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Quote: from atl on 12:07 am on Sep. 24, 2006

I know you guys get bored of hearing about how cheap my wife is but she really shined today.
You keep saying that like it's a bad thing - in fact, many would consider this a virtue. Before you know it, she will have saved up a huge nest egg... She got any sisters with that same 'defect'?

Quote: from atl on 12:07 am on Sep. 24, 2006

I think I may have the cheapest wife in the world.
Looks to me like you have the smartest wife in the world, seeing as how she's got you well trained to throw money at her

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:20 pm on Sep. 23, 2006

It is not a bad thing and in fact is cute!~

I like you and enjoy reading your posts, but I dont throw money at her.

she makes $$$ a month and gives me $500 a month for bills etc. and sends her parents $1000 a month.

thats cool with me as it doesnt come from my account.

If I can guess she has a nice savings, something she would of never been able to do in bkk.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:50 pm on Sep. 23, 2006

I seem to be the main contributor to this thread....maybe I am too fixated on it

some non-americans might not have heard about the killing spree in the Amish school this week.

Its a f***ed up tragedy, but after my wife saw the news headlines went online to learn about the amish.

well suffice it to say the past 2 entire days have been me trying to explain of why they exist in america.

I came home from work today and she had bought a map with lancaster, penn highlighted.

she says "how many amish?" I was like "maybe 5000, I have no idea"

her, "I want to know how they can TV, no light, no hand phone, no they can live in america?"

anyway, she has stated she wants to go to lancaster, penn (Yawn) and buy their products because... "they more poor than thailand"

an angle I would have never seen coming,


ps. god bless the poor young girls and families that died there.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:17 pm on Oct. 4, 2006
Just don't let her start dressing up in their outfits.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:48 pm on Oct. 4, 2006

Don't worry to much about you being main contributor to this thread, I find your coments most entertaining. I don't have thai wife/girlfriend so I can't give to many comments abut this subjects, but I really enjoy reading abuot thai girls in the west.

Keep it coming!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:31 am on Oct. 5, 2006

Quote: from atl on 10:35 am on Oct. 5, 2006

anyway, she has stated she wants to go to lancaster, penn (Yawn) and buy their products because... "they more poor than thailand"
Explain to her that they are 'poor by their own choice', not because of providence.

If you can find it, rent or buy 'Amish in the City' - a surprisingly well done reality of taking a handful of Amish kids and dumping them in Los Angeles. Also, explains a lot about the Amish; of course, grab 'Witness', the Harrison Ford move taking place in an Amish community.

I think it's a great idea that your wife is curious about them, and wants to go to Pennsylvania to see them. It can probably be a fun trip, and you will certainly get a great field report out of it.

I too find your posts very enjoyable to read - looks like you got yourself one of those rare gems of a wife...

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:50 am on Oct. 5, 2006
China Sailor
Having relatives in that area (my father grew up in nearby Sunbury) I have been there often.

I have to agree with Duck, Witness is probably the best treatment of the modern Amish that has come out of Hollywood (TV or Film).

Very unusual people but not as strange as the Shakers (also from Pennsylvania)

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:21 am on Oct. 5, 2006

Re: "Oh, man, I'd kill for a woman like that."

As the joke goes, "Take my wife, for example, pleeeaze!"

On the keeneow note, I had this talk with my TGF the other night. She works a "legit" job and is on her feet all day:

TGF: "Teelakja, I went to MBK yestahday, look for shoe."

Balls, feigning interest and suppressing a yawn (who always tried, unsuccessfully, to avoid those particular kind of shopping trips to MBK, where hundreds of shoes get tried on, and none bought) : "Really, honeyja, you find anything? You know, with your job, you need good quality, or your feet and back will hurt."

TGF: "Well, I look many shoe, kind of schpenshiv [expensive]."

Balls: "So did you buy any?"

TGF: "I see, I think, Elle style. About 3500 baht!"

Balls (suddenly wide awake and attentive, with a rising note of financial panic) : "Oh? Did you buy them?"

TGF: "I try on, nai, okay, but no, paeng teesoot [too expensive]. I look for one nine nine! Not buy anything."

So when the rubber hits the road, the TGF is all for trying on the hi-so stuff, but really deep down considers it a rip-off. Looks like 199 baht for shoes is her threshold, whew!

- Balls

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:45 pm on Oct. 5, 2006
China Sailor
Hell balls,

3500 is cheap. I do not beleive that my ex owned a pair of shoes that cost less than USD 200.

Thinking about it, the last pair of shoes I bought in LOS cost that much...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:11 pm on Oct. 5, 2006

I feel your pain. I had a Korean gf in the States for many years, her tastes in shoes started at about $90 USD, and went up from there. And don't even get me started on what she paid for purses, lol!

So I wouldn't have balked if my TGF had really bought the Elle shoes. I had to really twist her arm just to buy a little Elle wallet at Robinson's two years ago, she really wanted it, but the guilt and pain of actually spending 2000 baht on it was almost more than she could bear. Finally convinced her it was okay, as it was almost her bday and her wallet was falling apart. But it was a struggle, lol!

I got a good pair of New Balance cross-training shoes at Robinsons last year for about 2500 baht, not bad, as they were made in Vietnam, and good quality. Have used them consistently for running (which is what I really bought them for) and weight training for the last year and they still are in great shape. Used New Balance years ago when I used to do serious running, and was always happy with them. Now, though, most of my running is to and from the s/t rooms at Nana, were I "do sneaky"

- Valls

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:07 pm on Oct. 5, 2006

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