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dirty guru
I am Australian I work in the water industry- usually 6 days a week 9-12 hours-

The up side is I get 120 hours off at the end of each month -

Thats 5 days!

I also get 5 weeks annual leave-

Most Australians get 4 paid weeks leave a year-

I hear Americans get just two?

I need to clarify a big misconception that Thais are not hard workers-

Issaan where rainfalls are maybe not good and land ownership poor that might lead someone to observe this-

But where my farm is people work before the sun has even risen- and hard work the norm-

Even my wife who is well supported and owns a business chips in with back breaking work in her fields along with the employed workers at harvest times-

This has more to do with setting the pace-

The hired help is expected a similar pace-

Sure you see sitting around in Thailand and remember they are peasants but for rurual people life can be hard work-

As for the Insticts of hunter and survival it holds some water - having lived amoung them I can say alot is true-

but calling them soulless is alittle naieve-

i have seen people forfeit their whole days wage to a needy neighbor (might be only 150 baht but it took 9 hours to make)

I saw a community pulling together and religion the Jel-

faith and hard honest work- love for their animals and children-

returning daughters with gifts and a farang story - maybe Gold-

Empathy is real-

In the west we tend to be selective with who we show it for and sometimes Fawn it-

Forinstance - Australians will be shocked and add empathy to news reports of Farang deaths here or overseas-

But let a boat of asians crash on our rocks trying to get into the country illegally and we struggle to really show true empathy-

Same in the middle east-

Arabs die - its just not so important

thais are less complex in rural areas - so the empathy is usually real
Or in My wifes case the farang-

I know about the intent to better their cause with lies and deceit - its an all too common story-

But in my wifes case she wasnt in the p4p industry and I was viewed cautiously but with some regard-

Food improved - life and household-

But with so many cattle and farm animals it was non stop work-

The fires burnt at 530am for the breakfast rice meal( soon after the roosters and monks chanting reached their ends.)

Real Thailand is like anywhere it has real people -

It has good and bad-

It is just the dishonesty in relation to farangs that annoyed me-

I spoke earlier of men whose woman extracted money from them while a Thai man lived in their houses while they toiled overseas-

And how the whole community saw it as perfectly acceptable as farangs are there to be harvested-

basically we are a commodity-

But that does not mean they dont learn to grow affectionate of you-

ordinary Thais were very nice to me after a while-

Kindness - begots Kindness-

In the many years I have come to Thailand in the end I realized its the poor who have most to give.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:29 am on Mar. 15, 2011

Quote: from quack quack on 12:29 pm on Mar. 15, 2011
Are you implying that this lack of empathy is restricted to Thai's ?

Consider the "empathy' displayed by the US towards 3 million Palestinians who have lived under a very cruel occupation since 1967.

Also consider the "empathy" shown by Europeans towards the Roma ( gipsy) people and similar "empathy" displayed by Northern Sudanese towards the southern population of that country.

The Thais' certainly display empathy towards monks.

Have personally witnessed several bar girls bestow 100 Baht notes to street beggars & to women sitting on streets with a sleeping baby in tow. How many westerners would act in this fashion ?

The Thais tell minor lies ; designed to alleviate potential friction, massive hypocrisy & lies are a western
( especially an Israeli & US) specialty.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:59 am on Mar. 15, 2011

Quote: from quack quack on 12:29 pm on Mar. 15, 2011Are you implying that this lack of empathy is restricted to Thai's ?

Consider the "empathy' displayed by the US towards 3 million Palestinians who have lived under a very cruel occupation since 1967.

Also consider the "empathy" shown by Europeans towards the Roma ( gipsy) people and similar "empathy" displayed by Northern Sudanese towards the southern population of that country.

So there are liars and a lack of empathy throughout the world. How is this relevant?

"The Thais tell minor lies ; designed to alleviate potential friction, massive hypocrisy & lies are a western
( especially an Israeli & US) specialty.'
They do not tell minor lies, their entire culture and value system is based on lying and their is no conception whatsoever of the truth being remotely important. This is not the same as many other countries.

"The Thais' certainly display empathy towards monks.

Have personally witnessed several bar girls bestow 100 Baht notes to street beggars & to women sitting on streets with a sleeping baby in tow. How many westerners would act in this fashion ?"

So what? This is about image and face -- effectively lying to appear jai dee to themselves and others -- not genuine empathy. I had a gik who used to cry when she saw homeless children, regularly give monks cash and give money to 'friends' in need. She also stole B3,000 from me, threw a mug of boiling water in the face of a colleague she didn't like, and had multiple boyfriends all of whom she pledged undying love for.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:28 am on Mar. 15, 2011
dirty guru
Good post-

My wife does the same prays to the buddha and does merit and buys flowers for her mother-

then Batters a pig with a hammer on the head to death and viciously makes it clear to me "i know like you drink whisky" while she does it


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:40 am on Mar. 15, 2011

Quote: from quack quack on 7:26 am on Mar. 16, 2011
traveled all over Europe during the late sixties & seventies ( the pre AIDS era) my encounters entailed casual sex, never p4p.

That explains it too much Brown Acid!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:29 am on Mar. 15, 2011

Quote: from quack quack on 10:26 pm on Mar. 15, 2011
... "(I) see zero difference between Thai girls & those of other countries"
... are you... f***ing... kidding?!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:10 am on Mar. 15, 2011
Lololol. For a refresher on the "Brown Acid", watch the 4 hour movie documenting "Woodstock", and no you don't want the "Brown Acid"....lololol. Watch the movie and all will become clear again, just listen to the stage announcements.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:26 am on Mar. 15, 2011

Quote: from nutsup on 1:28 pm on Mar. 15, 2011

Quote: from quack quack on 12:29 pm on Mar. 15, 2011Are you implying that this lack of empathy is restricted to Thai's ?

Consider the "empathy' displayed by the US towards 3 million Palestinians who have lived under a very cruel occupation since 1967.

Also consider the "empathy" shown by Europeans towards the Roma ( gipsy) people and similar "empathy" displayed by Northern Sudanese towards the southern population of that country.

So there are liars and a lack of empathy throughout the world. How is this relevant?

"The Thais tell minor lies ; designed to alleviate potential friction, massive hypocrisy & lies are a western
( especially an Israeli & US) specialty.'
They do not tell minor lies, their entire culture and value system is based on lying and their is no conception whatsoever of the truth being remotely important. This is not the same as many other countries.

"The Thais' certainly display empathy towards monks.

Have personally witnessed several bar girls bestow 100 Baht notes to street beggars & to women sitting on streets with a sleeping baby in tow. How many westerners would act in this fashion ?"

So what? This is about image and face -- effectively lying to appear jai dee to themselves and others -- not genuine empathy. I had a gik who used to cry when she saw homeless children, regularly give monks cash and give money to 'friends' in need. She also stole B3,000 from me, threw a mug of boiling water in the face of a colleague she didn't like, and had multiple boyfriends all of whom she pledged undying love for.

You're is not relevant at all. As for Quack Quack and his anti-Semitic rants...yaaaaawn, it never takes long for the racists to rear their ugly heads and show their true colors.

No, my statement that the Thais "lack empathy" goes way beyond showing pity for beggars, blahblah...I'm speaking to the lack of a fundamental critical thinking skill. And this is why this flaw will end up seriously impacting them on the world stage, as they try to compete with sophisticated, functioning individuals from places like Europe, the US, Singapore, and--yes--China.

Let's bring it down to a very mundane, simple, yet illuminating level: walking down the f***ing street.

When you, I or most Joe Western Country folks do this, we are aware of our surroundings, and conscious of other walker's intentions/directions as they walk. You're walking in a straight line on the left side of the sidewalk, close to the entry to a building. You see an individual walking in the opposite direction, toward you, on the right side of the sidewalk. Suddenly, said individual cuts across, in your path, more or less, and--really, subconsciously, without even wasting braincells on it--you say to yourself "Oh, that person must be intending to enter that building entrance on my left...I will adjust my path accordingly".

Think about it...we all do this, giving it barely a conscious thought. We are conscious of the intentions/directions of others as we walk in a crowded area, and we make adjustments in our own movements to account for the perceived intended movements of others.

The Thais are UTTERLY, COMPLETELY incapable of such basic thought. If you were a Thai, and someone momentarily crossed your path, obviously (to you and me) heading for a nearby destination, you would CONTINUE WALKING, AND WALK RIGHT INTO THEM. C'mon, how many times has this happened to you on the streets of Bangkok? The Thais are incapable of imagining a world beyond their personal, limited space/mindset. And they will physically collide with another human being in a simple interaction that all civilized humans can negotiate easily, rather than alter their own movement/trajectory.

Think about this; you know it to be true. And this is only a minor--though quite telling, methinks--indicator of the empathetic limitations of the Thais.

Note that I'm only talking about Thais raised and educated in Thailand. The ones who escape can unlearn these habits, and expand their world view. But the only way to do it is to get out, and to get out for several years. Preferably to attend university in the West.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:13 pm on Mar. 16, 2011
dirty guru
I was leaving Thailand two weeks back on an early Thai flight to Australia it was 6am at the customs (flight was around 745am)

So next to me was a Thai male of maybe 20 holding a 3G phone most likely a well educated well healed University Bangkok elitist class-

I stared up at the time on the international clock wall and smiled and shook my head- Noting a couple were wrong including Australia which had not been readjusted- (to daylight savings time)

The Thai male started off politely in a quizical patrotic Thai fashion- "excuse me sir, what is it you are laughing at"?

(really just a smirk and head shake)

"Its the clocks you cant even get that right"

I was still alittle intoxicated having f***ed away my last night and left at 5am, so I called a spade a spade-

First of all the Thai Guy started hitting all the time zones in all the shown countries (on his 3 G Phone applications) and indeed had to conceed in his next address as the line shortened to maybe 5 ahead of us

""Yes I will ask them to change it for the condecending Aussie behind me"......This time it was threatening-

I said to him that Its my amusement only- and not his business-

But he launched into a speech so anti western you wonder what they are teaching them-

Then he did indeed say I was anti Thai to the offical and most likely made up bullshit-

I had my bags checked twice- he succeeded in stirring the hornets up- Though no evidence of anything said was there and I said to the offical he was just a Gay Boy upset- because he tried to chat to me too much-

The revenge came when I walked to the back of the Thai airways flight and spotted him on it-
(exercising an hour before landing in Sydney Airport)

I stayed close to the guy and made sure I said to a customs guy that "he was reading a book upside down on the flight"

Pay back-

He didnt know it came from me as he never spotted me-

But as his dishonesty f***ed me - I f***ed him come back-

Accept the australians would have really gone for the smart arse manner this Bangkok Elitist would have served them up-


Motto of story is beware the Lying Thai of all classes

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:44 pm on Mar. 16, 2011
I'm sorry but I do not see any reason for you to feel so good or satisfied! Basically, if you did notice anything wrong with the time and somebody asked you why you were smiling, all that you needed to say was that the "clocks were showing the wrong time." That's it. But your statement vilified an entire nation when you pointed out something which could at best be an oversight. Well, there are attitudinal differences! Politeness is something that needs a cultured approach and just because you happen to be an Australian or an American or from one of the so-called developed countries, you are not God ! There are enough examples of problems in Australia that should actually make you cringe.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:05 am on Mar. 17, 2011

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