think they know everything, and in reality--especially in the realm of education/critical thinking--they know dangerously little. a very bad combination.

I'm not saying the Thais aren't savages, but let's face it, we all are in our own way...

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:41 am on Mar. 14, 2011
Magnum... f***ing genious man.... you nailed it..... I can say firsthand that being with my Isaan wife is EXACTLY like you said.... eat, sleep, shit, f***.... oh, yes.... I forgot..... shopping.....

In reality, thais are some of the most basic people I have ever been around.... along with most other tribal cultures..... They do enough to just get by......even my wife can't figure out why everyone works so hard here in the U.S.....

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:37 pm on Mar. 14, 2011

Quote: from thailife on 12:37 am on Mar. 15, 2011

Magnum... f***ing genious man.... you nailed it..... I can say firsthand that being with my Isaan wife is EXACTLY like you said.... eat, sleep, shit, f***.... oh, yes.... I forgot..... shopping.....

In reality, thais are some of the most basic people I have ever been around.... along with most other tribal cultures..... They do enough to just get by......even my wife can't figure out why everyone works so hard here in the U.S..... just described one of the Thai's STRONG POINTS...their value of and ability to always value relaxation over work. Americans are totally f***ED UP in their notion of "work for work's sake"...same as the Chinese. Stupid philosophy, it'll just put you into an early grave. And what do you have to show for it? The Thais are party people. And that's one of the reasons we all love the place so much.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:37 pm on Mar. 14, 2011

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