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MainForum Help/Suggestions – Score Board for the Bars, MPs, etc. All Topics

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Personally, I think a ratings chart would attract a lot of trolls as well.

Particularly owners of establishments where business might not be so good, and who want to boost their clientele ranks.  Yes, nothing wrong with promoting your business.  But I think at the expense of an otherwise pleasant chatting/information exchange atmosphere, I'd have to say, please no.  

If you look at the WSG board, there are Eden trolls there all the time.  It's talked about so much, that I had built it up in my mind to be the size of Poseidon.   When I looked at the website and drove by the front, I found it to be a tiny little bar (perhaps good or bad, but I think the self promotion has blown it out of proportion).    

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:38 am on Nov. 12, 2002
I think all the problems are solvable, but it certainly may take more of BKs time than he's willing to spend on it. So this is probably going to just be an intellectual exercise, but ...

If I've only been to two MPs, my ratings aren't going to be perfect, but they are still valuable when all taken together. Take the situation where two completely different guys who have never been to Thailand before hit only one MP and post their scores. One guy gives his a 10, the other a 7. Given no other information, which one are you going to go to? Note that it is irrelevant whether one guy went during the day, or one guy only likes anal sex, or whatever. When you add them all together the ratings become statistically significant. At the very least the top N rated places will encourage the person to do more research (which is where BKs links to detailed reviews come in).

You can solve the problem of managers boosting their own ratings and the problem of random bogus ratings in general by having minimum requirements:

One way would be to limit reviews to members who have a minimum number of posts. You could combine this with a quota system for members (e.g. you could limit them to posting 4 ratings a month while you are "active" ). This would allow a member to rate a place multiple times, which is desirable, IMO.

Another way is to require mini field reports. A simple form that rated the place in several areas, e.g. girls looks, girls attitude, staff friendliness, baht spent in bar, baht spent on girl... and require at least a one-liner describing the trip ("I went in the afternoon and had a great soapy massage with a big-breasted Isaan girl." ) This would eliminate some bogus posts and give the chance to explain special circumstances. Again, not an exact science, but it could be useful.

Expats could certainly rate gogos and other touristy places if they have a preference. But there could also be a special list called "Best Expat Bar" or "Best Hangout Bar", so their little holes-in-the-wall could get some credit.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:04 pm on Nov. 12, 2002
Hey Pack I hear what youre sayin'  No one needs a friggin comerical for an mp going on here.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:02 pm on Nov. 12, 2002
old thread but thought I'd weigh in

There are some well understood artifacts involved in ranking systems in general. ÝThe most frequently seen - but generally least Ýfamiliar - statistical fact is "reverting to the mean". ÝI think this is seen alot in the go/go - Beer bar variation over time. I will explain.

In our context we are interested in the best pussy (fine and freaky) at the best prices. ÝSay we project all the variables involved in this multivariate problem onto one measure (f'3) - representing an index of fine - freaky - financial measures (probably a non-linear function but details are not important).

An outstanding f'3 observation at one point in time is then followed by lower measurements in future periods. ÝObviously related to the random variables involved in the fiercely dynamic Thai flesh markets. Ý

The subsequent observation is not likely to ring off the scale because the error (in your favor) the first time was way over the mean. ÝIn fact, if you took all your best experiences and charted the Expected average f'3 distance between repeated observations, the fall-off would generally be greatest following the high point measures.

Doesn't really address adding to the information available to the group mind but I have been taking repeated measurements on certain GG and BB establishments (and repeated BG measurements for that matter) and have often wondered about the wide variance. ÝAnd the ones I wonder about the most are the ones that began with mind blowing experiences. Ý

Maybe we should just be happy when we catch a wave and ride it to shore with a smile on our faces.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:53 am on Mar. 31, 2003
Well, we have different taste for women. This shit makes difficult to decide what's on top and what's on the bottom....IMHO A rating may not be a good way to lead the guys to certain bars or girls....unless we agree on what is a 7, an 8 or a round 9 TG. Too difficult. Same thing for the bars, GG-bars, MPs, etc.

I particularly avoid the skinny Thai chicks who have thick cheek bones, you see? However, I don't care on the color of the skin as far as the cutie can provide reasonable nice tits and a nice butt with a nice attitude on top of things. Yep we can find these girls among the thousands of freelancers and even at most MPs. That's why I love these places too much. MPs for PINGA!!!! However, several FL are pretty though. Love CM2 and nowadays SIAM HOTEL.

Differtent guys, different taste. I am with the fellows mentioning that a periodical update on places, girls and performances is the right way to go.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:23 pm on Mar. 31, 2003
Rating of bars, MP and ladies are all in the eyes of the beholder.
You can walk into a bar, MP, on a bad day or at the wrong time (time of night is important because all the fine ladies have been taken early) and then you inadvertantly rate a bar low.
This is called bad timing and does not necessarily reflect the true nature of the bar and may do it an injustice.

Same with the ladies performance, say in an MP, if you catch her after she has been f_cked three, four of five times that day/night!!!, well you are just plain unluckly and she is f_cken sore!! ha ha

One Ýsuggestion may be to simply concentrate on the positive bars, MPs,.ie if a bar, MP is extremely or consistantly good in your eyes and has lots of available talent then rate & comment on it. Only rate the positive that sya warrant 7 out of 10.

Sooner or later as the chart developes, the good ones, with the good ladies (with the most number positive ratings) will streak ahead of the rest, much like the thread on Angle Witch, which keeps getting revived.

No one comments much on Fantasia, do they, so the thread disappears. The bars and ladies no positive ratings or comments will not make it to the top 10 list ever.A bar will have to work well or show something special to get in the top 10-20 list.

This may also keep the rating chart less congested with f_cked bar ratings and give us only the cream of the crop to concentrate on during our short stays in BKK

Only a suggestion "Identify the the quality, not the volume"

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:28 pm on Mar. 31, 2003
Eyes - you mentioned you were a statistician, right ... maybe you just got yourself a job with BK !?!?!?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:37 pm on Mar. 31, 2003
Simon WS
I would suggest that if there is to be a serious desire to do some rating that is useful to visitors and newbies, it should initially focus on girls and not the mp. Let's take Poseidon. Any visitor can see the girls and decide for himself if they are attractive or not. But if he had seen a couple of posts saying that girl no XL-327 had a great attitude. He may choose to minimize his risk by going straight for her. I know that several guys here have gone straight for Oil and Saeng based on the references and were very satisfied. The issue of course is that such a table should not give any potentially embarrassing details (esp doing anal, bbbj etc). It should be up to the guy to discuss this with the papasan or the girl. The table should only talk of her general attitude, disposition, eagerness to please, or some physical attributes, with out crossing a limit.

I think such a board would be a great info to many members and also lead to increased business to the best girls, which seems ok.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:54 pm on Mar. 31, 2003
Actually I'm kind of torn between the general review of the establishment and a specific review for individual girls. Ý

I noticed my first time in Pattaya a kind of "Seinfeld effect" (from the episode with the coffee shop with ALL the waitresses with big boobs). ÝAt the time I had a couple of theories about all the girls in one go-go being so similar.

1 - they come from the same village (i.e. one girl gets hired then as the other girls from her village arrive pattaya they apply first at the bar where someone they know works)

2 - Specific tastes of the hiring manager (doen't really need an explanation but some of these mamasans/bosses really deserve a hearty handshake sometimes) Ý

Going along with #2 ~ the indocrination process of the bosses and BG peers (not to be underestimated) in letting them know what is acceptable

actually (in a side note probably belonging to a field report) Ý- in one go/go some girls were explaining that the 80 year old punter across the way comes in twice a week with his 37 yearold TWife, buys out two girls, and the four of them go back to his house. ÝThe report continued to a graphic description of the three ladies carefully orchestrated sequence of peeing on the guy

anyway - given this kind of stuff the girls from that bar were up for any and all wierdness I suggested because the norm of their society was wayyyyy out there

These factors give me a bias toward reporting on institutions rather than individual contributors. Ý

One other point against reporting on specific girls in mirror imaging Craigoz and Pinga's points about our individual tastes,

The BG has her preferences also. ÝShe might offer a stellar performance with a guy she is into. ÝThen the next mutant that gets her from the Bar based on the review can't understand the high price starfish experience he just received. Ý

So all individual girl reviews should always be heavily discounted with a YRMV

Actually there was this one freaky and I mean freaky girl I picked up on Beach road once that I would refer all and sundry to with no hesitation

If only I could find her again...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:28 am on April 1, 2003

A composite ranking/review system of Thai pussy (thoroughly peer reviewed) would be the crowning life achievement of any REAL scientist

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:32 am on April 1, 2003

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