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Has anyone on the board tried any of these?
Lucidril / Helfergin (centrophenoxine)
Nootropil (piracetam)
Ampamet (aniracetam)

I just turned 50 this year, and I notice a subtle, but significant (to me) decline in my short term memory, reading retention, and general enjoyment of life. My US physician suggests the standard mood enhancers for mild depression (ssri's e.g. Prozac). That only addresses my last concern, and is reactive rather than proactive. My gut feeling is that there must be some pharmacological advances in the past few years with all the attention being paid to babyboomers aging (and approaching Ahlzeimers/early onset).
So, anybody done anything in this area? This kinda ties in with the thread on HGH, testosterone, and steroids to get over injurys and improve phyiscal enjoyment of life as we age. I am considering this as well, especially with an upcoming knee replacement and the need to go through some intensive rehab and muscle rebuilding.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:03 am on Aug. 27, 2005
Question is if someone posts a reply will you remember to check out the thread?

PS although old it is still a good book. Check out the book from Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw. forgot the name sorry. Life extension or something like that.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:12 am on Aug. 27, 2005
I've used the first two, and saw quite satisfactory results. I found myself in a similar situation about 7 years back. But in my case, I chalked it up to the copius amounts of ganga mixed with the fabulous ecstacy drug I'd imbided in for umpteen years.

Sort of a slippery slope I was on then, before I knew it I was feeling pre-alzheimers with virtually no short-term memory. And all that in my late 30's, no less. Were those the days? Hard to recall....

Somewhere's along the way I discovered the term Nootropics, did some research on the net, satisfied myself they would do what I felt needed done, and went ahead and ordered the first two on your list. Bought about 4 months worth [calculated to my weight and normal dosage recommended] the first time and can tell you without hesitation they got my synapses in order. In my case there was a noticeable and dramatic improvement over time. I went without for about 7 months and then [while on a vacation in Bangkok] decided to get another 6 months worth and used those to achieve a bit more clarity and enhanced mental functioning. Then another six months off, another Thai holiday and I did a third 6 month regimen with what seemed like little or no benefits.

As of today it's been about 2.5 years since my last batch and I am very happy I experimented as I did. Based on what you've described I think you could benefit as well.

Now, about your doc, I think he's way, way, way off base to suggest the medications he did. WAY OFF BASE! Granted, nootropics are not in the pharmacopia of many countries, but SSRI's for impaired cognitive functioning just seems idiotic to me. And I do hope he's smarter than that in the rest of his judgements concerning your health....

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:14 am on Aug. 27, 2005
Well Bimmher, I passed that test!

Skip, thanks for the testimonial. I went on the Nootropics website and it's good to know that some of these drugs really work. When I googled for info I was suprised at the lack of forums or user groups, and the main website (Hedweb, Nootropics, Biopsychiatry) seemed to be somewhat stale.
In regards to my Doc he was dealing with the 3rd concern I had, which was a mild depression, and he obviously felt comfortable prescribing me a drug with plenty of marketing and no risk of going out on a limb, which my first two, and more significant concerns, would have required of him. He's a competent doc, but barely able to keep up and not interested in taking chances.
I too can barely keep up, but I'm willing to take chances.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:04 am on Aug. 27, 2005
Hiya Jimmymac, congrats on making it back to the thread. There is hope for you after all, eh?

I thought when I slammed your Doc there was a chance of some additional symptoms. So, I'll herewith retract the slam.

Did you Google Nootropics in the 'Groups' section of Google? That as you may know is formally known as the Usenet and might yield some worthy info. If your still doing your research you might combine Nootropics with piracetam and see where that takes you.

In case your interested in BKK locales for purchasing piracetam. I bought mine at the Phra Ram 9 hospital pharmacy. Not sure why, but they wanted me to consult a physician first before they sold it to me. She was quite beautiful, as I recall and readily wrote the pscript after I went over my concerns.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:03 pm on Aug. 27, 2005
Looks like there is hope still left, you made it back

I think one of the books that kind of got this topic in the lime light was Smart Drugs. Now there is Smart Drugs 2.

Smart Drugs II

I have not read the second version but did read the first. Assume you have read it but if not worth a read IMHO.


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:45 pm on Aug. 27, 2005
And I'm here again, it's Deja Vu all over.

I havn't been to groups on Google, so after I check out from BKK I'll go there and see what I see.
I checked prices on the web to have a basis and current trade names when I started to check the pharmacies here in BKK, I guess I'll start in the Suk Soi 4 area since I use that big one before the JW for my "minor" needs, and if they say "hospital only" I'll go to Bumrungrad since I'm registered with them. Hopefully the Doc will match the nurses I was treated (to) by last time. Thanks for the tip.

Bimmher, I havn't read it, but I think I just saw that title at a bookshop somewhere, now where was that. Damn!
No, I'm pretty sure I saw it yesterday when I was at the Emporium, I'll go back this p.m. and see if my visual memory input was able to process into a short-term/permanant memory.

Had an interesting "My Dinner with Andre" conversation with a stranger today, "My Sheraton Sunday Brunch with Liam", a Doc from London. He told me"'re the kinda chap we get more and more often these days, clever chap, maybe too clever, read a bit on the web and start asking for more than we can give, it's hard to keep up, you know, the old ways have a lot of good, keep things simple, don't get carried away..."
After 3 hours covering terrorists, footie (a Bolton fan!!), thai culture/women, diminutive size of people in the entertainment industry, generational shifts in mobility and expectations (US v Britain, now discuss), shifting standards at The Economist, Tony Blair/Kevin Keegan (same guy, untrustworthy), Doc pronounced me well and "just need to get on with it, get stuck in, you know, carry on" I left feeling happier and more engaged than I've felt in a long time.
I guess the crux of that is Depression is essentially an alienation, a lack of socialbility leading to a sense of separation, and an unexpected random engagement (especially with a Englishman) that leads to some measure of connection with another is as good a Rx as any for that condition.
Unfortunatly one dosn't get that daily, and you can't "bottle" it.
By the way, the last paragraph of my original post was referring to a thread on Nanaplaza board, where a peer wrote in requesting info on ways to recover faster from the physical demands of aging. I just reread the post and noticed that portion was "off thread". If youre on that board it's worth checking out.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:12 am on Aug. 28, 2005

Quote: from Jimmymac on 4:40 pm on Aug. 28, 2005

I guess the crux of that is Depression is essentially an alienation, a lack of socialbility leading to a sense of separation, and an unexpected random engagement...


That was one cathartic conversation you had. I'd say you are spot on ^ there. In certain 'more enlightened' domains of psych. depression is said to be akin to a plea for attention coming from the subconscious psyche. Ignored it festers on; addressed it yields insights and opportunities for growth. Problem nowadays is we're all about low-cost and/or convenience such that we, the average family practitioner, and_especially_ the HMO's, advocate medicating it with an SSRI and promptly ignoring it any further. Ahem! Wrong approach since it's only left festering.

<segue> which reminds me of a recent factoid, did you hear how SSRI's are now detected in the ppm's in the British water supply? What does that say, I wonder? </segue>

Your last post has me curious where you live and under what circumstances. Not that it matters to me, but this recent conversation and the insights gleaned ought to be pursued further by a dialogue between your conscious and subconscious. IMHO, listening skills are paramount.... Best wishes to you.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:46 am on Aug. 28, 2005
SSRI's are often given out like candy by docs who don't really know enough about what they are doing.

They like them as you can't overdose on them like the older drugs and they are claimed to have less side effects I would say they have different side effects but still side effects.

Often people have to go through a variety of them and also changing the dose till they find the right balance.

Although they have some mild physical side effects the older drugs such as the TCA's (that are now dirt cheap due the pattent running out) IMHO are often overlooked as a very viable alternative to the SSRI's. Of course there is no money to be made in dishing out the older drugs so the docs get hit all the time from the drug companies push the newest and latest drugs out there.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:40 pm on Aug. 28, 2005
At the price point I troll at, the last thing I need is a cognitive enhancer. I want to forget last night escapades and with who. Anyone seen my beer goggles?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:08 pm on Aug. 28, 2005

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