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USC could definitely play with Florida, and I think Texas would give the Gators a good game, too. Utah? Who knows? We'll never know.

Even though the Pac-10 teams went 5-0 in bowls, it's really not that impressive. Just the fact that they could only muster 5 bowl teams is telling. That means their 6th place team didn't even win 6 games. Also, the USC and Arizona victories were impressive, but all other bowl matchups were with teams who finished lower in their own conferences than did the Pac 10 team in their conference.

Atl - I loved your "in your face" display. That shows the passion that college football gives us. It's just too bad it wasn't for the Dawgs (although I'm sure you enjoyed their bowl win).

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:59 pm on Jan. 9, 2009
Thanks Bull....but no I actually wasnt impressed with the Dawgs performance in that bowl...or really at all this season...

we squeeked by most games and the only impressive win was at LSU...but they were not as good as the hype...but LSU did put a beat down on Georgia Tech in the bowl game IN Atlanta!!!

Which is my boss's alma mater and he is a serious booster and took a few other tech guys from the office to tailgate and to the game and me and the only other Dawg in the office got some major milage from that one

You gotta remember, Tech beat the Dawgs in Athens on the last game of the season and really put an exclamation point on a season that really was a let down.....

Stafford, who has an arm but I feel is over-rated, and Knowshon, who I think needs at least another year at the college level (but understand most RB's have a short shelf-life) are both going to the draft and Tebow and Colt are coming back so it looks like they will be the top 2 to beat next year..

EPC..I shot you an email earlier but wanted to share this with the guys...

A buddy (who is a gator) of mine has been emailing me like every 30 minutes a new "Tebowism"...seriously I was in a meeting and kept pulling my phone out and reading these one-liners about how bad ass Tebow is (and I will freely admit he is a Winner!)

My favorite was this one:

"Tebow is so good he hits blackjack on one card!"

I laughed out loud in the meeting...that was a good one!

So, can we all recovene here next season?

I hope so......

cheers guys,


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:29 pm on Jan. 9, 2009
I'm in for next year.

Preseason poll:
1. Nebraska
2. Everyone else.

OK, OK, I've had a few beverages tonight. But the huskers are vastly improved (and it doesn't hurt to have Florida Atlantic, Arkansas St., and LA-Lafayette on the schedule next year).

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:41 pm on Jan. 9, 2009
Has anybody realized the State of Texas had as many teams in bowl games as the PAC-10...and did nearly as well. Winning four and losing one.

The recap is:

TCU over Boise State = 17-16
Rice over W. Michigan = 38-14
Houston over Air Force = 34-28
Texas Tech lost to Ole Miss = 47-34
Texas over Ohio State = 24-21

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:01 pm on Jan. 9, 2009
oh boy, here comes the Texas is the best crowd.... All hat, no cotten.....

Tall Tales
Three cowboys are sitting around a campfire, out on a lonesome Texas prarie, each with the bravado for which cowboys are famous. A night of tall tales begins.

The first one says, "I must be the meanest, toughest cowboy there is. Why, just the other day a bull got loose in the corral and gored six men before I wrestled it to the ground by the horns with my bare hands."

The second cowboy can't stand to be bested. "Why that's nothing. I was walking down the trail yesterday and a fifteen-foot rattlesnake slid out from under a rock and made a move for me. I grabbed that snake with my bare hands, bit its head off and sucked the poison down in one gulp. And I'm still here today."

The third cowboy remained silent, silently stirring the coals with his hands.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:55 pm on Jan. 9, 2009

Props to the boys Texas always produces, best in the country, and Stafford is a Texas boy as well...

You may have heard about the "Curse of Bobby Layne" in Detroit....when they traded their acclaimed QB and he declared, "this franchise will not win for 50 years!"

well, it is exactly 50 years later and Stafford went to the same high school in Texas as Bobby and wouldnt it be fitting if they picked Stafford and he made them winners???? (not likely, but its the buzz on sports talk radio here in the atl..)

Dont you guys love sports talk radio? It is hours full of "what if this had happened or what if we had picked this guy over this guy...or why did so and so pick so and so to pitch in this game?" all of it purely speculative but I am glued every morning

You guys may underestimate my obsession with college football...the 3 years I lived in Thailand, that was the biggest thing I missed....and Mrs Atl now understands it and is pretty funny..

I was so excited about the game last night I had her excited..and she watched the first half and then said, "Tilac, this is bua (or however you spell boring in Thai) I will go sleeping now."

I was like, "This is perfect, it is 7 to 7 why do want to go to bed?"

mrs atl, "our team not in it, I really do not care."

but she came back downstairs after hearing me yell after that 50+ yard run they made after Oklahoma scored...

I think she understands now!


Texas, has got to be ranked in the top 2 with Colt coming back and if Tebow stays (which speculations are he will) every starting D-Lineman on Florida is an underclassman and the entire D-Line will return...they look incredible...

If Tebow stays????? knowing nothing about Nebraska, I would think it is Texas and the Gators as the favorites next year...

My opinion,


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:13 pm on Jan. 9, 2009
expatchuck has Florida number one and Texas number 2 for next season.



It ain't braggin if you can back it up.

You also might want to check your underwear label..."cotten" (sic) is spelled "cotton".

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:04 pm on Jan. 9, 2009
many a drip between the cup and ther lip..... sonow we bash me for spelling...... you texans are specail!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:12 pm on Jan. 9, 2009

this has been a concern of mine since I got my ass tore apart last year for the same thing, and that is spelling....

f*** it, I will say this over here on the main (as I PM'ed a few Z bro's last year) that I have had dyslexia all my life and it is a pretty big deal to me...not seeking any kind of "oh woe is me" type thing at all guys, I just want to point out something.....

Most of you guys on the main were not privy to the inquistion I faced......I almost left BTF due to the utter shitstorm I faced on my bad spelling.....I spell check most of the time now.....

EPC, This is certainly not based on your last post at all!!!! I see others blast people for their spelling and most of the time it is when PUI...which in my case it was PUI and my dyslexia

I mean, even over on Z, it is ridiculous to point out spelling errors...but apparently, a member felt it was so bad that a "fatwa" (or whatever) should be placed on me...and encouraged others to ridicule me even further....

To those that are unaware...they would have rather had me and my horribly, misspelled, but soemtimes fun posts leave the forum completly due to my went on for a couple of weeks...

EPC, I will say was NOT one of them (he helped me out)...but another main guy was......I cant see why anyone would have a problem with me but this dude was pretty adamant about me getting the f*** out....and according to him it was my this day mai cow jai

We all know what people mean in their posts......and pointing out spelling errors is so ridiculous.....

I have been wanting to make that point for sometime...but figured since we have a good core of guys here why not......

Do you guys think any other bro's actually read this thread or do like me on the "tech" thread and just open the top topic so I can get the yellow folder to disappear...

I swear I have never read one sentence on that thread but must do it almost every morning when I get to the office

back on topic, If Tebow returns I would love to see Texas v FL in the title game....of course that is after last night and may very well change during the course of next season....

Hell, my Dawgs might even be in the hunt



Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:19 pm on Jan. 9, 2009
A good way to handle sarcasm is with sarcasm.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:11 am on Jan. 10, 2009

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