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so, the plan for tuesday, 2/27/2007, was to try to hit a few temples, maybe the floating market.

no temples were visited, as the young taxi driver we first comissioned didn't know the way (but he spoke up after about two minutes so no fare paid). then we found another guy that made one very quick reference in accented english that my buddy and I didn't catch, which was to say that the floating market is outside of bangkok, but he can take us to river tour with floating market...which to us sounded like a floating market tour.

*sigh* not the case.

drove to the river and found a jetty with some people taking cash and getting tourists into boats. no problem we think, this will be fun. negotiate price down to 1200b for two people. taxi guy probably took a cut because we didn't see him again after getting on the boat...he didn't try to get paid from us either.

and off we went, along with this german couple (they paid 1600b, dumbass germans (yeah yeah, whatever, i'm part german, too!) - the chick had some mighty fine camel toe, mmmm-hmmm....anyway, I digress.

we motor north on the river, then west past the royal barge hangar, then basically turn around and go back to the jetty. no floating market. *sigh* oh well, we saw some of bangkok we wouldn't have before.

unfortunately, the spray from the river got us twice in the face. "shit." I think, as I pretend i'm a trumpet player trying to remove the water from my lips.

this, as it later turns out, didn't help, because around 2am wednesday, 02/28/2007, I started enjoying some diahrea. not fun...really f***ed with my oily massage beforehand.

i stave off puking until about 6:30am when I wake to a tightened stomach and the desire to remove myself from the bed and get thee hence to the toilet.

one half-gallon of puke (seems I didn't digest anything from tuesday's meals) later and I actually feel good enough to shower...this is important because during the puking I was shitting my pants.

i was not happy on this point.

needless to say, I would recommend wearing a mask for the boat rides...

i just hope this thing goes away before my flight tomorrow...i feel that it might, but you never know...


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:33 pm on Feb. 27, 2007
I wanna say it but....but...but....nah....I won't.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:17 pm on Feb. 27, 2007
A bit of Immodium stashed beforehand in the toilet kit saves the day.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:38 pm on Feb. 27, 2007

Quote: from Yurune on 8:41 am on Feb. 28, 2007
"I wanna say it but....but...but....nah....I won't.

I can't say it either.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:09 pm on Feb. 27, 2007
I could.....butt maybe later...let's let MacDuk have an expert opinion.....he needs the practice

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:21 pm on Feb. 27, 2007
i brought pepto with me, but it appears to have done nothing significant...of course, I can only imagine the horror I would have experienced without it...


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:39 pm on Feb. 27, 2007
Myrth : If you like to take boat and see exactly what you seen for a cheaper price, just take the "boat bus" from any station along the river, price to go all along bangkok is about 20 or 30 bahts...Just to cross the river is 7 bahts

Sorry you had troubles with the water, on the "boat bus" you wont likely have this problem again because its a much bigger boat so it does not receive water inside like those long-tail boats...


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:45 am on Feb. 28, 2007
I suppose that the Germans where sitting behind you in the boat.;)
Maybe they are not so stupid after as they look like.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:16 pm on Mar. 21, 2007
Pepto-Bismol also make "caplets." At the first signs of a upset stomach and/or diarrheal take two caplets with water. After about 20-30 minutes you should start to feel better. Apparently the Pepto-Bismol surrounds and encases whatever is causing the problem and you discharge it later.
They work far better, IMHO, than the liquid.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:27 pm on Mar. 23, 2007
i had the shits so bad one night.... I took a sleeping pill so I could get some sleep.... then my wife shook me awake... I had shit in the bed...... true story.

As nice as she is, she said "you clean"

Another time I had the shits and the wife (as usual) locks the bathroom door while she was in it.... I was sceaming for her to get out..... I was standing there naked......... holding my butt cheeks closed.....

it didn't work. out it came all over the tile floor......

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:51 pm on Mar. 23, 2007

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