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Al Kiholic
I have some thoughts on this.

I am a normal white American dude. I don't think I smell badly. I have known many many different races of people and I don't like the smell of any of them when I get too close. I wouldn't say it is so bad that I can't stand it....Just not an attractive scent.
I am also in NO WAY trying to put down these races. So flame me if you wish...but I am just saying what I like in a smell of another human being. I like all of these people, consider them good friends, and hang out to this day with many.

I knew a guy from Korea. Went to his house for dinner, and when I walked in the front door. WOAH man. Not a good smell. After a few minutes you got used to it and the night went on.

I dated for a short time a girl from Egypt. Same thing, different smell. But also not very attractive scent. All of her family lived in another city. Same deal.
A good good friend of mine from India...Same story, along with a dude from Puerto Rico. Not really fond of the scent in close conditions like in a crowded bar, in a car with the windows up, in a meeting sitting next to them...etc.
Oh yeah and a dude from Africa, but he was only 1 guy so I have nothing to compare him to...but that was just plain B.O. and I could not stand to be near him.
I have to assume that when foreign visitors get to close to me...they don't like what they smell, even though I have had many many white American girls tell me that I smell very very nice. (No guys have said anything because that would be f_cking gay and you might get dealt with)

So could it be that the attractive smell is all in what you are used to.
Thai's like thai smell. Farangs like farang smell and so on and so fourth.

Again I have not been around many American's that I would say smell badly. (well not on a regular basis anyway...but there are some stinkers out there) But Thai girls say all farangs smell badly. That's not possible. It has to be that we (as human's) just like what is native to us.

Anyhoo....IMHO as always.

Word up
Peace out
Word to your mother
get jiggy wit it
Whatevea Hata


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:36 am on April 12, 2003
Al Kiholic
Also ...ya know....

Americans have a pretty f_cked up diet as a rule.

NO I didn't say all you kelp eating, tree hugging SOB's shut the hell up. I didn't mean you.

But American's seem to shove as many chemicals into every f_cking food we's no wonder people think we smell. Even health food I can't read 1/2 the damn ingredience. Besides all the friggin McDonalds, and BK, and TV Dinners, and MSG and junk food and fatty food like Slim Jims and string cheese.

Is there ANYthing we don't over-do-it with????

I don't think so.
I am not proud of it.
But I am just as guilty as the next guy.

The effects haven't hit me yet though. I am 32, 5'9, 170 pounds, in good health, have all my hair and teeth, and I don't think I smell.....but a Thai might what with all the friggin Double Whoppers I eat and frosty's from Wendy's.

Rock on

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:57 pm on April 12, 2003

Quote: from Agamemnon on 7:40 pm on April 12, 2003
Jut one question though: Where do you guys find the time?

Aga, A real fast internet connection to an ISP which itself has good international mainpipe can sometimes work wonders in terms of saved time (I actually spend about 5 times more on the reading that on the posting).

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:35 pm on April 12, 2003
Amen to high speed broadband.

Scary thing  is that in the U.S, we talk about speeds in the megs like 2.2 meg download speeds. In Korea, they are talking about gig's!! Now .. that's fast!! ha ha ha!!

I feel sorry for those who are on dial up and are getting maybe 28.8 kilobytes per second!!

And, I'm with you. I spend more time reading then posting, which has nothing to do with dl speeds!! ha ha ha!!

Have a good one buddy.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:49 pm on April 12, 2003
Two "smell" data points:

Smell point #1) Had a live-in Korean g/f for many years. She liked to cook stuff like kimchee jeegae. Smells horrid but actually tastes good. House stinks for days. Her body always smelled a bit like garlic, as the Koreans eat loads of that. She tasted like garlic too. But I like garlic, so maybe not so bad. Disclaimer: your mileage with Korean girls may vary, please read the user manual.

Smell point #2) When in the Middle East, I love the smell of the spices in the souks. My partner in crime managed to hook up with a Lebanese lady and she followed him back to the U.S. and lived with him for awhile. He is far more "smell-phobic" than me, and said she not only smelled but tasted like those spices (she is a vegetarian). He was in heaven, and he is very picky on the smell scale.

- Balls

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:56 pm on April 12, 2003
BTW, regarding Al K's rant about stinky Americans. I noticed that my own body odor diminishes radically (especially armpit odor) after about a month in Thailand. My TGF always cooks for us when we aren't eating out (food, that is ).

When I got back to the States in January, I noticed how little body odor I generated. But within two months I was back to my usual stinky farang self. So it is definitely the food. As a result, I've changed my diet quite a bit in the last 6 months -- actually eating healthier as a result of this. Maybe someday, I won't be so offensive  (smelling, that is).

- Balls

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:02 pm on April 12, 2003
Just one final note while on this rant.  I can only desribe the smell of my buddy's Lebanese girlfriend as "perfume." The spices that wafted from her body were subtle and intoxicating. She smelled as sweet and exotic (she was a raven-haired beauty) as she was. Sorry, just fantasizing a bit in the Wayback Machine. Okay, I've wiped myself off now, so I can submit this.

- Balls

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:07 pm on April 12, 2003
I suppose that if we're talking about what MP and GG girls think about what farangs smell like, they're likley to be getting a lot closer than the average girl we might be talking to.  Needless to say, that honey on my side telling me how sweet I smell might not think my ass smells nearly as pleasant while licking the bottom of my balls.  

As for washing methods, maybe consider using those adult wet wipe things or simply get your shitting over with before your daily shower.  Seems to work for me, and I eat a horrible diet.  

The only thing I don't get is Western baths.  Why sit in all that filthy water while "cleaning" yourself?  If you're going to take a bath, do it like the Japanese and wash yourself off BEFORE you get in.  Makes more sense to me.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:24 pm on April 12, 2003
Al - Damn strait about all those odd chemicals!  And now we have to wonder about all this genetic shit too.  Most governments forbid food processors to test genetically modified ingredients on children, but they can still sell them the exact same ingredients in products like KRAFT Mac & Cheese on every shelf in every supermarket.  What a f_cked-up era we live in.  

They way things seem to work today, everybody just keeps putting anything they come across in their system, and then when they get screwed-up they sue.  If people just read the f_cking ingredients, they'd see plenty to be concerned about before it was too late.

Remember, the first genetically modified products were sold on store shelves in 1998.  We won't know what the true long-term impact will be until roughly 30 years from now.  My guess is that we should get ready for some wicked shit!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:20 am on April 13, 2003

Couldn't agree more about the bathing thing. That's why I'm also a big fan of "the hose" by the toilet. Matter of fact, installed one in my house (not kidding, I bought the industrial version of this from the good folks at Nana Hotel).  Let's you be squeaky clean all day long, no matter what!

- Balls

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:20 am on April 13, 2003

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