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I have had an e-mail from a TG which I would like to post on the forum, can someone give me info how to copy this to the forum, although I may need to delete e-mail address details.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:15 pm on Aug. 14, 2003
Cut / paste into a reply...that'd be my guess....look forward to seeing it....need a laugh...

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:51 pm on Aug. 14, 2003
Ha Ha Ha had to laugh at this one.  Ya heres a great Main Topic;  Thai BG's Emails Only naturally with personal email addresses deleted.  I've had a few even from MSN or Yahoo Chat plus local friends Thai BG's ask for help $$$ baht wise and give me the best lovey dovey or desperate situations for a good laugh for it.  Heck they have lived this long without us whats another day.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:31 pm on Aug. 14, 2003
dirty guru
i will put money on it being creative, (hence his willingness to show it) ....maybe along the lines of recalling moments times, but saying we can not be together(reverse psyc) "i love you too mucH""....and i bar girl ......not want to get hurt...""""but if you really love me......etc.....etc......I not want to go with man, ....these chicks can sell  sell sell....... (i married one) bring it on lets see what she got!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:37 pm on Aug. 14, 2003
haam sup

I'll start:

Hi   Dear xxxx

      How  are you I hope you are very well everything about me be alrigth  Now  I stay at the same place at  On-nut with my brathe and now he isnot get beter at all  I  have to go back to home again becavuse  I  not get a now job yet  I  don  know  How to do my money is going down every day and  I  have to pay for my university that  I  apication to get in

       I  have to say sorry it you think  I  give problen and brother you  I  know this is my problem but  I  can not sort this problem out yet  I  hope you undrstand what  I  mean to say  I still missing you everyday and wish to see yourdace again is passible and  I  hope you teel the same way please contact to me again  I  need to lalk to you because now.

      I  have only you can make me feel better at last  I  wish you be fine everyday and please take care good of  your sefl.

     Love  you  to  much

     (name withheld)

She later told me she sent out about 40 of these...

BTW, her university?  Ramkamhaeng, of course!

haam sup

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:55 pm on Aug. 14, 2003
dirty guru
while reading this above, i thought hamm soup was a genius, and couldnt stop laughing, (gee it was a real article!)....very typical but c standard, some are very clever......Hope we havent scared him away.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:03 am on Aug. 15, 2003
haam sup
The same girl once told me she couldn't eat, because her braces needed to be tightened...2000 baht!  But she used to come and see me, even though I told her I was broke (hadn't been to the ATM yet), and never once complained.  It all works out...

She was 21 and VERY cute with her braces, but had a walk in those platforms that could be considered a weapon!  Knocked me out!  One of the laziest girls I ever knew, but a LOT of fun...


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:16 am on Aug. 15, 2003
Hey guys I have 4 emails I managed to find (I printed them out long ago - for the memories - you should get a kick out of them) If you get confused about (Tuesdays 07 email) go look at my field report labeled (Expect to make a payoff) I named her YYYY.

Wednesday 01 August 2001


Hello, how are you teacher?  Do you be funny for trip on Phuket?  Is it rain?  I am very happy that I get your email. I didn't think you will send me email.  I want to meet you, too.  I hope you will have good trip on Phuket.  I will wait you back here.  On Saturday, I will go to work that I promise.  You are the one that I know the world don't funny same I think.  When I stay with my mother that I don't know about the out my home.  Because my mother will choose for me.  I feel like so much because you are nice man.  You teach me know something be happy time not sure.  I don't know about this before.  You teach me know love and spent couple.  We must understand together so we can stay long time and happy.  I like you so much, XXXX my teacher.

I hope we will meet again on Saturday.  

I will wait you.

Miss you.


Thursday 02 Aug 2001

Hello XXXX,

How are you today?  Are you fine?  You told me that you were unhappy at Phuket, today are you funny?  I went to work so I send you email.  I think you will can manage about your ladies.  You will not seem you stay in Bangkok.  I think you can do it because you have good word.  You are sweet mount so you make many ladies like your word although someone.  Do you come here on Saturday really?  If you don't come, I want you call me that I want said good bye you before you will back to USA.  This is my number --------.  I hope you call me.  

Miss you who be handsome. (Ha ha ha)


Tuesday 07 Aug 2001

Hello XXXX

Did you arrive your home?  I hope you would be arrived your home be saftly.  I am very happy that I be with you even it's short time.  You like my teacher who teach me everything so I don't know about them before.  I feel that I love you so much and I would like you take care me but it's inpossible because I live far frome you.  I just think that I will have chance to be with you again.  I think it's good time that we be together.  Now, I feel lonely when I live in my room because I don't work now and you don't be with me.  Yesterday, Your friend paid to my friend about 2000 baht and she lived with him 2 days so she have to paid for bar too so I think why did your friend pay for her this?  I saw my friend cry so I was sad so much.  She have to work this because she don't have choice and I think everywoman who work this think same.  What do you think about your friend? I don't understand your friend and I pity my friend , She different me because she work because her because she have to pay for her room and I told if she have so whe this money that you to me and I want to keep it  I care your feel so night you ask if I don't have my parent what will I do?  so it's make unlucky most if I don't have my parent.  I don't know How do live??  because it's have good or bad person in this world.  I don't know who are good.   It's like you.  love and miss you all the time.  Please clear about your friend and please reply to me or call me at --------- or --------- and tell person who pick up that YYYY.  I will wait your email.  I can't forget you.

Love you so much


Hello XXXX

Last night I called to you but you didn't live in your room and I don't know where did you live?  But woman pick up phone, you told me that she is your sister but I think she is your girlfriend because Her voice seem angry with me a lot.  I am very glad that you called to me and I don't think you will call to me because it's expensive for you too.  You called me when I sleep but I can't close my eye because I think about you so it's make me can't sleep.  I will try to sutdy English soon so it's make me speak with you well because I can't speak English well with you.  I will try to take care of myself for waiting you and I want you take care of yourself too, don't work hard and find to rest time.

My address is


Please send your photo to me too. Please keep my photo that I send to you.  Everything that be me , I love them so much, please take good care of them.  I hope you will send photo to me.  Please send money to me for my study Ha ha ha ha.  You still be in my heart all the time.  I think I will be in your heart too.  I can't forget you, it's very romantic love.You teach something to me , I don't use with other man I will use with only you because you are different about time with Thailand and America  Please take care of yourself and don't forget that I worry about alway.  Please send email to me and send photo to me too. I hope soon.  

Love and miss you so much


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:32 am on Aug. 15, 2003
So...was it your girlfriend or your sister?....

You wouldn't be fibbing to this nice honest young lady would you??

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:00 am on Aug. 15, 2003
It really was my sister, I was living at home with my folks that summer - just graduated college - looking for a "real" job.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:06 am on Aug. 15, 2003

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