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Yes, I do. Why wait a few months? I think by end of this month, I could poll up the "ignored" member and we will know, actually I don't even need to do that, do I?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:21 am on Aug. 25, 2004
I tell ya's things have gotten so silly recently, I've placed myself on my own "Ignore" list.
Pity though, now I can't see what I've written.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:15 am on Aug. 25, 2004
I think OZ was the contributor of that award last year, and a fine looking award it was.

It was neck and neck for me and Arramsey there for a while, until of course, disliked as he is, I think he pulled ahead.

If memory serves me right UKGuy demanded we vote for him, but didn't the award finally go to.........?

Does anybody know? I seem to remember that BK said he had forgot to award it during the RT.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:34 am on Aug. 25, 2004
Limpdick Fastmover,
Anyone who goes back to that Thread and actually counts the valid votes himself will know who won the nomination.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:56 am on Aug. 26, 2004
That would take too long. And please do not make us do that if you guys have already done it (seems you both know the answer). So, please, make it easy for us and remind us of the exact results. Thanks.

BTW, you make a fun cute sparring couple. I like your fights more than those of K and DG (who also seem to be inspired for a comeback -maybe got the idea from you guys). Keep up the good work.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:07 am on Aug. 26, 2004
We always seem to get too drunk to remember about the award, somehow cute TG's get in the way of offical monkey business.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:08 am on Aug. 26, 2004
First, if you want to see the post of someone you have 'ignored' just
click on 'quote' and you can read it.
Makes a handy way to view if you wish to,
but generally avoid as you want to.

Back to the silly contest with the beautiful trophy....

Quote: from Arramsey on 12:56 pm on Aug. 26, 2004
Limpdick Fastmover,
Anyone who goes back to that Thread and actually counts the valid votes himself will know who won the nomination.

Valid votes? I knew there would be a trick if you count them.

The difference between you and me Arramsey?

I know I am an irritating, annoying, frustrating, arrogant sh_t.
Right from day one, that has been my BTF persona, and if I 'won' the award, wouldn't bother me a bit, because I know who I really am, and there are enough guys who know me to be just a forum, 'character'.

But getting as many votes as you did, SHOCKED you.
It unnerved you because you think so highly of yourself.
You just could not imagine why people thought you were so pious and so puffed up.

It is obvious that you never got over it It is not our fault that you are unhappy in life, lose friends, family troubles, etc. etc. I mean, do you think relating people to animals is an adult thing to do? Really?

Who will win our slanging match? Who cares? I don't.
But you do.
You really think this is a real contest.
You think there is going to be a prize.
Glory, pride, friendships.

Nope. It is nothing more than a cow pie throwing match.

Enjoy. Peace.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:24 am on Aug. 26, 2004
Quote from FastMover on 26 August at 2.24 pm.
I know I am an irritating, annoying, frustrating, arrogant sh_t.

Limpdick FastMover,
You make such a compelling and strong argument.
OK - SO we all agree with you.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:40 am on Aug. 27, 2004
So now, Arramsey, through your apology, it is good to see you are going to live with it..

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:27 am on Aug. 28, 2004
BK, can the ignored featured be added to the "messenger" function. Some guys don't get it and keep stalking others through the PM feature. I keep receiving love notes from LocalIdiot. Just about 5 or 6 today alone.

I guess he is in denial or not getting that I do not care to read anything he writes.

Problem with LY is that he has nothing to say but says it anyway. The proof that he is possesed by a retarded ghost is that there is no way that such a fornicated mind was made by a sperm that beat 100,000 others. Or alternatively, he is proof that God has a sense of humor and likes to play games.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:39 am on Sep. 18, 2004

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